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Smile Code Episode 31 Recap

> Smile Code
> Smile Code Recap

Gu Yi immersed herself in work again, hoping to use her job to support Liang Daiwen. Seeing Liang hang his mother’s portrait on the wall warmed her heart, making her feel as though her own mother was still by her side. Returning to the office, Gu Yi directly told Zhang Junjie that her earlier emotional outburst was due to her mother’s passing and apologized for losing control. Zhang Junjie expressed his understanding and encouraged her to focus on her work.

Gu Yi proposed abandoning print media and transitioning to an app format to reach more young readers. She pointed out that their test articles on public platforms had steadily gained views, proving their content was solid but that audiences were moving away from traditional print. Gu Yi suggested creating a paid knowledge section within the app to carve out a new niche and reignite young people's interest in their essays.

Zhang Junjie agreed this was the right direction and urged Gu Yi to complete the project within two months. Xu Guanrui visited Liang Daiwen, expressing concern as he hadn’t seen Gu Yi for a while. Sincerely apologizing, Xu admitted he had been too extreme in the past and had doubted Liang’s ability to care for Gu Yi. Now, he realized he had been wrong. Liang found Xu’s tone oddly paternal, almost as if he were an elder giving advice.

Xu told Liang that Gu Yi needed his kind of love and urged him to cherish her. Meanwhile, Guan Xingxin secluded herself in her room, overwhelmed by the hateful comments she saw online. Hearing her manager berate her loudly outside only made her retreat further. Unable to hold back, Zhang Junjie stepped in and scolded her ex-husband, sending him away. Yu Dule watched the videos Guan Xingxin had recorded, feeling his heart ache for her.

Yet, he silently continued editing the footage, despite the pain. Liang Daiwen reflected on how much Gu Yi had taught him, especially about love. Gradually, Gu Yi also began moving past her grief over losing her mother. Her public essays resonated with many readers, earning widespread admiration. Even Zhang Junjie praised her work.

One day, although Gu Yi and Yu Dule hadn’t planned to perform stand-up comedy, the eager audience persuaded Yu Dule to take the stage and say a few words. Afterward, Gu Yi overheard Huang Wenda mocking Yu Dule. She felt disgusted by his behavior, thinking Zhang Junjie had been right about him. When Gu Yi presented a contract to Yu Dule, he immediately suspected there was something shady about it.

Gu Yi felt momentarily disheartened as her attempt to revive their collaboration seemed to backfire. However, Gu Yi’s essay about family touched countless readers, sparking widespread empathy and earning her even more fans. Zhang Junjie commended her and encouraged her to visit Guan Xingxin, who hadn’t been in good spirits lately. He mentioned that the "dog" surnamed Huang had been frequently visiting Guan’s home, causing trouble. When Gu Yi met Guan Xingxin, she sensed her regret and confusion.

Guan admitted she felt remorseful about some of her decisions but didn’t explain further. Gu Yi questioned why Guan hadn’t stopped her adoptive parents from hurting Yu Dule, but Guan didn’t respond directly. Gu Yi reminded her, “Your life is your own. Don’t let others control it. ”To celebrate Liang Daiwen’s recent professional success, Gu Yi invited him out for dinner. She shared her thoughts about pursuing stand-up comedy full-time.

Liang supported her decision, saying he didn’t mind whether she made it her primary career. Despite Guan Xingxin’s rising popularity, she remained melancholic. Meanwhile, Huang Wenda praised a recent editor for their skillful work, noting how they had helped turn public opinion in Guan’s favor. When Guan overheard that the editor’s surname was Yu, she had a hunch about who it might be. Gu Yi, meanwhile, went to an interview and was nearly persuaded by the interviewer’s eloquent pitch.

She successfully signed with the company, completely unaware of the peculiar nature of the person sitting across from her.

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