2024 Chinese Drama List

Scent of Time Episode 1 Recap

> Scent of Time
> Scent of Time Recap

Hua Qian always believed that when fate turned her into someone else's supporting role, she could use her own strength and cunning to make herself the protagonist. The man she loved, she wanted to have, and the things she desired, she wanted to possess. Anyone who stood in her way, she would deal with and ensure their eternal suffering. However, fate did not favor her in this endeavor, perhaps as the ancients said, "Evil begets evil."

On a snowy night, Hua Qian, her clothes tattered, fled in a panic without knowing where to go. Behind her were a group of menacing soldiers. She darted into the tall grass like a frightened rabbit, disappearing into the night. But she was caught again when her clothing got caught on a branch. Back at the government office, her mother and brother had already died under the chaos. Everyone pointed at her, mocked her, and said she deserved her misfortune. She suddenly felt her vision blur, and the past was so clear yet distant. In the end, the pure white snow was stained with crimson blood. If life could start over, Hua Qian would surely make different choices.

Upon waking up again, Hua Qian saw her personal maidservant, Qian Zhi. But she distinctly remembered that Qian Zhi had long since died. Before she could fully grasp the situation, Qian Zhi told her it was her wedding day in the Zhong family. However, this day had occurred two years ago. She pinched her own face in disbelief and realized that she had indeed gone back in time two years. Eager to see her mother, she was stopped by a servant. Zhong Yelan had heard that the Mu family girl had met with misfortune and left the wedding chamber in a hurry, having the servant lie that he had already retired for the night. Hua Qian didn't mind, knowing that Zhong Yelan wouldn't return that night.

Various memories flashed before Hua Qian's eyes like a revolving lantern. Impersonating Mu Yao to get close to Zhong Yelan, drugging him for the wedding, then framing the entire Mu family and sending them to prison. After the truth came to light, Hua Qian was cast out, becoming a pariah. The Hua family died and were exiled, meeting a tragic end. Now, it seemed that fate was giving Hua Qian a chance to turn her life around. She silently swore not to repeat her mistakes.

The Zhong family controlled all the royal incense, and even the current Crown Princess had married into the Zhong family. Therefore, they had considerable prestige in this remote town. The Hua family, on the other hand, had control over the procurement rights, making them wealthy landowners in the region. With the two families now joining in marriage, the common people naturally gossiped about it. However, not everyone in the Zhong residence was happy. Early the next morning, Zhong Yelan finally returned home. In front of everyone, he appeared quite protective of Hua Qian. But once inside the carriage with no witnesses, he removed his facade and ignored her. Hua Qian didn't mind, knowing that Zhong Yelan was distressed about Mu Yao.

The carriage slowly arrived at the Zhong family's estate. Upon meeting the head of the Zhong family, Zhong Xiwu, Hua Qian couldn't help but fall into contemplation. She didn't understand why Mu Yao was so attractive that he had both Zhong brothers enchanted. Just as she was pondering, the two brothers left. Although Zhong Yelan shared the surname Zhong, he was not a blood relative of the Zhong family; he was the former head of the family and Zhong Xiwu's father's closed-door disciple.

For Hua Qian, the first step in her transformation was to change her image in front of the Crown Princess. Even though she felt a bit uncomfortable, this time, the Crown Princess didn't leave her alone in a side chamber. By the pond, Hua Qian inexplicably fell into the water. Everyone was surprised and curious about when she had learned to swim. Little did they know that during her year of exile, Hua Qian had learned many things. To avoid suspicion, she pretended to be weak and allowed her maidservant to assist her.

While Hua Qian was grooming herself, she suddenly saw a familiar face in the mirror, her sister, Hua Man, from her uncle's family. From Hua Man, Hua Qian instantly realized that the Crown Princess had already set her sights on her.

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