2024 Chinese Drama List

Dashing Youth Recap, Plot, Synopsis

> Dashing Youth

Dashing Youth Synopsis

The young master of the Marquis Zhenxi Mansion, Baili Dongjun, has always been mischievous since childhood. He is not interested in poetry, books, military strategies, or martial arts, but he excels at brewing wine. This is solely because of a promise he made with his childhood friend Ye Yun, who was killed at a young age, to become a "wine immortal."

However, his destiny was not in his hands. In the end, he joined the sect of Li Changsheng, the number one martial artist in the world, and began learning martial arts. During this process, he met his confidante Yueyao and reunited with Ye Yun, who had changed his name to Ye Dingzhi. Influenced and motivated by them, Baili Dongjun began to reassess his own identity and the responsibilities he should bear.

Many years later, Ye Dingzhi was manipulated and launched a war to attack the Central Plains. Meanwhile, Baili Dongjun led a group of heroes from all over the world to resist. Faced with Ye Dingzhi, the present Baili Dongjun did not back down. He had to save the people and also rescue his good friend.

Dashing Youth Recap

Episode 1 Recap

Fifteen years ago, Beique and Xichu were successively conquered by Beili, and their territories were brought under Beili’s rule. Some of Beique’s people moved north and rebuilt their power outside the ice fields, intending to restore their nation. Meanwhile, the people of Xichu completely integrated into Beili. The once-powerful Yan family from Xichu became one of the two most powerful factions in Beili’s Southwest Dao after years of development, rivaling the Gu family from Beili.

This rivalry intensified in the fifteenth year of Taihe when Gu family patriarch, Gu Luoli, suddenly died in Babei City, sparking a fierce competition for dominance in the Southwest Dao. Yan family patriarch, Yan Bietian, took advantage of the Gu family’s leaderless state and sought to forcibly marry Gu Jianmen, the second son of the Gu family, to a member of his own family. As the storm approached, various forces began to stir. At this moment, heavy rain poured down.

Gu Jianmen, at home, received a report from his subordinate that the Yan family patriarch demanded all white cloth in the house be replaced with red silk. This was seen as an outrageous demand, as if they were to be slaughtered at will. Gu Jianmen lamented that his life’s ambitions were to die in vain.

He threw the wine jug in his hand to the ground and grasped the sword his brother had given him, symbolizing his brother’s expectations for him. Naturally, Gu Jianmen refused to be bullied. He declared that he feared nothing more than drawing his sword and would not let the Yan family annex the Gu family without a fight. Meanwhile, in Chaisang City, everyone on the street was staring at Baili Dongjun.

He had initially thought that opening a tavern there would bring good business, but unexpectedly, he had no customers. Baili Dongjun approached the owner of the shop next door, inviting him to drink at his tavern, but was rudely refused. Returning to his tavern, he found Sikong Changfeng still sleeping. Baili Dongjun thought everyone he encountered was odd, and the street was deserted. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a carriage.

Hoping to meet a customer, Baili Dongjun hurried outside, only to find it was Yan Bietian. Baili Dongjun kindly invited Yan Bietian inside for a drink, confident in the quality of his wine. Yan Bietian, seeing the approaching rain, decided to accept the invitation. Upon entering, Yan Bietian noticed the sleeping Sikong Changfeng and mistook him for a customer. Baili Dongjun quickly explained that Sikong Changfeng was his waiter.

Baili Dongjun brought out all the wine in the tavern, though it was expensive. Yan Bietian paid with a silver note and invited Baili Dongjun to drink with him. Yan Bietian claimed to have tasted better wine and threw a cup towards Sikong Changfeng, who caught it instantly despite being asleep on the table. Baili Dongjun was astonished. Sikong Changfeng drank the wine, recognizing that Yan Bietian had come to cause trouble.

Both displayed their skills, with Sikong Changfeng realizing his opponent’s formidable strength. As Yan Bietian prepared to leave, Sikong Changfeng caught a whiff of a woman’s fragrance, deducing there was a woman in Yan Bietian’s carriage. The woman was Yan Bietian’s sister, Yan Liuli. Yan Bietian planned to eliminate them, having controlled the entire street for a month, except for this mysterious tavern.

He poured wine for his sister, who acknowledged its quality but lamented it would never gain widespread fame. Baili Dongjun continued pondering how to make his tavern famous. Sikong Changfeng sensed the street’s peculiar atmosphere, worried they might get entangled in the Gu-Yan family feud. Gu Jianmen was the one set to marry in the forced alliance. Baili Dongjun thought of having Gu Jianmen use his tavern’s wine to spread its fame.

As Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng ventured out into the rain, the sky suddenly turned dark. On a high rooftop stood two women, one in black and one in white. A man with an umbrella arrived at Gu Jianmen’s house. Seeing him, Gu Jianmen’s subordinate tried to threaten him with a sword, but Gu Jianmen guessed the man was Su Moyu from the Dark River. Gu Jianmen invited him for a drink, knowing where the Dark River appeared, death followed.

Su Moyu claimed he came to help Gu Jianmen against the Yan family. Gu Jianmen declined, stating he did not need the Dark River for revenge. They engaged in a duel in the rain, both using their ultimate moves. They stood their ground on the rooftop, with Gu Jianmen not intending to kill Su Moyu, just wanting to fight. After the duel, Su Moyu left, and the air cooled.

Sikong Changfeng felt an ominous premonition, wanting to take Baili Dongjun away, but they were blocked by Su Moyu and his black-and-white-clad subordinates. Su Moyu told them to leave quickly, and they complied. Returning to their tavern, they found trouble waiting. Sikong Changfeng fought off the attackers, who were no match for him. Then, a butcher entered, and Sikong Changfeng engaged him in a fierce fight, the tavern becoming a wreck.

Sikong Changfeng told Baili Dongjun to leave, but he was stopped by another shopkeeper, who demanded one of them stay and die. Sikong Changfeng vowed to protect Baili Dongjun if he survived, and at that moment, Lei Mengsha arrived to help.

Episode 2 Recap

Lei Mengsha immediately started arguing with the opponent. The butcher could not out-argue Lei Mengsha and was thoroughly enraged, striking out with his knife. Lei Mengsha retaliated. Before long, Gu Jianmen learned that Lei Mengsha had arrived. Though uncertain if there was still a chance, he was no longer resigned to a certain death. All the shop owners on the street came out, planning to join forces against Lei Mengsha.

They believed Lei Mengsha couldn't possibly defeat them all alone, but then Mengxuan arrived, scattering countless flower petals. Lei Mengsha quickly led Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun away. Lei Mengsha asked for their names, initially suspecting they were spies arranged by Lao Qi. Baili Dongjun hurriedly explained that they had only sneaked out with a land deed from home to sell wine here and were not spies. Lei Mengsha realized he had saved the wrong people and felt guilty.

Soon after, Mengxuan arrived, not alone but with others. Su Moyu was surprised to see Su Changhe, who claimed to have a premonition that something significant would happen in Chaisang City. Lei Mengsha told Mengxuan that there were two major families in the entire Southwest Dao: the Gu family and the Yan family. Half a month ago, Gu Luoli suddenly died, leaving Gu Jianmen as the only potential head of the Gu family.

Gu Wuye arranged a marriage between Gu Jianmen and the Yan family, with most of Gu Fu under Yan family control. It was surprising to see Baili Dongjun here. At this moment, Baili Dongjun informed everyone that a woman in red was approaching. The woman was Yan Liuli, who had sneaked over while her brother was not paying attention. Lei Mengsha had called Yan Liuli, who came because of her love for Gu Luoli.

Yan Liuli knew her brother intended to control the Gu family through her marriage. She asked everyone to help her disrupt the wedding and be ready to kill, revealing that a more powerful force was behind her brother. The next day, Baili Dongjun announced he was going to disrupt the wedding. Sikong Changfeng doubted Baili Dongjun, who didn't even know martial arts, but Baili Dongjun was determined to make a name for himself.

A year ago, while sleeping under a tree, Baili Dongjun had awoken to see a celestial beauty named Yue Yao. He was instantly captivated by her. Yue Yao had come to seek Baili Dongjun's master’s help. As Yue Yao was leaving, Baili Dongjun asked for her address, but she replied she would come to him when he became famous. This motivated Baili Dongjun to seek fame.

Lei Mengsha remarked that Baili Dongjun’s quest for fame over a woman would likely lead to trouble, but Baili Dongjun was undeterred. A group of people were traveling by carriage when they were suddenly knocked down by someone named Chu Tong. Despite knowing the opponent was from the Yan family, they were unafraid. The Yan family members were also unwilling to show weakness.

At this moment, the opponent recognized Liu Yue in the carriage, who was reluctant to show his face. Liu Yue was one of the Eight Young Masters, skilled in martial arts. Seeing he was no match for Liu Yue, the opponent called for hidden reinforcements. A white-haired man named Mo Qixuan arrived and thrust his sword into Liu Yue’s carriage. Mo Qixuan, also a celestial being, intended to kill Liu Yue.

More people arrived, and Mo Qixuan said he wanted to see Liu Yue’s face before killing him. Mo Qixuan used his lightness skill to soar into the air, but Mo Xiaohei blocked the carriage. Sikong Changfeng, uninterested in love affairs, held a gun his master had given him. His master, too, had roamed the world for a woman and ultimately was killed. Sikong Changfeng did not care about such emotions.

He only had memories from when he was fifteen and did not know what happened in his childhood. Initially, Sikong Changfeng wanted to replace Baili Dongjun in disrupting the wedding, but Baili Dongjun refused. Baili Dongjun mentioned knowing an excellent doctor and planned to take Sikong Changfeng for treatment after disrupting the wedding. Mo Qixuan was injured but managed to retreat with only minor wounds. He was unsure why Liu Yue was carrying a coffin.

Liu Yue sensed another force behind him. Liu Yue and Mo Xiaohei could be described as a handsome prince and an ugly prince. Gu Jianmen was prepared, aware that the next day would be his wedding day. The opponent had already sent the wedding dress, and Gu Jianmen planned to wear white the next day, leaving uncertain whether it would be a funeral or a wedding.

Episode 3 Recap

Soon, the entire city was filled with festivity. Gu Wuye was at the door welcoming guests, but Hui Xijun did not bother to acknowledge him. Su Moyu had been waiting for Gu Jianmen to come to him, but after a long wait, he still did not see Gu Jianmen. Meanwhile, Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun had already arrived outside the city gate, waiting to disrupt the wedding. However, they were stopped by Gu family subordinates at the gate.

Unexpectedly, Lei Mengsha also arrived, making the situation more complicated. Su Moyu and Su Changhe watched from upstairs as Yan's family had prepared to take over the Gu family, bringing a large number of soldiers. Soon, Gu Jianmen and Yan Liuli also arrived, each harboring their own thoughts. When it came time to bow to the heavens and the earth, neither Gu Jianmen nor Yan Liuli made any move.

Gu Jianmen saw his subordinate nodding to him, indicating everyone was ready. At that moment, Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng arrived together. Gu Wuye said he had never invited Baili Dongjun, who responded that he came to disrupt the wedding. Yan Bietian immediately ordered his men to kill Baili Dongjun, but Sikong Changfeng intervened. Yan Bietian's people were not easy to deal with. Sikong Changfeng fought to let Baili Dongjun escape, but instead of running, Baili Dongjun called for Liuli.

Suddenly, a little white creature appeared—Baili Dongjun’s secret weapon. Standing on the creature’s head, Baili Dongjun's identity was revealed to everyone. Lei Mengsha also saw Liuli and learned Baili Dongjun's identity, fearing trouble if Baili Dongjun’s father found out. Luo Xuan announced Liu Yue’s arrival. Yue Yao did not expect Baili Dongjun to come to Chaisang City. The little white creature scared Gu Wuye to the ground.

Baili Dongjun claimed he had a dream lover, and Yan Bietian stated there was no need to disrupt the wedding if Baili Dongjun did not like Liuli. Then, Lei Mengsha and Mo Xiaohei placed a coffin before them, declaring it was he who came to disrupt the wedding. Yan Liuli, once childhood sweethearts with Gu Luoli, stepped forward, expressing her willingness to marry Gu Luoli. Baili Dongjun drank the wedding wine of Yan Liuli and Gu Luoli, astonishing everyone.

Yan Bietian wanted to kill Baili Dongjun, not fearing the Baili family. Just as the little white creature was being controlled, Baili Dongjun fell but was saved by Sikong Changfeng. Yue Yao had long seen that Baili Dongjun was born with a martial pulse, making him more important than the Yan family. Gu Jianmen confronted Gu Wuye, who feigned kindness. Gu Luoli’s death was suspicious.

Gu Jianmen removed his red attire to reveal white underneath, vowing to avenge his brother and declaring Gu Wuye unfit to be part of the Gu family. He then killed Gu Wuye with his sword. With the traitor eliminated, the next target was Yan Bietian. Yan Bietian was prepared for defense but did not expect Gu Jianmen's superior strength. Gu Jianmen killed Yan Bietian with one strike.

Yan Liuli turned her back on her brother as Gu Jianmen covered his eyes. Gu Jianmen thanked Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng for their help. Before they could rest, Yue Yao’s forces arrived, targeting Baili Dongjun for his martial pulse. Sikong Changfeng was knocked to the ground. At that moment, Wen Luojiu arrived, poisoning the enemy, who turned to ashes. Seeing this, the others retreated. Wen Luojiu asked his nephew Baili Dongjun who he had provoked.

Baili Dongjun replied that he had helped them significantly. Yan Liuli declared that from today, she would be the head of the Yan family, and the wedding would continue with Gu Luoli. Wen Luojiu took Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng away. Yue Yao, learning of her subordinate Elder Chen’s death, decided to leave. Baili Dongjun envied the bond between Gu Jianmen and his brother, reminiscing about a childhood friend who had died. Now, Sikong Changfeng was his good brother.

Yue Yao wanted to use Baili Dongjun's martial pulse to restore Beique’s power, but since he had no martial skills yet, there was no need to take him away for now. Wen Luojiu prepared a medicinal bath to treat Sikong Changfeng, asking Baili Dongjun to guard the door, promising a cure in two days. At the door, Baili Dongjun saw Su Moyu and Su Changhe, who bid farewell, saying they would meet again if fate allowed, and then left.

Episode 4 Recap

Baili Dongjun was still discussing how strange Su Changhe and his brother were, so he didn't notice that Yue Yao had already left. When Sikong Changfeng woke up, he felt full of energy. He got up from the bed and hurried to eat. Wen Luojiu's poisonous snakes returned to him, and he said that these snakes had saved Sikong Changfeng's life. However, to heal Baili Dongjun, he had poisoned Baili Dongjun, wanting the new Baicao to detoxify him.

Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng had to part ways. Baili Dongjun gave Sikong Changfeng a pot of wine, and they bid farewell. Baili Dongjun wondered if he, too, was destined to die in the martial world. Wen Luojiu told him not to speak nonsense. A man named Ye Xiaofan was woken up by a child for breakfast. Ye Xiaofan was lazy, and the child teased him, saying he wouldn’t find a wife.

Ye Xiaofan drew his sword, saying he should find a proper occupation. Wen Luojiu asked Baili Dongjun to return with him, but Baili Dongjun refused. Soon, the Sword Forest would open, and Baili Dongjun wanted to go with his uncle, Wen Luojiu. Baili Dongjun mentioned that his mother had found him a master named Su Muqing, but his father had only taught him for three days.

Baili Dongjun didn’t like martial arts before, but recent events made him want to train again. Wen Luojiu spoke of Mr. Li, who was the top choice in the martial arts ranking with just one sword strike. Baili Dongjun became curious about swordsmanship, and Wen Luojiu planned to find him a good sword. Ye Xiaofan was leaving, and the child, though pretending not to care, was actually reluctant.

The child wanted to introduce his sister to Ye Xiaofan, but Ye Xiaofan said he already had a marriage agreement. Now that he was older, he planned to find her after accomplishing his goals. The child suggested he say goodbye to everyone before leaving. Ye Xiaofan, whose real name was Ye Dingzhi, bid farewell and left. At this time, Wen Luojiu and Baili Dongjun arrived at the Sword Forest, noticing that everyone had a sword, even the dogs.

Wen Luojiu explained the Sword Forest to Baili Dongjun, and they passed by Ye Dingzhi, whose voice seemed familiar to Baili Dongjun. Soon, everyone arrived at the Sword Forest, shrouded in heavy mist. Wen Luojiu told Baili Dongjun this was the true Sword Forest. There were two major sword-making schools: Jianxinzhuo and Mingjian Villa. This event was hosted by Wei Zhangfeng of Mingjian Villa, and everyone came to obtain swords. The first round began immediately.

Baili Dongjun wanted the best sword. Wang Yixing arrived, saying swords must be obtained personally. Wen Luojiu thought Baili Dongjun would leave empty-handed. Baili Dongjun kept drinking, leaving only a piece of the Fire God Sword. Wei Zhangfeng pulled the Fire God Sword from the ground, and everyone scrambled for it. Wang Yixing joined the fray. Baili Dongjun, drowsy, watched Wang Yixing seize the Fire God Sword, followed by the Heavenly Palace Sword.

Baili Dongjun smelled lotus fragrance and decided to seize this sword. The people of Wushuang City wanted the sword, but Ye Dingzhi arrived, seeming familiar to Baili Dongjun. Ye Dingzhi also wanted the sword. They fought, and Wushuang City's people lost. Just when everyone thought Ye Dingzhi would take the sword, the drunken Baili Dongjun intervened, declaring his intention to take it. Ye Dingzhi was surprised to hear Baili Dongjun's name.

Baili Dongjun had no sword, but someone handed him one. However, his clothes were cut by Ye Dingzhi, who suspected Baili Dongjun was still lazy as before. Baili Dongjun recalled seeing his master practice swordsmanship. His master taught him once, and Baili Dongjun remembered it all, declaring he knew swordsmanship. All the swords became controlled by Baili Dongjun, who mimicked his master's moves, astonishing everyone.

Baili Dongjun had the sword but no song, as the Xichu Sword Song had long been lost. Ye Dingzhi didn't expect to see Baili Dongjun. They drank heartily on the stage, enjoying themselves, and Baili Dongjun then played a song.

Episode 5 Recap

Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi ended up in a tie, surprising everyone present. Ye Dingzhi admitted defeat graciously and handed the sword to Baili Dongjun. Unexpectedly, Wen Luojiu threw the sword away and left with Baili Dongjun. Baili Dongjun was puzzled as to why his uncle dragged him away, especially since he hadn't done anything wrong and only wanted to befriend Ye Dingzhi. Wen Luojiu told him not to concern himself with such matters, and they left together.

When others pursued them, Ye Dingzhi stood in their way, asking them not to rush and indicating that he wasn't to be taken lightly. As the others prepared to attack Ye Dingzhi, his companion arrived and insisted on being included in the fight. Meanwhile, Wen Luojiu and Baili Dongjun had already left, with Baili Dongjun falling asleep in the carriage. Half-asleep, he mumbled about possibly missing something important.

In their childhood, Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi were best friends, always together with Yi Wenjun. They enjoyed each other's company and aspired to be useful individuals. After Yi Wenjun left, Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi walked along, with Baili Dongjun expressing his desire to become a swordsman and always stay by Ye Dingzhi's side. They made a childhood pact to live freely with a sword and wine.

However, Ye Dingzhi's family underwent a coup, and his entire family was executed, which became the most painful memory for Ye Dingzhi. That night, Ye Dingzhi drank alone, reflecting on the events of the past years. His friend accompanied him, and they both speculated that Ye Dingzhi knew Baili Dongjun. His friend Wang Yixing also knew that the person Ye Dingzhi referred to was Baili Dongjun, but neither of them mentioned it explicitly.

Baili Dongjun was awakened by Wen Luojiu, holding a sword in his hand. Wen Luojiu informed him that the people coming to fetch him had arrived. Wen Luojiu was curious about the origin of the Xichu Sword Song. Before Baili Dongjun could answer, General Chen Sheng arrived, tied him up, and took him away. Baili Dongjun shouted for his grandfather to rescue him, as it was his grandfather who had orchestrated the "kidnapping.

"At this moment, Baili Chengfeng, Baili Dongjun's father, arrived. Baili Dongjun was not afraid of his father, and they argued. His mother calmly checked the situation while Wen Luojiu handed the sword to his sister, remarking that he hadn't seen such a fine sword in years. Wen Luojiu clarified that the sword wasn't taken by him but by Baili Dongjun. Initially, his sister didn't believe it, but upon hearing that it was indeed the Xichu Sword Song, she was astonished.

Emperor Tai'an was reviewing documents when a messenger brought news from Yingzong, revealing that Xichu was long dead. However, the Xichu Sword Song had re-emerged, and the swordsman was Baili Dongjun. Lei Mengsha reported to Xiao Ruofeng about encountering Baili Dongjun and learning that he knew the Xichu Sword Song. Xiao Ruofeng was also shocked and couldn't believe it. Baili Dongjun was confined in the woodshed, reminiscing about his childhood when he accidentally entered his master's formation.

As a child, Baili Dongjun had no interest in martial arts. He was about to be sent back, but he was fascinated by the taste of wine and decided to apprentice under his master. Baili Dongjun regretted the trouble he caused while drunk. Baili Chengfeng intended to discipline his son, but upon learning from his wife that Baili Dongjun knew the Xichu Sword Song, he was surprised.

Baili Dongjun was still sound asleep in the woodshed when his father arrived to take him away, only to find that his grandfather had already freed him. Baili Dongjun mocked the situation, and his wife pleaded with Baili Chengfeng. His grandfather adored Baili Dongjun and catered to his every need. His mother asked Baili Dongjun about his adventures in the Sword Forest, but he said he was tired, and his grandfather urged him to rest.

Baili Dongjun hurried to find his master, apologizing for causing trouble. His master explained that he had never taught Baili Dongjun swordsmanship, yet the techniques seemed ingrained in Baili Dongjun's mind, as if the sword controlled him. His master handed him a sword, stating that Baili Dongjun would understand his words in the future.

Episode 6 Recap

Baili Dongjun expressed his desire to learn swordsmanship, having met many formidable individuals in the Sword Forest. He didn't want to be outdone by them, so he sought to practice his sword skills. His master advised him to maintain a calm heart and remain fearless, even in the face of enemies. Yue Yao gazed at the mountains and rivers alone, spotting a house in the night and deciding to rest there for a while.

News of the emergence of the Xichu Sword Song soon reached Wuxiang of Tianwaixian. Yue Yao observed the people of Beique struggling to live peacefully due to the ongoing war. Even if Beique were restored, lost loved ones would never return. Sometimes, Yue Yao pondered the purpose of her current actions. She originally believed that regardless of the capital city, during the Lantern Festival, the city would be filled with lanterns.

Perhaps what the people of Beique truly desired was a simple life without conflict. Wen Luojiu received a message from his father, declaring that he would never allow his sister and nephew, Baili Dongjun, to be harmed. That night, Baili Dongjun drank alone on the rooftop, wondering about Sikong Changfeng's fate. Meanwhile, Sikong Changfeng, exhausted, was rescued by Medicine King Xin Bainian in a safe place.

Xin Bainian noticed the severe poison on Sikong Changfeng, recognizing it as Wen Luojiu's doing. Xin Bainian offered to save him under the condition that Sikong Changfeng explain how he survived such a deep poison. Sikong Changfeng mentioned that he had studied medical texts along the way, prompting Xin Bainian to see potential in him and consider passing on his skills. Sikong Changfeng, drunk, fell into a deep sleep.

Early in the morning, his father woke him up, insisting that he rise early to practice swordsmanship. Baili Dongjun, still lazing in bed, was doused with a bowl of cold water by his father. Even after getting up to practice swordsmanship, Baili Dongjun fell asleep sitting nearby. His father challenged him to a duel, and although Baili Dongjun was on guard, he couldn't defeat his father but refused to admit defeat.

Initially, Baili Dongjun looked down on his father's sword skills, but after a few slashes on the maple leaves behind him, they fell neatly. His father instructed Baili Dongjun to practice drawing his sword there and not to leave until he succeeded. Lei Mengsha found it uncomfortable to wear white clothes but was forced to comply. They had to disguise themselves as a prince.

Wen Luojiu never expected Baili Dongjun to have inner strength, which even Baili Dongjun was unaware of. It was uncertain how long he could conceal his skills. Baili Dongjun practiced diligently over the next few days, hoping to master the first step of drawing his sword. Despite his efforts, the scarecrow behind him remained unchanged. Finding it uninteresting, Baili Dongjun prepared to leave, only to be stopped by a maid.

Baili Dongjun asked for the best way to leave the courtyard, and the maid suggested knocking her out, which he found inappropriate. Ultimately, he resumed practicing his sword drawing. Despite many days of practice, Baili Dongjun made no progress. He asked the maid to bring his wine, recalling that he performed the Xichu Sword Song while drunk. He hoped drinking might unlock his inner strength.

