Cast of The Backlight of Love CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama The Backlight of Love MerxatMo YanMain Role Dilraba DilmuratJiang LiMain Role Yang XuwenZhao QianqiuSupport Role Zhang YijieKong KongSupport Role Gao YuerLin QingSupport Role Xu KaichengZheng YangSupport Role Chen XijunYu SijiaSupport Role Hong YaoXiao QunSupport RoleRelated PostsThe Backlight of Love - Merxat, Dilraba DilmuratChinese Dramas Like The Backlight of LoveVin Zhang Binbin's Rumored Girlfriend, Who Is His Ideal Type?Does Dilraba Dilmurat have a Boyfriend? Secret Marriage Rumor Troubled Her MuchDilraba and Johnny Huang were suspected of being in love, fans asked the studio to disprove the rumor.Yang Yang, Dilraba: Is It Possible For them To Be In A Relationship In Reality?Will Johnny Huang And Dilraba Declare Together After The Spring Festival GalaLuo Yunxi and Dilraba His Favorite Actress on the same stageDilraba, Leo Wu Lei Playing A Couple In "The Long Ballad" Led A Hot Discussion On The Net.Dilraba Dilmurat PhotosYang Yang, Dilraba: The Wedding Scene Of "Jing Tu CP" Was Exposed In Advance.Diliraba's Suspected Pregnancy Triggered The Discussion Once AgainThe Two Sweet Dramas Starred By Yang Yang, Ding Yuxi, Who Will You Choose?Dilraba Dilmurat Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListMerxat Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListShow More