2024 Chinese Drama List

Scent of Time Episode 7 Recap

> Scent of Time
> Scent of Time Recap

Through a series of fortunate events, Hua Rongzhou ended up in the Zhong household, serving as a guard. Thanks to his handsome appearance, many young maids in the Zhong family found him quite charming. Cui Zhu, a maid in Hua Qian's courtyard, was particularly taken with him and repeatedly requested Hua Qian to bring Hua Rongzhou into their courtyard. Hua Qian had no choice but to agree.

Zhong Xiwu inquired with Magistrate Wang about the escapees from the Ge family, concerned that they might seek revenge as the Ge family's downfall was connected to the Zhong family. Magistrate Wang explained that there had been very little information regarding the Ge family recently, suggesting that they might have been too frightened to make any moves.

Hua Qian was dealing with her own problems at this time. Unexpected incidents kept piling up, and with her current physical condition, she wasn't sure she could handle the ancestral ceremony. So, she decided to exercise regularly in the courtyard, sometimes skipping rope, sometimes playing shuttlecock with the maids. She enjoyed it like a child. The wet nurse was exasperated but couldn't say much, only shouting that it was inappropriate. In the end, Hua Qian remained unapologetic. Hua Rongzhou, watching her antics from outside, enjoyed seeing her in this lively state. When he saw her scolding the wet nurse, he couldn't help but laugh quietly.

On the day of the ancestral ceremony, Hua Qian couldn't help but look forward to what would happen next. According to her past memories, Wu Shuomou would disguise himself as a member of the Ge family and lead a group of people in black to create chaos. Mu Yao would risk her life to save Zhong Yelan and would be hit by an arrow. This time, she was determined to snatch Mu Yao's favor as she owed her life to her. However, the ceremony was almost over, and she kept waiting for the arrow to strike Zhong Yelan but it didn't happen. Just when she was thinking about it, an arrow came flying from somewhere and hit a table in front of Zhong Xiwu. A group of masked men in black descended from the eaves, demanding that the Zhong family hand over the Ge family's secret recipe for fragrant herbs.

Chaos erupted at the scene, and Hua Qian quickly moved to a safe distance to observe everything. She waited for the arrow aimed at Zhong Yelan. But a person with a knife started heading towards Hua Qian. Fortunately, Hua Rongzhou arrived in time and saved her. Hua Qian intended to ask for the name of the guard so that she could thank him properly later. However, before he could finish speaking, the arrow was already heading straight for Zhong Yelan.

In a hurry, Hua Qian rushed forward, pushing Mu Yao out of the way. She thought that if she pushed Mu Yao away, the person could be saved, and there was no need to shield her with her own body. In this moment, she was unexpectedly hit by the arrow. Luckily, it didn't damage any vital organs, so her life wasn't in danger.

After lying unconscious for an unknown period of time, Hua Qian finally woke up. She felt parched and quickly called for Qian Zhi. Hearing the commotion, Zhong Yelan hurried in and urged Hua Qian to rest. However, Hua Qian felt that she couldn't postpone revealing the truth any longer. So, with her dry mouth, she managed to say a few words. She admitted that the young girl in the ancestral hall that day was not herself but Mu Yao, and the mistake was not made by Zhong Yelan but by her intention. She hoped that the blame would not fall on her family. After hearing this, Zhong Yelan felt a mixture of emotions and walked out of the room, visibly upset. Qian Zhi, seeing this, was concerned that Hua Qian would face more neglect in the future, but Hua Qian felt a sense of relief.

Ever since she returned to two years ago, Hua Qian had been smelling an unusual fragrance. However, she couldn't find anyone who knew about this scent or smelled it the way she did. Due to her weakened physical condition, the fragrance was even more unpleasant to her, leading to nightmares. In her dreams, the events of those two years played out vividly, but there was always a familiar yet unfamiliar voice calling her name. In a daze, Hua Qian saw Zhong Xiwu's face in the dream and couldn't help but express her annoyance with a comment, "Can't even have peace in my dreams." To her surprise, the Zhong Xiwu in front of her was indeed a living person, and he couldn't help but jest, realizing he was such a bother. Zhong Xiwu asked about the ancestral ceremony and why she seemed so calm. Hua Qian thought Zhong Xiwu was doubting her and, ignoring her weakness, she got up and knelt, explaining that if she had truly intended to plot something, she wouldn't have put her own life in danger. Furthermore, his arrival with the physician had confirmed that her injuries were genuine. Hearing this, Zhong Xiwu's eyes revealed a hint of confusion.

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