After just a little wine, Baili Dongjun became dizzy and started talking to the scarecrow, unable to find his sword and struggling to stand. Suddenly, Baili Dongjun fell, and while the maid expected him to sleep until morning, everyone around felt a surge of strong inner power. Baili Dongjun stood up, intoxicated but with a determined gaze, and slashed the scarecrow into pieces. Everyone present was astonished, and one sword strike nearly injured Xiao Ruofeng.

Wen Luojiu realized that Baili Dongjun's inner strength was triggered when drunk, so it was crucial to be cautious. Baili Dongjun was still unaware of his prowess. His master played the zither under a peach blossom tree when someone intruded—Ji Ruofeng. Ji Ruofeng claimed to come on behalf of the court. The master immediately recognized Xiao Ruofeng and drew his sword, directing countless blades at him.

Xiao Ruofeng quickly prepared to defend himself, asserting that he also had original sword techniques. Baili Dongjun, learning that Xiao Ruofeng sought his master, grew worried and intended to help. Baili Chengfeng guarded the entrance with soldiers as various forces from Tianwaixian arrived, injuring him severely. Meanwhile, Xiao Ruofeng was also knocked down and admitted his mistakes. The master declared that his days were numbered and his only wish was to pass on his swordsmanship to his disciple, Baili Dongjun.

Episode 7 Recap

Baili Dongjun's master said that no one could take him away and that the opponent's skills were not as strong as before. Then, a battle ensued. Baili Dongjun told his father that he came for his master, and it didn't matter who he was; what mattered was that he was his master. Baili Dongjun then entered the valley to rescue his master, who was already surrounded.

At that moment, Baili Dongjun entered, holding a sword, with Wen Luoyu following closely behind. The people from Tianwaixian did not expect Baili Dongjun to come. Baili Dongjun stood in front of his master, but his master told him to step aside. Wen Luoyu kindly reminded Baili Dongjun's master that the opponent's strength was not to be underestimated. Nevertheless, the master planned to confront the opponent himself.

While facing the opponent, Baili Dongjun's master taught him another move called "The Grand Way to Heaven. " The opponent was immediately overpowered by this powerful technique. The master's hair instantly turned from white to black, making him look much younger. The people from Tianwaixian were knocked to the ground, spitting blood. The master told Baili Dongjun that "The Grand Way to Heaven" meant forging one's own path. He then used his sword to break the illusion.

Baili Dongjun benefited greatly from this. The enemies had no chance to recover their energy and had to leave, admitting defeat to Baili Dongjun's master. However, after they left, the master's hair turned white again, and the flowers in the forest withered. The master's spiritual power was greatly diminished. He asked the others to give him and Baili Dongjun some time alone. Once alone, the master asked Baili Dongjun to drink with him.

Over the years, it was the master who was grateful for Baili Dongjun's companionship. The master knew his time was short, so he told Baili Dongjun to take care of himself. Baili Dongjun was very reluctant to see his master go, but the master said that carrying too many burdens prevents freedom. He hoped Baili Dongjun could live freely.

Baili Dongjun wanted his master to see the day he became famous, but the master said he wouldn't live to see it. Hearing this, Baili Dongjun couldn't hold back his tears. The master hadn't expected to take Baili Dongjun as a disciple. He had never done anything impulsive in his life, but meeting Baili Dongjun was an exception, a fateful encounter. The master told Baili Dongjun to go down the mountain while he stood before the withered phoenix tree.

There was no longer any land of Xichu, and the phoenix couldn't stay. Baili Dongjun thought of the times he spent with his master. The master said that Baili Dongjun would experience many such farewells in his life. Baili Dongjun knelt before his master, and the master's body turned into petals that scattered around. Baili Dongjun shouted for his master, but he was gone.

His grandfather and father waited at the door, helping Baili Dongjun understand the true nature of the martial world. Though they felt sorry for him, they knew he had to grow up and face these things alone. They could only be there to support him. Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng discussed Baili Dongjun's master, saying he acted out of love.

Seven days later, Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng visited the Baili household again, asking the marquis if he had made a decision. The marquis said Baili Dongjun was his only grandson. Xiao Ruofeng chose Baili Dongjun because he was the only disciple. Even if Baili Dongjun stayed at the Xihou Mansion, his family couldn't protect him forever, especially with Tianwaixian targeting him. The grandfather knew these people were troublesome, but Baili Dongfeng disagreed with their reasoning.

At that moment, Baili Dongjun was riding around the city, with the marquis secretly ensuring his protection. Eventually, the marquis agreed to let Xiao Ruofeng take Baili Dongjun to Tianqi City, on the condition that he stayed out of court affairs. Lei Mengsha was poisoned by Baili Dongjun's mother, who demanded he ensure her son's safety. Baili Dongjun prepared to set off for Tianqi City.

He sent a message by pigeon to Sikong Changfeng, asking him to meet him in Tianqi City. Sikong Changfeng packed his things and prepared to head there. Baili Dongjun rode his horse, while Xiao Ruofeng and Lei Mengsha sat in the carriage. Lei Mengsha wondered why Baili Dongjun didn't ride in the carriage. Baili Dongjun said he wanted to see the beautiful scenery along the way, but he was also waiting to reunite with Sikong Changfeng.

Episode 8 Recap

Baili Dongjun saw Qiandong City from a high place. As a child, he thought the city was big, but now it seemed small. During a rest stop, Baili Dongjun chose to sit with Xiao Ruofeng and his group. This time, Baili Dongjun was heading to Tianqi City to study at the academy. He knew that if he hadn't gotten drunk and danced with a sword, his master wouldn't have died.

He was also aware that the ones who killed his master were the lawless members of Tianwaixian, so he was determined to become strong and personally avenge his master. Lei Mengsha told Baili Dongjun that Xiao Ruofeng was the most skilled disciple under Mr. Li, but Baili Dongjun was not afraid. Liu Yue received a letter from his master, knowing he would soon meet Baili Dongjun. He had to think carefully about the upcoming exam topics.

After seven days of travel, Baili Dongjun and his group arrived outside the gates of Tianqi City. Xiao Ruofeng asked Lei Mengsha to take Baili Dongjun to the academy while he went to the palace. With Lei Mengsha's guidance, Baili Dongjun entered the city, fascinated by everything he saw. At that moment, Yue Yao was having hotpot on a mountaintop with her sister, Yue Qing. Yue Qing was eager to hear about her sister's encounters during the trip.

Just then, Mo Qixuan arrived. Yue Yao stepped aside to talk to him. Mo Qixuan informed her that Baili Dongjun had arrived in Tianqi City to participate in the academy's grand exam. He urged Yue Yao not to hesitate any longer because if Baili Dongjun entered the academy, certain things might become irreversible. Yue Yao looked at the falling snow and recalled her first meeting with Baili Dongjun.

She had told him that when he became famous, she would find him. She wondered if that day would ever come. Baili Dongjun was about to head to the academy when he accidentally tripped. Li Changsheng, who was drinking on the roof, came down and told Baili Dongjun that he had only covered half the distance to Tianqi City. He said Baili Dongjun needed to walk out of the courtyard to continue.

At first, Baili Dongjun was dismissive of Li Changsheng. However, with just a light touch on Baili Dongjun's forehead, Li Changsheng knocked him to the ground. Yue Yao told her sister she needed to go to Tianqi City, and Yue Qing wished her a speedy return. Lei Mengsha stayed by Baili Dongjun's side. When Baili Dongjun woke up, he had a terrible headache and only remembered being knocked out by an old man.

Lei Mengsha told him that the person who knocked him out was Li Changsheng, who might become Baili Dongjun's future master. Lei Mengsha advised Baili Dongjun to stay at the academy for a few days, as he was not yet an official disciple and couldn't protect him. The academy's grand exam required the top candidate to become Li Changsheng's final disciple.

Baili Dongjun worried about what would happen if he wasn't selected, but Lei Mengsha reassured him that he could try again another day. Baili Dongjun initially thought the exam would be easy, but Lei Mengsha's words made him realize that winning the top spot wouldn't be easy. At the casino, the head manager instructed his men to investigate the background of the people Xiao Ruofeng brought back.

Tianwaixian's envoy learned that Yue Yao had gone to Tianqi City and sent someone to protect her secretly. Mo Qixuan was surprised that his companion informed the envoy about Yue Yao's whereabouts, but his friend said their primary goal was to restore their homeland. During this time, Baili Dongjun continued practicing his swordsmanship, but his efforts seemed futile.

Lei Mengsha wanted to test Baili Dongjun's Xichu Sword Song, but despite trying for a long time, Baili Dongjun couldn't perform it effectively. Just then, a masked man mocked Baili Dongjun from the rooftop. Baili Dongjun, not one to back down, drew his sword and confronted him. However, despite having techniques, Baili Dongjun's internal power was no match for his opponent's intelligence. Baili Dongjun realized that Tianqi City was full of hidden talents and that he had underestimated everyone.

The opponent even knew about Baili Dongjun's relationship with his master. It turned out he was once good friends with Baili Dongjun's master. He told Baili Dongjun that he could help him regain his internal power by teaching him internal martial arts and promised to return that night to teach him. Ye Dingzhi returned to his old home and was surprised to find Baili Dongjun there. Baili Dongjun thought they were all dead and had come to pay his respects.

He also said that if he defeated Qiu Lubai, he could become the famous Wine Immortal. He wanted to be both a Wine Immortal and help Ye Dingzhi become a Sword Immortal. Ye Dingzhi overheard all of this.

Episode 9 Recap

Ye Dingzhi was originally planning to meet Baili Dongjun, but unexpectedly, a masked man appeared. The man claimed to be sent by Baili Dongjun's master. Subsequently, Baili Dongjun followed the man away. After Ye Dingzhi returned, he saw that the paper money Baili Dongjun had burned hadn't completely burned out. Ever since his family's demise, he hadn't been back. This time, he performed a sword dance at his former home, vowing over the years to clear his parents' names.

Baili Dongjun took out his homemade wine, but the masked man immediately shattered the bottle. The man then controlled the wine in the air around him and told Baili Dongjun that this was the skill he would soon learn, called Luohua Liushuo. After breaking his mask and drinking the wine, the man also noticed Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng on the rooftop. Xiao Ruofeng already knew him, while Lei Mengsha was curious.

From Xiao Ruofeng, they learned that the man was Ji Ruofeng, who had an old connection with Baili Dongjun's master. Ji Ruofeng was there to help Baili Dongjun. Ji Ruofeng requested that Baili Dongjun prepare five jars of wine for him daily. Meanwhile, Liu Yue prepared the initial exam questions. Unlike previous times, Liu Yue didn't reveal any details in advance, even under pressure from his subordinates. Lei Mengsha came to get information but learned nothing.

He then threatened Liu Yue with being the chief examiner annually. Liu Yue, not wanting the role, finally disclosed that the exam topic was "beyond the literary and martial arts. " The topic required candidates to impress with skills beyond the conventional literary and martial abilities. Lei Mengsha was pleased and reported Baili Dongjun's recent progress. Through training, Baili Dongjun's internal strength had improved.

Lei Mengsha told him about the exam topic, which felt unhelpful to Baili Dongjun, as he thought his days of martial practice were wasted. Soon, everyone was discussing the "beyond the literary and martial arts" exam topic, including Yue Yao, who found it intriguing. Liu Yue visited a fabric shop, asking the owner to make him a set of clothes within three days. Three days later, Liu Yue held the academy's grand exam at a gambling house.

The gambling house owner was surprised, but Liu Yue believed gambling was part of the exam. Everyone was ready outside the venue. When Baili Dongjun arrived, he saw Ye Dingzhi, who greeted him without revealing his true identity. Soon, everyone entered the gambling house. Baili Dongjun expected many bets on him but found very few. As the exam began, a child announced the rules: the exam would last six hours. Baili Dongjun asked Lei Mengsha to bring his bundle.

Meanwhile, King Xiao Xie learned about the exam, hoping it might aid his ascent to the throne. Each candidate showcased their unique skills. One challenged others to a chess match, displaying arrogance. However, Liu Yue's child was an exceptional chess player, defeating the challenger, who conceded graciously. Baili Dongjun smelled wine and saw his belongings brought over, drawing mockery. In truth, Baili Dongjun planned to brew wine, surprising Ye Dingzhi, who knew Baili Dongjun excelled in winemaking.

