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Little Mad Doctor Episode 16 Recap

> Little Mad Doctor
> Little Mad Doctor Recap

Chu Jinghong said that this is the Moon Lady flower, and whoever can make the Moon Lady flower bloom can bring prosperity to the country. The Empress wanted to try and see for herself, but Chu Jinghong secretly switched the potion, so the flower didn't bloom. It turned out that Wen Liangyu had secretly switched the potion earlier.

The Empress asked Chu Jinghong to try again, and when Chu Jinghong touched the Moon Lady flower, it bloomed. The Empress was very angry and thought that Chu Jinghong had deliberately embarrassed her. Yu Longyuan suddenly felt unwell and realized that the drink he had just had might be the cause.

Yu Longyuan got up to bid farewell to the Emperor, saying that since the flower had bloomed, he would leave first. But the Emperor disagreed and asked him to stay. Yu Longyuan asked if he was going to keep him there by force.

The Emperor said that Yu Longyuan was the recent assassin and even though he was under a blood curse, he could not let him go. Chu Jinghong said that the Emperor had been deceived, and the Empress asked if someone under a blood curse wouldn't bleed all over. She asked Yu Longyuan to take off his clothes to see. Yu Longyuan took off his coat, but there was no blood on him. Ye Feibai came over and said that the assassin had been caught and had confessed, producing a statement.

Yu Longyuan took Chu Jinghong away first, and he felt very uncomfortable in the carriage. The Emperor asked the Empress what had happened, and she thought that the poison was very difficult to cure, but they might have found a way to ease it.

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