2025 Chinese Drama List

My Precious Episode 15 Recap

> My Precious
> My Precious Recap

Sister Ju was extremely angry, insisting that Tian Lin publicly apologize. Others quickly tried to persuade Sister Ju, expressing regret for Beibei's passing. They acknowledged the unfortunate incident but emphasized that the dog couldn't be brought back. They hoped Sister Ju could state her demands so they could resolve the matter quickly, as it would benefit neither side. Shen Mi also spoke up. Surprisingly, Sister Ju recognized Shen Mi and threatened to involve Lü Chuan in the matter. She claimed there were backers behind Tian Lin's actions. Shen Mi, angered, vowed to confront the issue and face the consequences, even if it meant ruining Tian Lin. After hearing this, Sister Ju left in a huff.

Shen Mi wasn't bothered by the situation at all. Instead, he was grooming Carlo. Tian Tian was anxious, but Shen Mi proudly stated that he hadn't lost a lawsuit since he became aware of Lü Chuan. Still concerned, Tian Tian asked why Sister Ju and Dr. Chen had such a significant discrepancy in their stories. Shen Mi explained that Sister Ju placed herself on a moral high ground, forgetting Dr. Chen's explanation about the incubation period of infectious diseases. In her mind, the test results were fine initially. They continued discussing the matter when Shen Chen arrived with the news—Sister Ju had issued an ultimatum with a new article!

Shen Chen and Tian Tian, unable to sit still, took a recorder and went to confront the owner of the kennel, Mr. Fei. They were determined to extract the truth, but Mr. Fei had already seen the online comments about Tian Lin. As a shrewd businessperson, he wasn't easily fooled. Despite Tian Tian and Shen Chen recounting the conversation with him and Chen Yifan, Mr. Fei didn't divulge anything. Disheartened, they left. Meanwhile, Shen Mi and Carlo were playing when the doorbell rang. Shen Mi opened it to find Han Mengnan. She entered without a word, seemingly searching for something. Shen Mi, puzzled, told her that Tian Tian wasn't there. Han Mengnan chuckled, realizing that Shen Mi knew whom she was looking for!

Han Mengnan then questioned Shen Mi about Gao Zhuo. Hearing those two words, Shen Mi became alert, demanding to know how Mengnan knew about him. Mengnan recounted the day when Shen Mi took Tian Tian to pay respects, revealing that she opened the location sharing. Angry, Shen Mi disregarded Mengnan's distress. In Mengnan's eyes, she couldn't understand why Shen Mi changed after turning eighteen. Shen Mi was unwilling to reveal secrets to her but was willing to share them with a woman he'd known for only three months. Shen Mi stated that he had never liked Mengnan and left. Back home, Mengnan asked her father if he knew Gao Zhuo. Han's father explained that Gao Zhuo was Shen Mi's friend in Thailand who had already passed away. Mengnan finally understood why Shen Mi was so angry.

Tian Lin was still in chaos. Shen Chen and Tian Tian went to Sister Ju's house but were turned away by security. In the underground garage, they met Shen Mi, who, after investigating, discovered that Sister Ju had a Border Collie a few years ago. After its death, Sister Ju took a long time to find Beibei. Now, she was unwilling to accept the reality. The three realized they needed to find a Border Collie to replace Beibei. Dr. Chen went to the kennel to find Mr. Fei, gaining his trust before chaining them together. They planned to bring Mr. Fei to Sister Ju. Meanwhile, Shen Mi found a suitable Border Collie and rushed to Sister Ju's house. The dog seemed to calm Sister Ju, and the situation was resolved. Sister Ju shared the story of Beibei, and just as they finished, Dr. Chen and Mr. Fei arrived. Seeing the two bound together, everyone was bewildered. Sister Ju sincerely apologized, and the matter was finally resolved.

Shen Mi asked Tian Tian what lesson they could learn from this situation. He realized that Tian Lin's leaders lacked the ability to handle problems promptly. Shen Mi expressed that he couldn't always be there to help them. Tian Tian, suddenly emotional, and Shen Mi envisioned the initial purpose of veterinary medicine.

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