Although aged wine was good, new wine had its unique qualities. On the other side, Ye Dingzhi cut lamb legs, catching Xiao Xie's eye, who planned to secretly send Ye Dingzhi a post. Xiao Xie didn't think highly of Baili Dongjun, brought by Xiao Ruofeng. Unfazed, Baili Dongjun brewed wine while Ye Dingzhi roasted lamb legs, confident in advancing. Suddenly, someone rushed in, claiming to compete for first place and submit their exam paper.

The intruder stole the child's belongings, which Liu Yue recognized as the work of Kong Linger's disciple. Liu Yue sent the three diligent ones after the thief, but Yan Feifei managed to pass the initial test. Disguised, Yue Yao arrived, adopting a new name. Ye Dingzhi immediately recognized her as the woman he had seen at the inn, suspecting she had changed her identity. Baili Dongjun, however, found her eyes familiar.

Episode 10 Recap

Yue Yao said she wanted to compete in gambling and took out the dice. At this moment, the gambling house owner sent someone to call his brother, Tu Wan. Initially, Tu Wan was dismissive, but upon seeing Yue Yao's beauty, he sobered up and quickly agreed to compete. Yue Yao also invited Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi to join her, saying that as long as they beat Tu Wan, they could all pass the preliminary exam.

Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi went over, and soon everyone was ready. Baili Dongjun showed his cards, thinking they were high, but it turned out they were the lowest. Ye Dingzhi, however, had a good hand. Tu Wan revealed his cards, unexpectedly drawing the highest, the Supreme Treasure. Everyone was astonished. The owner already knew Yue Yao was cheating, but Tu Wan still asked for her name, to which she gave a fake one.

It was known that Yue Yao was the son of the Gambling King, and she quickly passed the competition. Before leaving, Yue Yao taunted Baili Dongjun, who didn't mind and instead took out a prepared blanket to sleep. Baili Dongjun smelled the aroma of wine but felt time had changed, realizing someone had used a special technique on site. Liu Yue noticed the trick, and the contestant named Zhuge Yun passed the preliminary exam.

By evening, the gambling house owner had fallen asleep, and everyone was exhausted. Liu Yue watched the candidates. Baili Dongjun woke just as the time was almost up. With half an hour left, Baili Dongjun's wine was ready, and Ye Dingzhi's lamb ribs were nearly done. Another contestant also brewed wine, but Baili Dongjun believed his was the best. The two took out their wine for comparison. Only Baili Dongjun, Ye Dingzhi, and another contestant remained.

The judges first tasted the other contestant's wine, then Baili Dongjun's. Initially dismissive, they were captivated by the wine's flavor. The gambling house owner drank a whole cup, saying it reminded him of his mother and brought tears to his eyes. Liu Yue commented on the diversity of people, stating that after tasting the wine, it was time to taste the meat. Lei Mengsha, waiting by the door, had grown numb.

Ye Dingzhi offered his roasted lamb ribs, and Liu Yue remarked that Ye Dingzhi must have stayed in a specific place for a while. Ye Dingzhi had traveled extensively, fearing he hadn't seen enough of the world, while Baili Dongjun often reminisced about his childhood friends. Another contestant, unhappy with Baili Dongjun's success, protested. Liu Yue noted that the contestant's wine was aged and couldn't have been brewed in six hours, discovering a hidden flask on him.

With time up, both Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi passed the preliminary exam. Initially, Li Changsheng only wanted Liu Yue to oversee one round, but Liu Yue found it interesting and took on the subsequent rounds. That night, Xiao Xie summoned Ye Dingzhi upstairs, intending to recruit him. Ye Dingzhi stated he only wanted one thing, and Xiao Xie, willing to agree to anything but the Imperial Seal, promptly agreed.

Ye Dingzhi remembered when Xiao Xie announced the extermination of the Ye family, which felt unjust. Finding correspondence with enemy states in their house, the Ye family believed they were framed. This resentment was buried in Ye Dingzhi's heart, and now that Xiao Xie had approached him, he sought revenge. Yue Yao used her sister's identity and tricks learned from her. She sent a letter to her sister but was followed after leaving.

Sensing something wrong, Yue Yao attacked the follower, only to find it was Mo Qixuan, who had been secretly protecting her. Mo Qixuan intentionally revealed his presence to Yue Yao. Although unsure of the number of people coming, Yue Yao felt more confident. Every night, Baili Dongjun waited for the masked man to teach him. The masked man revealed the technique was his master's creation. Tonight was the last lesson, and the academy's grand exam would include life-and-death challenges. Baili Dongjun remained confident in his ability to reach the end.

Episode 11 Recap

The second round of the competition is about to begin. All the students who are participating have arrived. Baili Dongjun is still asking Lei Mengsha who will win this time. Lei Mengsha thinks it should be Ye Dingzhi and mentions wanting to control the scene. Lei Mengsha explains all the rules in one breath. This time, the requirement is for everyone to form groups of four, and soon everyone wants to team up with Ye Dingzhi.

Zhuge Yun approaches Yue Yao for a collaboration. Although Yue Yao hasn't seen Zhuge Yun's true face, she guesses his identity from his skills and knows it might be troublesome. Yue Yao then goes to Baili Dongjun and suggests they team up. Baili Dongjun asks if they have met before, but Yue Yao brushes it off with an excuse, not revealing her identity. Ye Dingzhi then walks up to Baili Dongjun, choosing him for his good looks.

Initially, Ye Dingzhi wanted to pull Zhuge Yun into the team but sensed Zhuge Yun's reluctance. Someone willing to collaborate with Ye Dingzhi spots Zhao Yujia, the magician, and Ye Dingzhi has Baili Dongjun test Yue Yao's martial arts. Yue Yao and Baili Dongjun both use their lightness skills, and their abilities are evenly matched. Baili Dongjun tells his wife about a dream where their son mastered his swordsmanship, but she thinks he's daydreaming.

Soon, Baili Dongjun and his group officially form a team, as do the others. Li Changsheng announces from the highest point that the entire Tianqi City will be the exam venue, and the competition begins now. Lei Mengsha's people bring four pairs of double fish, which hold their clues. Each team has different clues. Yue Yao draws the lot for the second departure, while Zhuge Yun draws the first. Lei Mengsha suddenly receives a letter.

Xiao Xie also sends a message to Ye Dingzhi, intending to kill Baili Dongjun of the Zhenxi Marquis Mansion. Xiao Ruofeng is playing chess with his brother, who mentions that during the exam, Xiao Xie will likely recruit someone as his subordinate. Xiao Ruofeng doesn't mind as long as they all get admitted to the school and become his men.

As the daughter of the sect leader, Yi Wenjun is informed by Luo Qingyang that today is the last big exam. Sometimes, Yi Wenjun envies their lives, as she is always confined at home and can't participate in these events. Baili Dongjun and his group ponder the clues while walking. Ye Dingzhi sees the clue from Xiao Xie while everyone heads to Xuanwu Tower.

The clue says to kill Baili Dongjun, which makes Ye Dingzhi smirk and then burn the note. The Clue Library investigates the three people teaming up with Baili Dongjun, but nothing is found about Zhao Yujia's identity. However, they suspect Zhao Yujia might be Zhao Yuzhen, who recommended him. As the hall master, Ji Ruofeng finds this increasingly interesting. The Zhuge brothers, Zhuge Wucai and Zhuge Wucheng, invite Mo Qixuan to join them in finding Yue Yao.

Zhuge Wucai unexpectedly kills his teammate, showing his ruthlessness. Baili Dongjun and his group arrive at Xuanwu Tower. Without careful observation, they would not notice the hidden Panlong Silk. Baili Dongjun cuts all the Panlong Silk with one stroke. Zhao Yujia intended to crawl through, but Baili Dongjun's sword resolved the issue. Ye Dingzhi notices a jade piece on the sword handle, and its eye moves slightly.

An old man with double pupils appears and says they need to pass his test to get the answer. Baili Dongjun, thinking the old man is pretending to be mysterious, stabs with his knife, but the man disappears. Even with closed eyes, Baili Dongjun can't locate him. Baili Dongjun devises a plan to destroy the valuable central sword, prompting the double-pupil man to stop him. Baili Dongjun seizes the chance to have everyone retreat quickly.

Episode 12 Recap

Lei Mengsha went to find Xiao Ruofeng and informed him that Baili Dongjun and his group had already gone to Xuanwu Tower. Xiao Ruofeng sent a message through Ji Ruofeng from Baixiaotang. After reading the message, Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng felt the situation was dire and prepared to immediately find Baili Dongjun. Baili Dongjun originally wanted his companions to leave quickly, but they all stayed to protect him. Since they couldn't escape, they prepared to fight together.

Baili Dongjun knew they were no match for the opponent. Zhao Yujia stepped forward, saying he was on a mission to train. Ye Dingzhi also stepped forward. The opponent then allowed them to leave, satisfied that they did not abandon Baili Dongjun. The test was meant to teach them never to abandon their companions, and they could only discover the secret by gathering all four pouches. Baili Dongjun was seriously injured, and everyone urged him to rest.

Ye Dingzhi helped Baili Dongjun recover, surprising him with his skills. Zhao Yujia found it good that everyone could help each other. Xiao Ruofeng arrived and found the double-pupil man. He saw that only one team had reached the scene and regretted arriving a step too late. He also learned that Zhuge Yun's group of four was dead, confirming Baixiaotang's data.

The double-pupil man doubted Zhuge Yun's true identity, but seeing the bodies, he realized the real Zhuge Yun was not present. This complicated matters. While Ye Dingzhi was treating Baili Dongjun, Zhuge Wucai and Mo Qixuan appeared. Zhao Yujia saw them about to attack Baili Dongjun and intervened, revealing his true identity as Wang Yixing. Wang Yixing used his special technique, and Yue Yao worriedly joined the fight.

A woman named Yueluo found Li Changsheng drinking, who claimed to be the best in the world. Yueluo warned that their current enemy was not ordinary. Zhuge Wucai then revealed himself, and everyone realized Zhuge Yun was an impostor. Yue Yao intentionally fought Mo Qixuan, knowing they couldn't defeat the combined Zhuge brothers, so she had Mo Qixuan pretend to be killed by her. Wang Yixing fought Zhuge Wucai using the Nine Words Incantation.

Ye Dingzhi joined the fight, and Zhuge Wucai, knowing Ye Dingzhi's formidable skills, fought fiercely despite spitting blood. Ye Dingzhi's powerful move almost drove him mad, but Wang Yixing stopped him in time. When Zhuge Wucai tried to sneak attack Ye Dingzhi, Baili Dongjun arrived and, with a single move, knocked Zhuge Yun to the ground. Just as he was about to kill Zhuge Yun, he saw an image of his master and stopped.

Yue Yao witnessed Baili Dongjun's sword dance and the enemy, realizing they couldn't win, retreated. Yueluo, feeling her beloved had returned, was told by Li Changsheng that the swordsman was his disciple, Baili Dongjun, which made her cry. Yueluo's only attachment in life was him. Liu Yue summoned Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng, who suspected that Master Li Changsheng intended to retake control of the exam. Zhuge Wucai met Zhuge Wucheng, who thought his brother could easily defeat Baili Dongjun's group.

But their skills were formidable. Li Changsheng appeared and quickly killed Zhuge Wucai, stating that he wouldn't interfere in the exam lightly. Baili Dongjun found Zhuge Yun's group's pouches, and Yue Yao wanted to check the contents. Baili Dongjun analyzed that they should go to Longqi. Yue Yao remembered Mo Qixuan's advice to lead Baili Dongjun to the right, where certain death awaited. However, recalling Baili Dongjun's injuries from protecting her, Yue Yao decided to go left alone.

Wang Yixing urged Baili Dongjun to follow Yue Yao, as she was alone, and Yue Yao agreed. Wang Yixing and Ye Dingzhi, suspicious of Yue Yao's identity, went right and encountered Tiandai Xian's men blocking the way. Ye Dingzhi, exhausted, was revealed to have innate martial veins. Both he and Wang Yixing were injured, and they had to retreat. On the way, Wang Yixing fainted from a leg injury.

Ye Dingzhi then met Yi Wenjun, and they fell into her family's grounds. Yi Wenjun asked the intruders to leave after recognizing their identities. Meanwhile, Baili Dongjun and Yue Yao reached their destination. Liu Yue offered to accept Yue Yao as a disciple, surprising her. Yue Yao agreed readily. Baili Dongjun, waiting for Ye Dingzhi and Wang Yixing, wasn't in a hurry to acknowledge a master. After a long wait, with no sign of Ye Dingzhi, Baili Dongjun persuaded Li Changsheng to wait with him.

