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Pretty Boy Episode 3 Recap

> Pretty Boy
> Pretty Boy Recap

At night, everyone gathered for a group cookout. Qing Cai noticed that the matron overseeing them, Hu Jiao, seemed to be in cahoots with Wang Yishao. At the same time, Wang Yishao observed that Qing Cai and Gan Pu didn’t seem particularly close, indicating that they probably didn’t know much about each other’s backgrounds. Meanwhile, the sharp-tongued and fiery Han Aizhen’s hostility toward Qing Cai was apparent, as if she had a deep-seated grudge against him.

The group egged on Qing Cai and Wang Yishao to dance together. These two men performed a supposedly enchanting dance, but their efforts ended up looking dull and lifeless. Hu Jiao, ever one to stir the pot, started making pointed comments, which Qing Cai and Wang Yishao tacitly ignored. Gan Pu also chuckled, teasing that their duet was awkward and mismatched.

The next day, Wang Yishao invited Qing Cai and Gan Pu for tea, hoping to probe into their reasons for coming to the manor. Over tea, Gan Pu shared her unique insights on life, offering advice on overcoming desires. She explained that most people’s anxiety stems from their inner desires. She admired those who find solace in nature, empathize with others' struggles, and find joy in collective happiness, thus leading carefree lives.

Wang Yishao was deeply impressed and sighed, remarking that life would be much simpler if everyone could be as enlightened as Gan Pu. Qing Cai, jealous of Wang Yishao’s fascination with Gan Pu, finally mustered the courage to ask her why she had come to the manor. Without hesitation, Gan Pu revealed her mission: to kill Yin Niang. Yin Niang was a highly skilled martial artist, and taking her down would not be easy.

Qing Cai admired Gan Pu’s decisiveness but felt self-conscious about his own lack of martial prowess. He resolved to avoid being a burden to her. Apart from eliminating Yin Niang, Gan Pu also needed to plan a successful escape. She and Qing Cai, under the guise of searching for food for Hu Jiao, secretly mapped out every corner of the manor. One night, as they sneaked out, they overheard a conversation ahead.

A maid was providing Yin Niang with crucial information: someone had entered the manor disguised as a woman. Yin Niang ordered her subordinates to conduct a thorough investigation. Wang Yishao also caught wind of this information. His instincts told him the rumor was likely true, but he hoped the suspect wasn’t who he feared. In reality, Yin Niang had deliberately leaked the news to test Wang Yishao, whose unique background suggested he had his own agenda in the manor.

Despite her suspicions, everyone remained under Yin Niang’s control. In her chamber, Yin Niang gracefully danced, confident that the secrets of the manor were as secure as ever. Hu Jiao’s cat seemed to be ill, looking lethargic every day. The group speculated whether someone had poisoned the cat but couldn’t identify any plausible suspects or motives. Hu Jiao then brought up another odd incident.

She claimed that after bathing with Gao Yin one evening, she discovered her clothes had been swapped with someone else’s. Confused, the group discussed possible culprits until Gan Pu diverted their attention by jokingly suggesting that it might have been Hong Hui. Hu Jiao, believing herself to be irresistible, decided to test this theory. She led a group of girls to Hong Hui’s room. Although he wasn’t there, Hu Jiao discovered her missing clothes in his room.

Not only that, but on his desk, she found a sketch of Qing Cai. Determined to get to the bottom of this, Hu Jiao decided to confront Hong Hui the next day. By now, Gan Pu had already figured out that Qing Cai was a man disguised as a woman. Knowing this, she became more cautious. Since they all shared a room, Gan Pu insisted that Qing Cai switch beds and move next to hers. This way, she could personally keep an eye on him and ensure that the reputation of the other girls wasn’t compromised.

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