2024 Chinese Drama List

Love Is Written in the Stars Episode 20 Recap

> Love Is Written in the Stars
> Love Is Written in the Stars Recap

Wu Ying brought Zhou Yuan to the Misty Mountain. Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Yuan ran inside quickly. People inside saw her and hurriedly stopped her, indicating that the mountain was full of miasma. Zhou Yuan quickly stopped her steps, feeling angry and anxious. The miasma was the strongest between day and night alternation, and Zhou Yuan had to find Wei Qi before sunrise. Luckily, she succeeded.

Wei Qi had been asleep for a long time. In his dream, he seemed to have returned to his childhood and was locked in a dark little house. A beam of dazzling light came in, and he seemed to see a butterfly. Wei Qi reached out to touch it, but saw Zhou Yuan's figure. He thought he was still dreaming, so he pinched Zhou Yuan's face hard. Hearing Zhou Yuan's painful scream, he woke up. He was very upset and held Zhou Yuan tightly without letting go.

As the two of them were deeply in love, the people from Shen Ji Men threw down a rope at an inopportune time and asked them to hurry up. Wei Qi tied up Zhou Yuan and let her go up first. However, at this moment, the entire forest began to shake violently, and the trap was blocked by rocks. The people from Shen Ji Men escaped, but unexpectedly met a hermit. The hermit claimed to be Zhou Pei, the county magistrate of Qinglin County, and also Zhou Yuan's father.

In the dark valley, many lovesick butterflies flew in and danced towards a direction. Zhou Yuan and Wei Qi were puzzled, so they followed the direction of the lovesick butterflies. After walking for a long time, the dark valley finally revealed a glimmer of light. Wei Qi was very happy. If they kept moving forward, they might be saved. However, Zhou Yuan felt something was strange. Why was the light blue? Wei Qi didn't care, since they were both going to die anyway, they might as well go and explore. Maybe they could find a way out.

The two walked towards the blue light, but couldn't find the exit. Instead, they found many Wu Yin Stones. Zhou Yuan couldn't help but remember what her father had said before: being in a cave lit by blue light would reveal unknown truths. Zhou Yuan tried to grab a Wu Yin Stone and suddenly, unfamiliar yet familiar images flooded her mind. Before she could react, she became weak and fainted. At that moment, Zhou Pei appeared.

Zhou Yuan was brought back to the Zhou Mansion by Zhou Pei and slept for many days. During that time, she had a dream. In the dream, she saw the woman from her memory, who told her that the cave filled with Wu Yin Stones was her true origin. Suddenly, some meteorites fell from the sky and headed straight for a mountain village. The woman told Zhou Yuan that it was Wu Yin Village, and the appearance of the aliens was due to the sudden arrival of the Star Falling a hundred years ago.

As a woman who is the leader of her tribe, she intended to use her absorbing ability to help all the villagers return to normal, but suddenly there was a landslide in Wu Yin village. The woman had no choice but to put Zhou Yuan, who was still in her swaddling clothes, into a basket and let her drift downstream. Thus, Zhou Yuan met Zhou Pei and found her own family. The woman said goodbye to Zhou Yuan and gave her a hairpin, letting her make her own choice.

Zhou Yuan woke up from her dream and found the handkerchief in her room, believing the words of the woman in her dream. At this point, Zhou Pei had to tell the truth. Just then, Duke Wei arrived. Wei Qi knelt in front of his two fathers with Zhou Yuan and declared that they had privately agreed to spend their lives together. Zhou Yuan looked at Wei Qi's serious face and felt warm inside. However, Zhou Pei told everyone that it was Duke Wei who led the troops to attack Wu Yin village.

Zhou Yuan didn't care at all, after all, the grudges of the previous generation had nothing to do with her or Wei Qi. However, Duke Wei still refused to accept her as his daughter-in-law, saying that since Zhou Yuan had entered Jie Yuan Si, she could not be married. At this moment, Pei Yin came with the marriage proposal for Zhou Yuan and Wei Qi. The two fathers were a bit helpless and could only agree to sit down first and discuss the matter later. But just as they turned around, Pei Yin suddenly took Zhou Yuan and ran outside, and Wei Qi followed. The group disappeared in front of Zhou's mansion.

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