Episode 13 Recap

Mo Qixuan did not expect Baili Dongjun to avoid the path, resulting in Ye Dingzhi and Wang Yixing getting injured. Mo Qixuan couldn’t believe Yue Yao would betray Tiandai Xian but was unsure of her intentions. A companion mentioned discovering that Ye Dingzhi has innate martial veins, and Mo Qixuan wanted to know his whereabouts, only to find out he was at Yi Wenjun's residence. The situation was still unfavorable, and they couldn't act rashly.

Yi Wenjun constantly cared for Ye Dingzhi, noting his resemblance to her childhood friend Yun. Wang Yixing's health had improved, and he expressed gratitude to Yi Wenjun, who mentioned her connection with Ye Dingzhi and willingness to help. Baili Dongjun and Li Changsheng had waited a long time without seeing Ye Dingzhi and Wang Yixing. Baili Dongjun fainted as soon as he stood up. Ye Dingzhi was sweating and having nightmares.

Yi Wenjun, seeing his distress, gave him medicine from her necklace, which slightly improved his condition. After days of Yi Wenjun’s care, Ye Dingzhi's health stabilized. He woke up, mistaking Yi Wenjun for a fairy due to her appearance. As they got closer, his heart raced, but Wang Yixing’s arrival interrupted them. Ye Dingzhi saw Luo Qingyang’s sword and confirmed his identity. He recognized Yi Wenjun as the girl he liked from childhood but couldn't reveal his identity yet.

Baili Dongjun woke to see a little girl at the door, Lei Mengsha’s daughter Li Hanyi, and her mother, Li Xinyue. Baili Dongjun, mistaking them for Li Changsheng's family, called Li Xinyue "Madam. " Lei Mengsha corrected him, explaining his situation. Baili Dongjun mocked Lei Mengsha for being a live-in son-in-law, but Lei Mengsha explained that his daughter didn't carry his surname because he was expelled from the Lei family fortress.

Wang Yixing returned, reporting that Ye Dingzhi was recovering in a safe place with a beautiful companion. Ye Dingzhi asked Wang Yixing to tell Baili Dongjun to focus on martial arts training. Wang Yixing mentioned that their opponent recognized Ye Dingzhi's innate martial veins. Baili Dongjun, unsure what martial veins meant, decided to focus on his studies. Baili Dongjun and Yue Yao formally joined the academy, warmly welcomed by senior brothers and sisters.

Baili Dongjun was attacked but managed to dodge. Xiao Ruofeng introduced Baili Dongjun and Yue Yao to the seniors. Yue Yao paid her respects to Liu Yue, her master. Absent seniors were introduced through paintings. Lei Mengsha insisted Baili Dongjun call him Second Senior Brother, and was delighted when he did. Afterward, Baili Dongjun was taken to the rooftop to see Li Changsheng, who explained his name's significance, warning him about the world's dangers.

Baili Dongjun was curious about innate martial veins, and Li Changsheng explained that it wasn’t necessarily good. Baili Dongjun ranked eighth in the group, with Lei Mengsha pondering his name. Sikong Changfeng completed his medical training under Yaowang (Medicine King), who felt underappreciated. Sikong mastered all medical skills in a short time. Yaowang, having spent 26 years in the valley, believed in helping those who reached out, like Sikong Changfeng. Sikong worried about Baili Dongjun being bullied alone.

Yaowang planned to leave after finding a worthy successor and sent Sikong to Tianqi City, which delighted him as he could meet Baili Dongjun. Yi Wenjun prepared dinner for Ye Dingzhi, who called her "Princess," a title she disliked. Ye Dingzhi overheard their conversations while unconscious and felt for her. Yi Wenjun yearned for the outside world, feeling lonely in the palace. Ye Dingzhi, recalling their happy childhood, felt sympathy but couldn’t show it. He shared his stories with her, sensing a familiar connection and hoping to help her escape.

Episode 14 Recap

During this time, Liu Yue was teaching Yue Yao sword dance. Yue Yao was quite perceptive, and Liu Yue praised her frequently. Yue Yao was curious about Liu Yue's usual entrance techniques, and Liu Yue explained each step. Yue Yao pointed out the biggest flaw, questioning what to do if the audience wasn't impressed. Liu Yue couldn't explain and simply said that someone would eventually be impressed.

Liu Yue asked Yue Yao to practice alone, making Yue Yao laugh at how embarrassing it was. Caught up in her thoughts, Yue Yao unexpectedly found herself really practicing. Mo Qixuan was called over by Yue Yao. Yue Yao explained that she deviated from the plan because she was worried about pushing Baili Dongjun to a desperate situation where both sides would be hurt. She mentioned another revenge plan and would discuss it once it was arranged.

Mo Qixuan hadn't told Yue Yao about Ye Dingzhi's innate martial veins and was unsure of her intentions. Upon returning, Yue Yao was pulled into a chess game by Liu Yue, who sensed her distraction. Liu Yue decided to rest without asking where Yue Yao had been, feeling bored. Yue Yao, realizing Liu Yue’s thoughts, focused on the game. Ye Dingzhi looked at the sachet Yi Wenjun had given him long ago, reflecting on their unexpected reunion.

One night, he saw Yi Wenjun dancing on the rooftop while Luo Qingyang played the flute beside her. It was evident that Yi Wenjun yearned for the outside world, though she was trapped here. Ye Dingzhi pondered whether she would want to leave if he took her out. When Yi Wenjun came down, expecting to see Ye Dingzhi, he had already left. Mo Qixuan told his companions that Yue Yao hadn’t betrayed Tiandai Xian.

Meanwhile, Xiao Xie confirmed that Ye Dingzhi was Ye Yun from the past, and his goal was not the jade seal but Xiao Xie’s life. Ye Dingzhi practiced swordsmanship in the morning, and Yi Wenjun was quickly captivated by his masculinity. Yi Wenjun got upset whenever Ye Dingzhi mentioned beautiful women, so he changed the topic. Baili Dongjun went to eat with his senior brothers, but Li Changsheng hadn’t arrived.

Just then, Li Changsheng came with his disciple Xie Xuan, asking everyone to drink with him. Xiao Ruofeng tried to find an excuse to leave, but Baili Dongjun, unaware, raised his cup and drank with everyone. Soon, all the disciples except Baili Dongjun were drunk. Li Changsheng, a heavy drinker, noticed Baili Dongjun liked drinking and wasn’t drunk. Li Changsheng gave Baili Dongjun a gift, a book brought by Xie Xuan.

To Baili Dongjun’s surprise, it was a book about wine. At that moment, dark clouds gathered, signaling an enemy's arrival. Li Changsheng took Baili Dongjun to the rooftop, where they met their opponent, Yushengmo, the Sword Immortal. Yushengmo claimed to be looking for someone, and Baili Dongjun guessed it was Ye Dingzhi. Yushengmo used magic to try to find Ye Dingzhi’s whereabouts, but Baili Dongjun refused to reveal it. Yushengmo used her ultimate move, and Li Changsheng fought back.

Everyone soon learned that Yushengmo was searching for Ye Dingzhi. Xiao Xie, terrified, informed the emperor, hoping for protection. The emperor issued a wanted order to search for Ye Dingzhi throughout the city. Ye Dingzhi sensed his master coming for him and prepared to leave Yi Wenjun. Yi Wenjun pretended to be sad and then knocked him out. Ji Ruofeng arrived, stating he was there to document the third battle between Yushengmo and Li Changsheng.

Yushengmo used a dangerous move against Li Changsheng, and Ji Ruofeng captured the scene in his paintings for posterity. Snowflakes began to fall, marking Li Changsheng’s victory. Yushengmo worried that Ye Dingzhi’s identity would cause trouble in the capital. Li Changsheng promised to bring Ye Dingzhi back in three days. Lei Mengsha woke up to find a big hole in the roof, and Xiao Ruofeng, still groggy, noticed the bill. Without money, Lei Mengsha had to ask Xiao Ruofeng to handle it.

Episode 15 Recap

At this moment, Baili Dongjun was unaware that the person being wanted was Ye Dingzhi. However, when someone mentioned the Ye family, Baili Dongjun was astonished. To his surprise, it was Ye Dingzhi. Reflecting on their past interactions, Baili Dongjun realized that Ye Dingzhi had known his identity all along. Baili Dongjun was mostly happy, knowing that Ye Dingzhi had always kept his promise to stay by his side. Seeing the wanted notice, Baili Dongjun couldn't help but shed tears.

He wanted to find Ye Dingzhi immediately, but fortunately, Lei Mengsha stopped him. Baili Dongjun realized that Ye Dingzhi was now a wanted man, and they couldn't risk exposing his location. When Ye Dingzhi woke up, he learned from Luo Qingyang that his master, Yushengmo, had already left. Ye Dingzhi knew that his current identity made it difficult for him to go out, but this also protected Yushengmo.

Yi Wenjun, unable to hold back her tears, took out the wanted notice and hugged Ye Dingzhi, crying loudly. She had thought she would never see Ye Dingzhi again. Ye Dingzhi comforted her, saying he had returned, and Yi Wenjun exclaimed that her Yun brother had finally come back. They embraced each other in the heavy snow. Yue Yao also realized Ye Dingzhi's true identity, and Mo Qixuan should have known that Ye Dingzhi was Ye Yun.

The purpose of Tiandai Xian was to force Ye Dingzhi out of Tianqi City, allowing their plan to proceed. Baili Dongjun invited Yue Yao to drink with him, reminiscing about how he never believed he would meet Ye Yun again. Now, having reunited, he felt he could die without regrets. Baili Dongjun mentioned that his encounters with others always felt less fateful compared to meeting Ye Dingzhi.

Though Ye Dingzhi seemed to be in trouble, he vowed to protect him from any harm. Yue Yao quietly expressed that being Baili Dongjun's friend was a blessing. Ye Dingzhi went to see Luo Qingyang and learned that Yi Wenjun didn't like the prince but was forced to marry him. Some things were beyond their control. Luo Qingyang said it would have been better if Ye Dingzhi had appeared earlier, but Ye Dingzhi believed it was never too late.

Lei Mengsha informed Li Changsheng that Ye Dingzhi was at the prince's residence, along with his yet-to-be-wedded sister-in-law. Li Changsheng assured that he would handle the matter, while Baili Dongjun eavesdropped on their conversation. Li Changsheng planned to send Ye Dingzhi away in two days, knowing it was dangerous for him to stay. Ye Dingzhi prepared a meal for Yi Wenjun that she had never tasted before, hoping she could escape her current situation.

Yi Wenjun revealed that she had been confined since the King of Jingyu took a liking to her five years ago and always wanted to escape. She initially hoped Ye Dingzhi could help her flee but didn’t want to burden him. Ye Dingzhi, determined to take Yi Wenjun away, was about to leave with her when Luo Qingyang blocked their path. Ye Dingzhi, still injured, was interrupted by Li Changsheng, who came to take him away.

Despite his initial reluctance, Yi Wenjun urged him not to worry about her, promising to wait for him for half a year. Ye Dingzhi then left with Li Changsheng. Ye Dingzhi confided that he had a different purpose for returning to Tianqi City. Li Changsheng knew Ye Dingzhi aimed to kill King Qing and warned him of the gravity of the situation. He advised Ye Dingzhi not to act rashly, as Xiao Ruofeng was already investigating secretly.

Before leaving, Ye Dingzhi met with Baili Dongjun, who had been waiting for a long time. Their reunion was filled with childhood memories, and Ye Dingzhi could finally face Baili Dongjun as Ye Yun. He hoped they would both become the most powerful people before their next meeting. As a parting gesture, Baili Dongjun gave him willow leaves, and Ye Dingzhi departed. Baili Dongjun had another life-and-death friend, Sikong Changfeng, who was waiting to meet him on the road.

Baili Dongjun also spoke of his promise with Yue Yao, hoping to meet her again when he became famous. Xiao Ruofeng went to see his brother, who was concerned that Li Changsheng might get involved in the court. Xiao Ruofeng quickly explained that Li Changsheng had no such intentions.

Episode 16 Recap

Xiao Xie was extremely angry when he found out that Li Changsheng had taken Ye Dingzhi away. He even punished the palace maids and was now very frightened, fearing that he would be constantly worried in the days to come. Xie Xuan, known as a bookworm, spent his days reading. Xie Xuan could learn swordsmanship just by reading a book but couldn’t practice it. He mentioned that his little master uncle knew everything.

Although Baili Dongjun had become Li Changsheng’s disciple during this period, he hadn’t learned any proper spells and couldn’t help but complain about how boring it was. Sikong Changfeng also came to the tavern and drank the same wine as Baili Dongjun. Sikong Changfeng drank with his wine buddies and initially wanted to drink Qiulu Bai, but found out it was no longer available.

