2024 Chinese Drama List

Scent of Time Episode 11 Recap

> Scent of Time
> Scent of Time Recap

Wu Shuomo once again sneaked into Mu Yao's room at night, asking if she truly intended to follow Zhong Yelan. Mu Yao didn't give a direct answer but suggested that Zhong Yelan might be even stronger than him. Later, Mu Yao firmly insisted on sending Wu Shuomo away. Wu Shuomo slowly approached Mu Yao's ear and asked her if she was curious about why he had been clinging to her. When Mu Yao didn't respond, Wu Shuomo had no choice but to leave. As he departed, he told Mu Yao that she would eventually come looking for him.

In these past few days, Wu Shuomo continuously sent invitations to Hua Qian's courtyard along with some gifts. However, Hua Qian didn't even raise an eyelid and was unwilling to pay him any attention. While she enjoyed the soft sunlight, Cui Zhu walked in from outside and informed Hua Qian that Hua Man had done something wrong and was given away to the stableman, forever barred from returning to the Zhong residence. Hearing this news, Hua Qian was shocked, and the items in her hands slipped to the ground.

Qian Zhi sensed that something was wrong with Hua Qian and instructed Cui Zhu to leave. Then, she turned to console Hua Qian. She mentioned that Hua Man had brought this upon herself, but Hua Qian didn't seem to hear. She just felt a chill throughout her body, piercing her heart, and couldn't help but hold herself tightly. She seemed lost, only saying that it was too cold and that she wanted to return to her room. Qian Zhi looked up at the blinding sunlight and felt a bit dazed.

After the news of Hua Man's situation, Hua Qian stayed confined in her room all day. On this day, she finally had the desire to come out, and Qian Zhi insisted on getting her to move her body. Hua Qian couldn't resist the pulling and tugging of the maids, so she reluctantly joined them in a game of shuttlecock. Perhaps it was because she broke a sweat that she finally felt alive. A smile finally appeared on Hua Qian's face. Outside the courtyard, Hua Rongzhou saw this scene and couldn't help but smile. However, a terrifying figure slowly approached from not too far away. Hua Rongzhou quickly concealed his smile and coughed heavily. The people inside the courtyard went back to their roles as if nothing had happened. The wet nurse knew very well what these young girls were up to but didn't reveal their secrets.

Hua Qian remained secluded all day, refused to respond to letters, and Wu Shuomo, in his helplessness, turned his attention to Hua Shen. After a few drinks, Hua Shen's face turned red. The two of them enjoyed their conversation and expressed their disdain for Zhong Yelan. Hua Shen even defended Wu Shuomo, criticizing Zhong Yelan for wasting Hua Qian's time while not making a decision about Mu Yao. Soon, the two became sworn brothers. Wu Shuomo took the opportunity to ask Hua Shen to introduce him to Hua Qian, but Hua Shen, despite his love of money and dissolute behavior, was extremely protective of Hua Qian. When he learned that his sister didn't want to deal with Wu Shuomo, Hua Shen naturally refused his request.

During the guard's martial arts competition, Hua Rongzhou achieved consecutive victories and even defeated Nan Feng. However, he inadvertently mentioned that he had a master and was worried about potential trouble. While feeling annoyed, he entered the courtyard and was met with a shower of flower petals. Hua Qian and the maids in the courtyard were scattering petals to welcome his triumphant return. The atmosphere was cheerful, and Hua Qian took out a treasure sword she had found especially for Hua Rongzhou, solemnly presenting it to him. Hua Rongzhou couldn't help but smile and gently caressed the scabbard, as if he was holding a priceless treasure.

During the Fragrance Appreciation Banquet, the unusual relationship between Hua Qian and Zhong Xiwu didn't escape the notice of the Grand Princess. She had long observed Zhong Xiwu's special treatment of Hua Qian. On this day, she specifically summoned Hua Qian, discussing the banquet and advising her to firmly hold onto her power. Hua Qian understood the Grand Princess's hidden meaning and agreed to her suggestions. The Grand Princess then inquired about Mu Yao, asking how Hua Qian planned to handle the situation. Hua Qian vouched for Mu Yao and openly stated that she would follow Zhong Yelan's wishes. To demonstrate her determination, she sought permission from the Grand Princess to raise Mu Yao as a concubine in the Zhong family.

Upon learning that Hua Qian had gone to Zhong's Manor, Wu Shuomo waited on the road early in the morning. When he saw Hua Qian's carriage returning, he quickly intercepted it. Hua Qian, exasperated, announced to Wu Shuomo in a sarcastic tone that Mu Yao would soon become a concubine in the Zhong family. Upon hearing this, Wu Shuomo's grip on the curtain tightened.

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