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The Best Day of My Life Episode 12 Recap

> The Best Day of My Life
> The Best Day of My Life Recap

Xu Mu asked Song Niannian and Shen Yi what they were doing, staring so seriously at her and Xie Shi. Song Niannian awkwardly said that her mother had already recovered and returned home for convalescence last week. Xu Mu mentioned that when she visited the hospital last time, Song Niannian's mother said she would stay a few more days. Song Niannian explained that her mother couldn't stop worrying about the flowers and plants on the balcony.

Song Niannian then told Xu Mu and Xie Shi that she had something to tell them. Xu Mu asked if it was about another anniversary. Shen Yi took Song Niannian's hand and announced that they were planning to get married. Xu Mu was surprised at how quickly things were moving. Song Niannian said that after her mother's hospitalization, she realized that if she didn't marry Shen Yi, it would be her lifelong regret.

The four of them drank and chatted together, and eventually, both Song Niannian and Shen Yi got drunk. Xu Mu and Xie Shi took them home, planning for Xu Mu to take care of Song Niannian and Xie Shi to take care of Shen Yi. However, Song Niannian and Shen Yi insisted on sleeping together, so naturally, Xu Mu and Xie Shi ended up sleeping together.

Xu Mu mentioned that Song Niannian was restless in her sleep, and she thought Shen Yi would definitely be pushed off the bed. Xie Shi added that Shen Yi was also a restless sleeper. Xu Mu claimed she slept the most peacefully, but the next morning, she woke up clinging to Xie Shi like an accessory. Xie Shi gently moved Xu Mu's arm aside and got up to make breakfast.

When Xu Mu opened the door, she saw that Xie Shi had already prepared breakfast. She asked when he got up, and Xie Shi said he had been up for half an hour. Xu Mu asked about Shen Yi and Song Niannian, and Xie Shi said they were still sleeping, but he had left breakfast for them. As they were eating, Xie Shi kept receiving calls. He assured Xu Mu it wasn't a girl calling.

Xu Mu told him to answer the phone, but Xie Shi ignored the calls and texted the person not to call again. Xu Mu texted Xie Shi saying she'd be home later but received no reply. When she called, there was no answer. When she got home, she found that Xie Shi had a fever. Xu Mu asked why he was still so hot after taking medicine, and Xie Shi said it was nothing serious.

Xu Mu stayed by his side to take care of him. Early the next morning, Xu Mu got up to make breakfast. When Xie Shi woke up and saw this, he felt very happy. Xu Mu asked him to taste her cooking, and Xie Shi said it was quite good. Xu Mu asked why he didn't tell her he was sick, and Xie Shi said he didn't want to worry her.

Xu Mu told him to always inform her if something was wrong, and Xie Shi nodded. Xie Shi's father called him, but he didn't answer, so his father came to wait downstairs at his workplace. When Xie Shi saw him, he asked if the money he gave him wasn't enough. His father said money didn't last long. Xie Shi asked if he was gambling again, and his father said it would be the last time.

Xie Shi told him he wouldn't give him any more money. His father argued that he had raised him. Xie Shi said he hadn't raised him at all. His father then took out a bracelet, saying he might not have raised Xie Shi, but he had raised his mother. Hearing about his mother, Xie Shi gave his father a bank card. His father snatched it and left.

Xu Mu saw the whole exchange and called Xie Shi's aunt to ask about it. His aunt told Xu Mu that Xie Shi's father was a scoundrel who gambled all the time and used to beat Xie Shi and his mother. She recounted Xie Shi's tragic past. When Xu Mu returned home, she hugged Xie Shi tightly. Xu Mu told Xie Shi she knew it wasn't easy to be a good family member, but she wanted to try.

At home, Xu Mu found an old school magazine with one of her articles. Just then, Xie Shi returned, and Xu Mu asked why he still kept high school magazines. She asked what a particular sentence meant, and Xie Shi asked why she always forgot. Xie Shi then described their first meeting and their high school interactions in detail, revealing that he had liked Xu Mu since high school.

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