He wanted to get Qiulu Bai for Baili Dongjun, but learned there was only one pot on the roof, which was not easy to obtain. So far, only Li Changsheng had been able to get the wine. Sikong Changfeng soon got into a fight with Master Xie, and as he was knocked out, he encountered Baili Dongjun and Lei Mengsha. Sikong Changfeng’s spear was still inside, so Baili Dongjun naturally wanted to help his good friend retrieve it.

Baili Dongjun also wanted to get Qiulu Bai. Lei Mengsha quickly introduced Master Xie. Baili Dongjun proposed that instead of fighting, they should compete in winemaking. If he won, Master Xie would give him both the wine and the spear. Master Xie agreed. Sikong Changfeng found out that Baili Dongjun had indeed become Li Changsheng’s disciple. Lei Mengsha then took Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng to Baihua Tower, explaining that it was different from a brothel.

He and Gu Jianmen liked the women who played the qin there. Gu Jianmen used to combine sword dance with the women’s qin music, saying that the woman was his destined one. He crossed the flower bridge to meet her, but she refused him despite still playing the qin. While Lei Mengsha was still introducing them, his wife came over and dragged him away by his ear. At this time, the girl upstairs started playing the qin.

Sikong Changfeng said he had heard this tune before—it was a song of homesickness. He plucked leaves from the side and played along with the qin music, causing the girl upstairs to smile. Everyone was moved to tears by the song. Sikong Changfeng was then invited upstairs to meet Miss Feng. Initially reluctant, Sikong Changfeng went upstairs after Baili Dongjun encouraged him. Miss Feng asked Sikong Changfeng about the past, but he said he had forgotten everything.

Miss Feng mentioned that her brother used to play the same tune. Sikong Changfeng said he had a sister too and felt a sense of protection over her. When asked about her brother’s name, she said Wei Luoli. Sikong Changfeng revealed that his name was Wei Luoli. Feng Qiuyu felt taken advantage of and stepped past the screen to meet Sikong Changfeng. He apologized, and she almost revealed her hometown but decided against it.

Sikong Changfeng remarked that meeting her was fate, and Feng Qiuyu found him quite interesting. Yue Yao was waiting for Baili Dongjun at home and smelled the fragrance of rouge on him. Baili Dongjun hurriedly explained his purpose, but Yue Yao was clearly angry and scolded him. She didn’t understand why she ended up quarreling with Baili Dongjun when she initially wanted to inquire about Ye Dingzhi.

Sikong Changfeng descended disheveled, leading everyone to believe something had happened between him and Miss Feng, prompting them to prepare to beat him. Scared, he quickly left. Feng Qiuyu missed her brother Wei Luoli. When she was very young, her family was annihilated, and her master took her away. On the way, they met Wei Luoli, and her master took him along. She hadn’t seen him since. The emperor learned that Baili Dongjun wanted to obtain Qiulu Bai.

Li Changsheng approached the emperor, ostensibly to thank him for saving Ye Dingzhi, but actually knowing that Baili Dongjun was his disciple. The emperor wanted to meet Baili Dongjun, but Li Changsheng flatly refused. The emperor was not to be underestimated. Before leaving, Li Changsheng severely injured the chief eunuch, showing his stance to the emperor. The national teacher tried to stop him but failed. Li Changsheng overcame all obstacles and reached the palace gate, reminding the emperor not to target Baili Dongjun.

Episode 17 Recap

Ji Ruofeng learned from his subordinates that there was still no news about Sikong Changfeng. However, the name of the Baixiao Hall was not baseless. Baili Dongjun arrived at the entrance of the academy and was hesitating whether to enter when Li Changsheng happened to come out and called Sikong Changfeng. Leimengsha, having returned from Baihua Tower, was punished by his wife to kneel at the door.

His daughter was laughing beside him while Leimengsha kept apologizing, pretending to be very weak. His wife demanded that Leimengsha obediently lie down and accept the punishment. Although he was unwilling, Leimengsha had no choice but to comply. At this moment, Li Changsheng came over, and Li Hanyi took the initiative to talk to Li Changsheng, expressing her desire to learn martial arts from him to protect her father.

After arriving, Li Changsheng stared at Leimengsha’s wife, and Leimengsha quickly explained that he had accompanied them and promised not to go to such places in the future. His wife then left with their daughter, relieving Leimengsha from further punishment. Li Changsheng recalled the time when Leimengsha first came to the academy and mentioned that Leimengsha had finished his studies and was about to leave Xue Tao. Leimengsha, worried about his second concern, had his daughter take her mother’s surname.

Li Changsheng knew that Leimengsha’s goal was to protect the world, but this path was not easy. After bidding farewell to Li Changsheng, Leimengsha knew his journey was far from over. Meanwhile, Nanqiu saw his master, Yusheng Mo, and they learned that Li Changsheng was leaving Tianqi City. Nanqiu expressed his desire to practice the Demon Immortal Sword. Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun drank on the roof, with Baili Dongjun inquiring about Feng Qiuyu.

Sikong Changfeng mentioned they only had a brief conversation and that he had lost his memory, only recalling Feng Qiuyu talking about his brother. Sikong Changfeng asked when Baili Dongjun would start brewing wine, to which Baili Dongjun replied that he was not in a hurry and would wait for the right time. Yueyao was surprised when Mo Qixuan came to see her.

Mo Qixuan informed her that they were leaving and confirmed that they were responsible for the incident involving Ye Dingzhi. Yueyao admitted that she wavered along the way and chose to protect Baili Dongjun. Someone arrived, causing Mo Qixuan to leave first. Yueyao then met Liu Yue, who showed her a chessboard and revealed he had seen through her identity. Liu Yue reminded Yueyao of his previous promise to her, saying he would bear any consequences for her.

Yue Qing, bored without her sister's company, was visited by Wuxiang. Initially, she planned to pretend, but Wuxiang had already figured out her identity, so she had to see him. Yue Qing was shocked to learn her sister would not return to Tianwai Xian and couldn’t believe it. Yueyao confided in Liu Yue about her troubles and the answers she once thought were correct now seemed wrong.

Liu Yue advised her that people make different choices at different times and encouraged her to follow her heart. Yue Qing, looking at her mother's hairpin, wondered if she and her sister were now on different paths. Having witnessed her family’s murder, Yue Qing was determined to seek revenge. Liu Yue knew Li Changsheng was leaving Tianqi City, so he asked Li Changsheng to take his disciple, Yueyao, with him. Li Changsheng agreed.

Baili Dongjun, preoccupied with brewing a unique wine, suddenly had an inspiration thinking of his master. Despite working until morning, he had not yet found the world's most heartless wine. When Yueyao arrived, Baili Dongjun was already drunk and asleep, and she stayed by his side. Nowadays, the emperor dared not provoke Li Changsheng lightly, but he still hoped someone would help him hold the power. He then sent his subordinates to find Xiao Xie.

The competition between Baili Dongjun and his master was in two days, and the supervisor sent people to prevent Baili Dongjun from winning. As the competition day approached, many people gathered to watch, eager to see who would win. Baili Dongjun and his senior brothers arrived, and the competition was about to begin.

Episode 18 Recap

Liu Yue and Lei Mengsha's group were still discussing the final decision. Today was an important day in Tianqi City, and the Eight Noble Sons had also come to see who would succeed between Baili Dongjun and Master Xie. Master Xie first showcased his "Qiulu Bai," but Baili Dongjun had not yet appeared. Sikong Changfeng was anxiously waiting outside, and everyone said that Baili Dongjun surely wouldn't dare to come.

At that moment, they suddenly heard Baili Dongjun saying he was ready. To their surprise, he had simply dressed up elaborately and claimed that today would be his victorious day. Yesterday, Baili Dongjun drank with Yue Yao, feeling as if he had seen his beloved fairy. Initially, he was troubled about what wine to brew, but Yue Yao gave him inspiration. Baili Dongjun arrived together with Sikong Changfeng.

He placed his wine on the table while Master Xie brought out his "Qiulu Bai. " Before they even started tasting the wine, everyone was enchanted by its aroma. After tasting it, the three judges all praised "Qiulu Bai," and Xiao Ruofeng couldn't help but worry for Baili Dongjun. Baili Dongjun opened his wine, revealing four bottles inside the jug.

He asked Yue Yao for the silk ribbons, and with a graceful dance, several cups of wine were placed on the table. Baili Dongjun had prepared "Seven Lamps Starry Night Wine. " After he tasted each cup, the first judge couldn't help but drink a second and third cup. Soon, all the wine on the table was consumed. The judge only said, "Good wine," making him feel as if he had returned to his youth.

Next, Xiao Ruofeng drank, and Baili Dongjun mentioned he had a little selfishness. Xiao Ruofeng drank several cups in a row, and a surge of internal energy suddenly burst out, impacting everyone. Xiao Ruofeng thanked Baili Dongjun's wine for breaking his restraints. The third judge also highly praised Baili Dongjun. Knowing Master Xie was unconvinced, Baili Dongjun had prepared a special brew for him as well. Master Xie conceded defeat. Finally, it was announced that Baili Dongjun had won the competition.

Overjoyed, Baili Dongjun drank "Qiulu Bai" and shared it with Sikong Changfeng. The two then ascended the building together. Baili Dongjun obtained the "Qiulu Bai," while Sikong Changfeng acquired his long spear. Suddenly, hidden weapons emerged. It turned out that Xiao Xie had orchestrated everything, but the assassination attempt failed. Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng descended with their prized possessions. The Emperor soon learned of the incident, and his subordinates faced a reprimand.

Baili Dongjun presented the wine to Li Changsheng, who didn't expect him to actually obtain it. Sikong Changfeng was also about to leave. Baili Dongjun poured a bottle of wine from his jug, and the two bid farewell. On the carriage, Baili Dongjun let Yue Yao smell the wine he had obtained. Inspired, Baili Dongjun mixed his own wine with it and asked his master about the highest place in the city.

After Li Changsheng answered, Baili Dongjun planned to place the wine there. Yue Yao saw a family on the street and envied their happiness. She realized this was the real Tianqi City, different from what she had seen in Tianwaixian. Overwhelmed with emotion, Yue Yao couldn't help but cry. Seeing her tears, Baili Dongjun offered to take her back if she wished. Baili Dongjun arrived at the Immortal's Guide Platform and asked Li Changsheng and Yue Yao to wait.

He then placed the jug at the highest point in Tianqi City, as a tribute to his master. The Emperor guessed the wine was intended for Baili Dongjun's master. Yue Qing expected her sister to return with her this time, but after waiting for a long time, there was no news of her sister's return. She realized her sister had more important matters to attend to, leaving Yue Qing somewhat disappointed.

Yusheng Mo and Ye Dingzhi continued their journey, with Yusheng Mo telling Ye Dingzhi that he had more important skills to teach him. Baili Dongjun placed the wine at the highest point in Tianqi City because his master had asked him to do so. He didn't fully understand why, but from Li Changsheng, he learned that his master's lover had loved that wine. They had agreed to drink it together, but his master's lover didn't live to see that day.

They had promised that if one of them died, the surviving one would place the wine at the highest point. This was a scene no one wanted to see. As they continued their journey, Ji Ruofeng arrived, blocking Baili Dongjun's path. Seeing Ji Ruofeng troubling his master, Li Changsheng, Baili Dongjun naturally stepped in to teach him a lesson. At that moment, Xiao Ruofeng also arrived.

Episode 19 Recap

When Xiao Ruofeng arrived, Ji Ruofeng was quite surprised. At that time, Ji Ruofeng claimed to be the second best in the world, so who was the best? Xiao Ruofeng and Ji Ruofeng confronted each other, neither willing to back down. Xiao Ruofeng called out Baili Dongjun's name, and Baili Dongjun quickly came over to help. Ji Ruofeng told them that no one should think of leaving, unaware that at that moment, Li Changsheng was walking on the water.

Li Changsheng said he was willing to compete with Ji Ruofeng, but if Xiao Ruofeng encountered any difficulties in Tianqi City in the future, Ji Ruofeng must help him. This was part of their agreement. Li Changsheng raised a huge wave and, now over 180 years old, could be considered their ancestor. Ji Ruofeng just wanted to know one answer. He didn't expect that there really was an immortality technique in the world.

With a wave of his sword, Li Changsheng transformed into a man in his twenties. Ji Ruofeng was stunned, and even Baili Dongjun rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Confirming it was indeed their master, he was astonished. Li Changsheng stood before Ji Ruofeng and, having given the desired answer, considered the matter settled. His only request was that Ji Ruofeng not tell anyone in the Baixiao Hall about this. Xiao Ruofeng was also shocked by his master's youthful appearance.

