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Smile Code Episode 8 Recap

> Smile Code
> Smile Code Recap

Gu Yi had an intense time at the amusement park and was exhausted afterward. Guan Xingxin, still full of energy, suggested they try more rides, but Gu Yi, out of energy, declined and told Liang Daiwen and the others to continue without her. She decided to sit and wait for them, surprised when Liang Daiwen left without saying anything. Suddenly, Gu Yi felt a little queasy, and just then, Liang Daiwen returned with a bucket of popcorn for her.

Gu Yi retracted her earlier words, realizing Liang Daiwen did have a caring side. Meanwhile, Yu Dule held out a flower to give to Guan Xingxin. Although Guan understood his intention, she hesitated due to past heartbreak and her fear of trying again. After thinking it over, she simply smiled in response rather than giving a direct answer. Gu Yi encouraged Liang Daiwen to practice smiling, but his attempt was stiff and awkward, as if he were furious.

Gu Yi demonstrated her smile, hoping he’d imitate it, but he bluntly praised her looks and wiped some ice cream on her face. Gu Yi couldn’t help but find his cluelessness somewhat charming. Gu Yi spruced up her home, hoping to surprise Liang Daiwen with a candlelight dinner. She eagerly awaited his return, praying in front of the flowers.

To her dismay, a candle accidentally lit the flowers on fire, and the flames grew as the rain leaked in through the ceiling. When Liang Daiwen returned, he found a rather disheveled Gu Yi. Gu Yi admitted her intentions had been to prepare a candlelit dinner, not to set the place ablaze. Liang Daiwen understood that if she had truly wanted to start a fire, she wouldn’t have done it this way.

When he noticed the handwritten message, his hand tensed slightly. Liang Daiwen confessed he had dated two girls before, but neither was happy with him, and they eventually drifted apart. He felt certain that being with him would not bring any woman happiness and added that Gu Yi was the only woman he had gotten to know well so far. Curious, Gu Yi wanted to know if she held any special place in his heart, but his response left her disappointed.

She told him she’d look for her own place soon, since otherwise she might misinterpret his feelings. Liang Daiwen felt conflicted and uncomfortable, his heart racing, but he didn’t know how to handle the situation. Xu Guanrui, testing Gu Yi’s feelings for Liang Daiwen, brought her breakfast and asked if she liked him. Startled, Gu Yi choked and clarified they were just friends.

Gu Yi approached Guan Xingxin, expressing her desire to meet with Liang Daiwen’s psychologist to understand his situation better. Lao Shen patiently explained, noting that Liang Daiwen’s mind often felt blank, a result of traumatic experiences. Gu Yi didn’t pry further, and Lao Shen remarked it would take some time for Liang Daiwen to learn to feel and express emotions. Listening nearby, Liang Daiwen felt torn. Hearing Gu Yi’s plan to move out saddened him.

Gu Yi thought that living without feelings must be quite convenient for him. That night, she dreamed of Liang Daiwen jumping from a building and woke to find him sleepwalking, searching for her. When she asked him about his condition, he fell asleep again without responding. Liang Daiwen felt conflicted about whether to reject Gu Yi’s affections. Gu Yi told Guan Xingxin that Liang Daiwen was avoiding her, and Guan advised her to use a straightforward approach.

When Liang Daiwen attended Gu Yi’s comedy show, she asked him if he’d be happier if she moved out. Liang Daiwen seemed hesitant and conflicted. Gu Yi then asked if she could stay for one more month, and Liang Daiwen agreed.

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