2024 Chinese Drama List

Love Is Written in the Stars Episode 14 Recap

> Love Is Written in the Stars
> Love Is Written in the Stars Recap

Zhou Ping lost his sanity and brutally knocked down Zhou Yuan to the ground. The bystanders sat and watched, not willing to lend a helping hand. Just then, news of the library catching fire spread, causing everyone to panic and rush to put out the fire. Wei Qi heard the commotion and felt that something was wrong, so he quickly went out to look for Zhou Yuan. When he arrived at the martial arts arena, he saw Zhou Yuan spitting out blood and fainting on the ground.

Pei Yin arrived in time and helped Ning Lan and Lin Yan out of trouble. Xue Deng used Zhou Yuan's life as a hostage and forced Pei Yin to become his puppet. Pei Yin had no choice but to agree to Xue Deng's demand. Meanwhile, Doctor Xue told Wei Qi that in order to practice the Chu Yun Heart Method, the injuries on Zhou Yuan's body had to be transferred to the practitioner, and this would ultimately be a one-way road. Without hesitation, Wei Qi was determined to save Zhou Yuan no matter what the cost.

In her dream, Zhou Yuan saw her brother Zhou Ping covered in scars and puppet threads. She heard someone cursing, saying that the siblings fought each other and wanted to become the head of the academy. Zhou Yuan tried to cut off the puppet threads on her brother's body, but her efforts were in vain. Exhausted, she heard someone approaching from behind, and it was Wei Qi who embraced her. Zhou Yuan turned around and saw that Wei Qi was covered in wounds. She wanted to say something, but before she could, Wei Qi disappeared.

Zhou Yuan woke up from a nightmare and found that everything had changed. Her palpitations had been cured, but her brother had been captured by Jie Yuan Si, and Wei Qi was also missing. Cui Ying told Zhou Yuan that if she agreed to join Jie Yuan Si, Zhou Ping could stay in the capital. Seeing that Zhou Yuan was still hesitant, Cui Ying did not urge her, but let her think carefully. After all, after joining Jie Yuan Si, she would lose some of her freedom, such as not being able to talk about marriage during her tenure. Cui Ying also persuaded Zhou Yuan that she should see her own value clearly and use her abilities in truly useful places. In order to save her brother, Zhou Yuan finally agreed to Cui Ying's conditions.

Before joining Jie Yuan Si, Zhou Yuan wanted to get some answers from Wei Qi. She went through a lot of trouble to find him, but she realized that he seemed to be intentionally avoiding her. Wei Qi's tone was cold and he told Zhou Yuan that he was only preoccupied with official duties and not intentionally avoiding her. Zhou Yuan's voice choked up as she expressed that she would always support Wei Qi no matter what decision he made. However, when she heard that Wei Qi was determined to go to Nan Zhao to quell the rebellion, she hesitated.

The Jie Yuan Si is an organization responsible for managing "Yiren" (people with special abilities), and holds all the registration data of these Yiren. The mission of the Jie Yuan Si is to hide the existence of these Yiren, prevent them from causing harm to society, and gradually wear down their abilities until they become ordinary people. Zhou Yuan wants to join the Jie Yuan Si of the Yiren Institution. Her task is to serve as a matchmaker between these Yiren and ordinary people, but she must not allow any romantic relationships to develop between the Yiren themselves.

On her first day in office, Zhou Yuan encountered someone from the Shen Ji Men. This person's name was Jiang Ran, and his ability was to be able to turn invisible at night. Previously, he had been ordered by Xue Deng to rob a bride named Miss Lv, but he was deeply moved by her and therefore asked Zhou Yuan to help him find Miss Lv so that he could express his feelings to her. Jiang Ran also told Zhou Yuan some things about the Shen Ji Men and explained that he was now a member of Jie Yuan Si. Zhou Yuan naturally wanted to help Jiang Ran, but she didn't know where to start. Just as she was worrying, Lin Yan and Ning Lan appeared.

With the help of Ning Lan and Lin Yan, Zhou Yuan successfully completed the first task. Watching Jiang Ran and Miss Lu finally become a couple, Zhou Yuan felt deeply moved. She promptly wrote a letter to Wei Qi, who was far away in Nan Zhao, inquiring about his recent situation and sharing the things she had recently encountered. Through this incident with Jiang Ran, she seemed to have understood that if two people truly love each other, they won't care whether it was fate or not.

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