Li Changsheng asked them to leave first, promising to find them later. Xiao Ruofeng feared his master was lying and would never return once he left. After Xiao Ruofeng left, Li Changsheng called Baili Dongjun over. Weak and unable to walk, Baili Dongjun helped him back to the carriage. Li Changsheng told them that even as the world's number one, anyone could kill him now. Baili Dongjun didn't understand what had happened. Li Changsheng said he wanted to sleep.

Afraid he would never wake up, Baili Dongjun slapped him. After getting a reassuring answer from Li Changsheng, they continued their journey. At Nanqiao, a group was discussing Yusheng Mo. As Yusheng Mo and Ye Dingzhi passed by, Yusheng Mo paid no attention to them. Yusheng Mo met Mr. Chen, who knew Yusheng Mo had been conserving his strength on the journey. If he drew his sword now, all his energy would be wasted, resulting in mutual destruction at best.

Yusheng Mo wanted to obtain the Southern Jue, his main purpose for this trip. They didn't reach an agreement. Mr. Chen stirred the water with his fishing rod, and with a simple move, Yusheng Mo destroyed Mr. Chen's lifelong efforts. When Li Changsheng arrived, he found himself in a beautiful valley. Baili Dongjun had fallen asleep outside the carriage, and Yue Yao had prepared a meal.

Li Changsheng wanted to use his magic to pull down the wild fruit from above, but after several attempts, it had no effect. Yesterday, he was the most powerful person; today, he had lost all his skills. Baili Dongjun deliberately picked the wild fruit and showed off in front of Li Changsheng, who pretended to be asleep and ignored him. In the end, Yue Yao called Baili Dongjun away.

Everything that had happened in the past two days was part of Li Changsheng's plan. He had Yue Yao and Baili Dongjun accompany him because he valued them. Li Changsheng told them not to call him Mr. Li anymore. The thirty years belonging to Li Changsheng were over. In the next life, he would take a new name. Yue Yao suggested Nangong as a good name, but Li Changsheng thought he lacked the scholarly aura, despite running the academy.

Finally, he added two words to the name, becoming Nangong Chunshui. Li Changsheng told them the location of Xue Yue City, and they continued their journey. Li Changsheng's martial arts were now useless. He handed Baili Dongjun a martial arts manual; Ji Ruofeng had also practiced this sword technique. Baili Dongjun continued to train hard. At night, while everyone slept, Yue Yao quietly walked away from them. The next morning, Yue Yao was lost in thought.

The night before, she had seen Mo Qixuan. Her sister had come to see her, so Yue Yao left during the day while picking fruit to find Yue Qing. In the Su Ning forest, Yue Yao blew her flute, and her sister came. Yue Qing asked if the man by her sister's side was Baili Dongjun, the one who made her give up on restoring the kingdom. Yue Yao didn't answer directly, but Yue Qing already knew. Before her sister left, Yue Yao said she would return once she found the answer. Mo Qixuan assured Yue Yao that no matter what happened, no one would harm her in the future.

Episode 20 Recap

At this moment, a heavy rain started to fall. Yusheng Mo was still teaching Ye Dingzhi the final move. Suddenly, someone came across the river on a bamboo raft. This person was the Blade Immortal, Yan Lingxia. Knowing that Yusheng Mo had arrived, Yan Lingxia anticipated a confrontation. Baili Dongjun was inquiring about Yusheng Mo from Li Changsheng.

Yusheng Mo was indeed very powerful, but he did not expect to encounter Li Changsheng, who declared that he would not bow to anyone in this life. Baili Dongjun complained that Li Changsheng was over 180 years old and still wanted to bow to women. Soon, a battle ensued on the river. Yusheng Mo seemed to have anticipated Yan Lingxia's appearance. Both sides unleashed their powerful moves against each other.

Baili Dongjun kept asking who would win, but Li Changsheng didn't know either. He thought that although Yusheng Mo was a demon, he was kinder than many people. Yusheng Mo defeated Yan Lingxia but was severely injured. Yusheng Mo told Ye Dingzhi that he saw the last sword move, making Ye Dingzhi very sad as he knew Yusheng Mo did not have much time left.

Yusheng Mo's thirteen sword moves were all guidance for Ye Dingzhi, as he did not want Ye Dingzhi to follow in his footsteps. He left a letter for Ye Dingzhi, mentioning an old man in the north who had never agreed with him. He instructed Ye Dingzhi to defeat that man and become his disciple. Yusheng Mo then departed, not wanting anyone to know his origins or burial place.

Li Changsheng looked at the sky, sensing the departure of an old acquaintance. Meanwhile, Sikong Changfeng was still in a duel with a man who questioned why he and Baili Dongjun, despite their different statuses, were good friends. Sikong Changfeng replied that Baili Dongjun had a pure heart and that both were resilient individuals. The opponent told Sikong Changfeng that someone would become his master eventually, but the time had not yet come.

After seeing Xie Xuan leave, Sikong Changfeng also planned to leave, acknowledging that the martial world would always have new generations. Li Changsheng, along with Baili Dongjun and Yue Yao, arrived at Qianyue Iron Workshop. Li Changsheng claimed to be an old acquaintance, and the master there already recognized him. Knowing their identity and purpose, the master stated that challenging him was not easy. He was the master weapon-maker, Luo Sheng.

Before leaving, Sikong Changfeng stood at the entrance of Baihua Pavilion, contemplating whether to see someone again. After standing there for a long time, he left. Miss Feng thought he would not return, but he did. Sikong Changfeng said he came to bid farewell, promising to return once he had mastered his spear technique. Miss Feng couldn't help but smile. Luo Sheng asked them about their purpose. Although he knew Li Changsheng, he did not recognize the now-younger Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng presented a jade pendant, explaining that he came to Luo Sheng to forge a knife for Baili Dongjun. Luo Sheng, busy with his own tasks, asked them to return in three days for the knife. After three days, Baili Dongjun received an exceptional knife. Luo Sheng let Baili Dongjun name it, and Yue Yao suggested the name "Jin Qianhua" (All That Glitters).

Li Changsheng handed the sword manual to Baili Dongjun, who admitted he had been practicing but had underestimated it until Luo Sheng's skillful moves defeated him. At that moment, Ye Dingzhi arrived, claiming he was there to collect a knife for his master. Li Changsheng felt regret upon learning of Yusheng Mo's death. Baili Dongjun invited Ye Dingzhi to join them, but Ye Dingzhi needed to return to Nanjue to handle his master's affairs.

Li Changsheng said they needed to continue their journey. During this time, Baili Dongjun had been missing, causing his mother some concern. With the Tangmen Poison Testing Conference approaching, everyone was eager to participate. The Wen family was also invited, and the old master agreed to let them go. Wen Jiuhu, having been home for a long time, was eager to leave and packed his bags immediately, even though they were supposed to leave the next day.

In the carriage, Li Changsheng told everyone about Luo Sheng. Luo Sheng's beloved woman married someone else because of him, and their daughter was now Li Xinyue. Wen Jiuhu's carriage moved slowly, and eager to get there quickly, Wen Jiuhu sent spies to find out Baili Dongjun's group's destination and went to find them. Ye Dingzhi also joined Baili Dongjun's group, and from Baili Dongjun, he learned that the young man before them was indeed Li Changsheng.

Episode 21 Recap

Baili Dongjun suddenly felt emotional, thinking that perhaps it was the presence of young people like them that gradually shaped the martial world. Yue Yao, due to a conflict between her master Liu Yue and Tangmen, decided to stay at the inn and not go to Tangmen. After escorting Baili Dongjun and Li Changsheng to Tangmen, Ye Dingzhi left, unsure when they would meet again. Suddenly, someone ambushed Baili Dongjun. While he was defending himself, Li Changsheng was taken away.

Just as Baili Dongjun was about to go in and look for Li Changsheng, Wen Jiuhu arrived. They prepared to enter together but were stopped at the door by someone holding a weapon, who introduced himself as Tang Lianyue. Wen Jiuhu presented a visiting card, suggesting that they become friends, though they obviously couldn't befriend Tang Lianyue. Baili Dongjun was very worried about Li Changsheng but couldn't reveal his identity.

Wen Jiuhu inquired about the person who was taken away, deducing that the kidnappers likely wouldn't kill him easily and that he would appear at the Poison Testing Conference the next day. Yue Yao thought that since she didn't go to Tangmen, she could visit her sister, Yin Luoxia. Yue Yao mentioned that she had used Yin Luoxia's name to become Liu Yue's disciple. Yin Luoxia wanted to know about Tianqi City, and Yue Yao told her everything.

Yin Luoxia asked if Yue Yao liked Baili Dongjun, leaving Yue Yao at a loss for words. As the Poison Testing Conference was about to begin, the entrance was crowded with small families testing their blades, while the real conference had invited experts from the five major poison clans to compete. Wen Jiuhu saw the Medicine King, and they started bickering. Baili Dongjun also saw Sikong Changfeng. The competition soon began, with Tangmen's head, Tang Linghuang, announcing the rules.

The Wen family decided not to be the first to compete. A woman wielding a highly poisonous sword was the first to go up against a Tangmen pirate, who easily knocked her down, rendering the poison useless. Wen Jiuhu also went on stage. At that moment, the opponent fell to the ground, exclaiming about the Wen family's poison. Baili Dongjun found the voice familiar. The pirate removed his mask, revealing himself to be Li Changsheng, surprising even Tang Linghuang.

Li Changsheng introduced himself as Nangong Chunshui. The old Tang master recognized him immediately, smiling knowingly. Tang Linghuang had everyone leave, and Li Changsheng told them they only had one chance, urging them to pay attention. He then demonstrated his skills, revealing himself as a master. Neither Tang Linghuang nor Wen Jiuhu had any chance to resist. The old Tang master in the room couldn't help but smile. Li Changsheng then challenged them to use their strongest poison against him.

Baili Dongjun was puzzled by Li Changsheng's intentions. Tang Linghuang used the "Ten Thousand Blossoms" technique, but it was ineffective against Li Changsheng, who was adept in both Daoist and Buddhist techniques, astonishing everyone. Wen Jiuhu and Tang Linghuang teamed up, using the "Three Character Classic" and "Rain of Pear Blossoms" needles, but even their combined efforts were futile against Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng called for the Tang family elders.

Baili Dongjun absorbed all the poison into his body and met with Mo Yi, who said he came to bid farewell and asked him to take care of his many disciples, before his soul returned. Li Changsheng met a woman, claiming to be her husband. At first, she didn't believe him, but a poem he recited revealed his identity.

Returning to the scene, Li Changsheng collapsed after the fight, revealing that it was all part of a plan with the old Tang master. The Medicine King found the situation interesting, learning from the old Tang master that Li Changsheng wanted to relinquish his powers, as he couldn't bear the pain of losing loved ones repeatedly while he remained immortal. After waking up, Li Changsheng called for Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng to leave together.

Sikong Changfeng was surprised when Li Changsheng agreed to take him as a disciple, and the Medicine King urged him to accept quickly. Sikong Changfeng knelt and bowed to Li Changsheng. After bidding farewell to Wen Jiuhu, Baili Dongjun left with Li Changsheng. They arrived at Xiaguan, part of Xue Yue City, where the city lord was Li Changsheng's beloved. Suddenly, the city lord Luo Mu appeared, furious to see Li Changsheng, telling him to leave without even giving him a chance to explain.

Episode 22 Recap

Luo Shui was still feeling sad about Li Changsheng's departure. Years ago, they had made a promise to each other, but everything changed. While having dinner, Li Changsheng told Baili Dongjun that he had already decided to be with Luo Shui back then, so he intended to be honest with her. Luo Shui asked Li Changsheng a question, wanting to know how many wives he had in his life.

Li Changsheng truthfully answered that he had three wives, which upset Luo Shui, as she naturally hoped a man would love only her for his entire life. Yue Yao was curious about Baili Dongjun's thoughts, and Li Changsheng was also curious about what women thought. Yue Yao expressed her view on relationships, hoping to find someone who would treat her well for a lifetime.

Li Changsheng was troubled, and to his surprise, Yue Yao accurately predicted that Luo Shui would ask if he would have more wives in the future. Baili Dongjun praised women's similar thought processes. Yue Yao then asked Baili Dongjun, who replied that he wasn't sure about the next life but would love her wholeheartedly in this one, which satisfied Yue Yao. Sikong Changfeng also gave a similar answer.

