Cast of Ode to Joy 5 CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama Ode to Joy 5 Jiang ShuyingYe ZhenzhenMain Role Yang CaiyuFang ZhihengMain Role Karlina ZhangZhu ZheMain Role Zhang HuiwenHe MinhongMain Role Li HaofeiYu ChuhuiMain Role Shawn DouDavidSupport Role Wang AnyuLi QixingSupport Role Jing ChaoQi MuSupport Role Zhang HaoweiLiu SuSupport Role Qu ZhemingGuo ShengyangSupport Role Luo HaiqiongDavid's motherSupport Role Bao DazhiDavid's fatherSupport Role Tu LingHe Minhong's motherSupport Role Ji ChenmuHe Minhong's fatherSupport RoleRelated PostsOde to Joy 5 - Jiang Shuying, Yang Caiyu, Zhang JianingChinese Dramas Like Ode to Joy 5Gong Jun, Zhang Huiwen Coupled In "The Flaming Heart", The Drama Is Expected.Jiang Shuying Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListZhang Huiwen Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListYang Caiyu Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListLi Haofei Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListShow More