2024 Chinese Drama List

Love Is Written in the Stars Episode 24 (Ending) Recap

> Love Is Written in the Stars
> Love Is Written in the Stars Recap

Recently, Zhou Yuan has absorbed a lot of abilities, but her body is very healthy and there is no abnormality at all. This has made her very puzzled. She went to see Doctor Cui specifically and found that there was indeed nothing wrong. Zhou Yuan was worried instead of happy, feeling that something was not right. She accidentally saw a large pot of bloody gauze at Doctor Cui's place and asked about it, but Doctor Cui said it was used by a previous patient and it was not strange at all to him. Zhou Yuan didn't think much of it after that.

Bi Xingyue is pregnant, and Zhou Yuan specially visited to congratulate her. She learned that Bi Xingyue's last dream was about Wei Qi lying in a cave covered in blood, being held in Zhou Yuan's arms. Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuan immediately went to look for Wei Qi. However, Wei Qi had left two days ago, and no one knew where he had gone. Helpless, Zhou Yuan decided to use the Wu Yin Stone, but found that both Wu Ying and the stone that erases memories were missing. She suspected that Wei Qi had taken them, which further strengthened her determination to find him. Zhou Yuan then used her "trace light" ability to randomly return to Wei Qi's childhood. At that time, Wei Qi was kidnapped and already half unconscious. He instinctively wanted to drink water, and Zhou Yuan quickly brought him some. Just as Wei Qi drank it, Zhou Yuan disappeared again. She then went to the time when she was seriously injured in a martial arts competition and overheard Wei Qi asking Doctor Cui for advice on how to practice the "Rebirth Technique" to save her life. Only then did she know that she was able to survive because Wei Qi transferred all her injuries to himself.

Zhou Yuan finally realized how much Wei Qi had done for her. Tears streamed down her face as she activated the Su Guang once again and appeared in the Wu Yin cave. Wei Qi was barely holding on, covered in blood, and looking at her. Zhou Yuan questioned why Wei Qi had decided to sacrifice himself for her without her consent, but he didn't let her speak and gently kissed her, hoping that she would live on. Then he used the Wu Yin Stone, which could extract memories, to remove Zhou Yuan's memories, and soon she disappeared. Wei Qi was waiting for death when Pei Yin arrived unexpectedly. Pei Yin had hoped that Wei Qi would be with Zhou Yuan and not bear so much burden. However, Wei Qi had carried it all. This moved Pei Yin, who decided to shoulder it himself. Soon, Wei Qi lost consciousness.

Wei Qi woke up and found himself completely healed without a scratch on his body. He felt refreshed and energized, but was puzzled by the fact that all the non-human creatures seemed to have disappeared overnight. Even Ning Lan and Lin Yan had no memory of them and appeared to be ordinary people. Wei Qi began to doubt himself and went to Jie Yuan Si to investigate, but found that it was actually an official media office. He refused to believe that all his memories were wrong and desperately searched for clues of Jie Yuan Si's existence, but found nothing. Wei Qi was no longer the Wei Qi who nobody cared about. At least ten princesses in the imperial city were interested in marrying him, and the common people even started placing bets on which princess would win.

Wei Qi always had Zhou Yuan in his heart and was determined to find her, but he couldn't find any clues. Wei Qing reminded him to be careful about being forced into marriage. While saying that he would go to Chen Qing to cancel the marriage proposal, Wei Qi picked up the scissors, which frightened Wei Qing, who was worried that he would become a monk and end the Wei family line. One day, an imperial decree came from the palace, asking Wei Qi to marry the Xuan Du princess from Nan Zhao City. This princess was a legendary figure, born in Nan Zhao and raised in the palace. She was also known for her vicious character. Wei Qing was worried that he might offend her and Wei Qing advised him to reject her politely. Soon, Wei Qi entered the palace and expressed that his heart already belonged to someone else and didn't want to marry the princess. To his surprise, the princess was very generous and agreed to become his concubine. Unfortunately, Wei Qi was wholeheartedly devoted to Zhou Yuan and couldn't accept anyone else, so he refused the princess's misguided love.

However, the princess quickly told the story of Zhou Yuan and Wei Qi, which made Wei Qi feel that the princess was the person he was looking for. Unexpectedly, it was Cui Ying under the veil. Wei Qi learned from Cui Ying that Zhou Yuan was waiting for him at the place where they first met, under a peach tree. Wei Qi hurried there and Zhou Yuan rushed towards him, just like when they first met, she pressed him down and kissed his lips. This made Wei Qi very excited, his Zhou Yuan had returned. Zhou Yuan admitted that she had a crush on Wei Qi when she first saw him, and the two held hands and kissed on the grass. Pei Yin and Xing Yuan were together, and he warned Xing Yuan in advance, so that Wu Yin Village avoided the disaster of falling stars. Therefore, now everyone is just ordinary people, there is not so much sadness, only a peaceful and happy life.

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