Eventually, Li Changsheng told Luo Shui that he couldn't count, which made her angry. The next day, they arrived outside the Ascending Heaven Pavilion, where many experts were guarding each level, making it increasingly difficult to ascend. Li Changsheng used his lightness skill to reach the upper floors. After ten years, the opponents noticed that Li Changsheng looked much younger.

Li Changsheng used his Iron Head skill to break through the roof, standing at the highest point and shouting Luo Shui's name. He declared that his name was Nangong Chunshui in this life and that he would only love Luo Shui in this and all future lives. Li Changsheng said he had only this life left, and it was one lifetime.

Luo Shui stood before him on the rooftop, revealing that her powers had dissipated and that she would spend her life with him. She still felt regret knowing Li Changsheng had only one life left and wanted him to regain his powers, but Li Changsheng refused, saying he would never regret it. Luo Shui was deeply moved, and they left hand in hand. Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng were happy to see their master find happiness.

Luo Shui agreed to leave with Li Changsheng. Meanwhile, Baili Dongjun's group was still outside the city gate. They wanted to enter the Ascending Heaven Pavilion but had to fight their way up step by step. Yue Yao left the task to them and departed first. The two quickly defeated the opponents on the first level and continued ascending. Ye Dingzhi found Yan Lingxia, wanting to spar with her. Ye Dingzhi explained his reasons, and Yan Lingxia accepted the challenge.

By this time, Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng had reached the fifteenth floor. The first fifteen levels were relatively easy, but the challenges ahead were much tougher. They found the opponents from the fifteenth and sixteenth floors together. The two were quickly beaten badly, with Sikong Changfeng even wanting to surrender, but this only made the beating worse. The opponent told Baili Dongjun that he only used one finger, then threw them both down from the building.

Baili Dongjun felt that Li Changsheng had set them up. Yan Lingxia knocked Ye Dingzhi down and told him to come back the next day. Ye Dingzhi asked if she was hungry and offered to roast chicken for her. He didn't resent Yan Lingxia as it was his master Yusheng Mo's request. Yan Lingxia enjoyed the roast chicken and agreed to practice the next day.

After Ye Dingzhi left, he encountered Yue Qing, who tried to recruit him but was rejected. Seeing her resemblance to Yin Luoxia, Ye Dingzhi realized that Yin Luoxia was just a fake name used by Yue Yao. He refused to leave with Yue Qing and cut down branches with his knife to block her path before leaving. Yue Yao hurried to check on Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun after learning they were injured, personally applying medicine to Baili Dongjun.

Yue Yao had unconsciously developed feelings for him. At night, Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng chatted. Sikong Changfeng, though unsure of his background, felt content with his current life. Baili Dongjun felt that his life was going smoothly and only needed to marry the fairy sister, but he now had feelings for Yue Yao without realizing they were the same person.

Episode 23 Recap

Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun were chatting when Sikong Changfeng suddenly had an epiphany and invited Baili Dongjun to train with him outside. Just then, someone arrived, and Sikong Changfeng had already developed a new sword technique, which he named "Similarity. " After a few days of recuperation, Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng were ready to take on the challenge again. They returned to the fifteenth floor, prepared to defeat the guardian there.

In the evening, while drinking, Baili Dongjun came to see Yue Yao, who was quite happy to see him. Baili Dongjun brought some fine wine for Yue Yao, and they sat under a tree, sharing interesting stories from the past days. Baili Dongjun mentioned that he had created a new sword technique by chance. He was also pondering whether the fairy he liked was the same person as Yue Yao in front of him, but he couldn't be sure.

He just felt that the fairy sister was like a guiding light in his heart, and now, he just wanted to be happy every day. Baili Dongjun was lost in thought about his conversation with Sikong Changfeng, eagerly anticipating meeting his beloved fairy sister. Yue Yao didn't know how to respond. Sikong Changfeng was on the rooftop playing with leaves when Li Changsheng came over, guessing that Sikong Changfeng might be thinking of someone.

Sikong Changfeng admitted that she wasn't his true love but that he occasionally missed her. Li Changsheng asked when Sikong Changfeng planned to meet her for the third time, but Sikong Changfeng didn't know. Li Changsheng decided to teach Sikong Changfeng a more powerful spear technique, demonstrating it before him. The technique was very impressive, and Sikong Changfeng had a lot to learn.

Yi Wenjun was waiting for Ye Dingzhi to come to her, while Ye Dingzhi was busy learning to cook the bamboo rice that Yi Wenjun liked. As Yi Wenjun was about to get married, Ye Dingzhi's goal was to become stronger. Yue Qing still tried to recruit Ye Dingzhi to conquer Bei Li, promising him everything he wanted.

However, Ye Dingzhi refused, saying that although he hated the Xiao family, he didn't want to see the common people suffer from the chaos of war, so he rejected Yue Qing's offer. Luo Shui learned that a man dressed in black with a bamboo hat had arrived, signaling it was time for Xue Yue City to reemerge in the martial world.

The man rowed over and announced the Bai Xiaotang's Liang Yu Ranking list, with Sikong Changfeng in third place and Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi tied for first. Everyone applauded Baili Dongjun, who was pleased to be ranked alongside Ye Dingzhi. Li Changsheng planned to leave with Luo Shui, intending to live for love in this life, leaving Baili Dongjun to find his own path. Luo Shui entrusted the city lord position to Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun.

They hurried to catch up with Li Changsheng and Luo Shui, who had already left. Li Changsheng mentioned that someone would come to help them, planning to enjoy the days ahead. Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng waited all night but didn't see anyone come to help. They sat on the city wall drinking when Baili Dongjun saw the fairy sister's carriage arriving, with flower petals floating in the sky. Baili Dongjun descended from the city wall and approached the carriage.

By now, Baili Dongjun was famous worldwide. Yue Yao, fulfilling her promise, revealed her real name. Baili Dongjun, who had waited for years, finally learned her name. He said that he had been brewing wine for a long time to give to his beloved, so he couldn't give it to Yue Yao just yet. Yue Yao felt a bit disappointed upon hearing this.

Baili Dongjun always thought his feelings for the fairy sister were love, but he realized he had fallen for his junior, Yue Yao. Baili Dongjun handed the wine to Yue Yao and prepared to leave, but Yue Yao called his name and got down from the carriage. It turned out that Yue Yao and the fairy sister were the same person. Sikong Changfeng was quite happy, knowing that the one he had always liked was him.

Baili Dongjun took Yue Yao to a valley, where Yue Yao apologized and revealed that she was born in a distant, frigid land. After the war, her country was destroyed, and they needed someone with innate martial veins to help them. Baili Dongjun had these innate martial veins, so Yue Yao initially approached him with a purpose. Yue Yao feared Baili Dongjun would be disappointed in her.

Baili Dongjun pretended to be disappointed but couldn't help but smile when he turned around. He understood that Yue Yao's honesty was an invitation to join her in the celestial realm, but Yue Yao said she no longer wanted to take him back after getting to know him and instead wanted to build a new home with him. Baili Dongjun told Yue Yao that her identity might be fake, but her feelings were real.

Although Yue Yao approached him with a purpose, he could see that her feelings for him were genuine, which made him understand her better. Baili Dongjun confessed that he liked Yue Yao, and Yue Yao was moved to tears.

Episode 24 Recap

Ye Dingzhi met with Yan Lingxia at the agreed location, and his swordsmanship had greatly improved during this period. Yan Lingxia asked Ye Dingzhi why he was so eager to practice his sword skills. Ye Dingzhi explained that he had promised someone, the woman he loved most in this life, that he would put in a lot of effort. Yan Lingxia believed that no matter what, that person would be the happiest woman.

Ye Dingzhi handed his sword to Yan Lingxia for safekeeping, as it was a precious item left by his master that needed to be cherished. Yan Lingxia then left. As the wedding approached, Xiao Ruofeng visited his brother Xiao Ruojin's residence. With the wedding imminent, his brother was very pleased. The emperor also knew that since Xiao Ruojin had chosen this path, he should give him a push, as long as it wasn’t too excessive.

However, recently, he had been somewhat restless. Yi Wenjun planned to leave on the eve of the wedding. As the six-month period was drawing near, she couldn’t bear to watch Ye Dingzhi go to his death, so Yi Wenjun prepared to leave. She had also secretly drugged her senior brother in preparation for her escape, but her father discovered this. Yi Bu directly sealed her cultivation, so she couldn't use it for the time being.

Baili Dongjun's parents had received news about Xiao Ruojin's upcoming marriage. Prince Langya, the ninth prince, had also left a letter in the invitation saying there was an urgent matter to discuss. The Duke of West Town had to take action if he wanted to remain steadfast. Baili Dongjun also received an invitation but was undecided about attending.

Initially, he was unwilling to attend the wedding, but Yue Yao suggested that he could meet old friends upon his return, so Baili Dongjun agreed to go. Yue Yao, however, would not be returning with them and had to go back to the celestial realm. Ye Dingzhi's departure from his villa meant he was determined to snatch the bride. Yue Qing, however, did not want Ye Dingzhi to go, knowing that his chances of survival were slim.

Nevertheless, Ye Dingzhi insisted on going. Yi Bu sent disciples to check everywhere to ensure the wedding went off without a hitch. Yi Bu knew that Ye Dingzhi would return to look for Yi Wenjun. Since Ye Dingzhi was a disciple of Rainborn Devil, who was now dead, no one would take Yi Wenjun away.

Although Yi Bu was aware that Ye Dingzhi was the same person as Ye Yun from back then, he had been planning for years and would not easily let Ye Dingzhi disrupt his plans. In Yi Bu's view, his daughter's happiness was insignificant compared to his ambitions. Luo Qingyang vowed to become the number one in the world.

Luo Qingyang sought Ji Ruofeng's help to deliver something, and Ji Ruofeng indicated that he would ask Luo Qingyang to do something in return. Ji Ruofeng already knew what Luo Qingyang was delivering and said he knew Ye Dingzhi had left Nan Jue. Luo Qingyang also knew that, despite the distance, Ye Dingzhi would come. Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng returned to Tianqi City, where they encountered Baili Dongjun’s father at the gate.

Baili Dongjun, not showing much respect, called him "Young Master. " Baili Dongjun then learned that his father had come to attend the wedding as well. Sikong Changfeng introduced himself as Baili Dongjun's good brother. Seeing familiar places felt like waking from a dream and returning to Tianqi City. Baili Dongjun met his senior brothers and remarked that Xiao Ruofeng had put on weight.

Lei Mengsha wanted to compare skills with Baili Dongjun, and Liu Yue informed everyone that everything was arranged, just waiting for the carriage to pick them up. Xiao Ruofeng took Baili Dongjun’s father to meet Xiao Ruojin, and Baili Dongjun felt they were hiding something from him. Liu Yue suggested that it might be something Baili Dongjun didn’t dare to confront.

Baili Dongjun’s father stated that from now on, all matters in the Duke of West Town would be decided by him. On the day of the wedding, Ye Dingzhi was rushing to the venue to snatch the bride, while Yi Wenjun awaited his arrival. However, Ye Dingzhi was stopped on the road by Luo Qingyang, who deliberately covered half of his face in front of Baili Dongjun.

Luo Qingyang wanted to join Ye Dingzhi in the mountain to snatch the bride, but since many in the court knew his identity, he needed to cover his face. Ye Dingzhi refused to wear a mask, stating that he wanted everyone to know his identity upon returning to Tianqi City. Yi Bu soon learned that Luo Qingyang was accompanying Ye Dingzhi to snatch the bride. Baili Dongjun also learned of Ye Dingzhi's plan and immediately decided to find him.

Knowing that Ye Dingzhi and Yi Wenjun were truly in love, Baili Dongjun, along with Sikong Changfeng, prepared to assist in the snatching. Ye Dingzhi and Luo Qingyang soon entered Tianqi City, and the King of Jingyu’s residence had experts to assist them. At this point, Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng joined them. Their target was the princess, and although it was a capital offense, Baili Dongjun had donned a mask.

Reinforcements arrived, and Luo Qingyang instructed Ye Dingzhi and Baili Dongjun to leave while he handled the situation. On their way, Ye Dingzhi and Baili Dongjun encountered an ambush but refused to give up easily. Xiao Ruofeng informed Baili Dongjun’s father that Ye Dingzhi and Baili Dongjun were together in snatching the bride, and Luo Qingyang was facing Yi Bu alone, asking Sikong Changfeng to go join Ye Dingzhi. Baili Dongjun instructed Ye Dingzhi to go to the residence while he cleared the obstacles outside.

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