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The Best Day of My Life Episode 5 Recap

> The Best Day of My Life
> The Best Day of My Life Recap

Xu Mu told Song Niannian that ever since she started the thing with Xie Shi, her mother hadn't pressured her anymore. A few days ago, her mom even asked her which travel group was better. Song Niannian thought this was great, saying it gave both Xu Mu and herself a break. She asked how things were going between Xu Mu and Xie Shi, and Xu Mu said they were going well.

The two were shopping at the supermarket when Xu Mu picked up two bags of chips, asking Song Niannian which one to choose—one had nice packaging and the other had a catchy slogan. Song Niannian told her not to hesitate and threw both bags into the cart, telling Xu Mu she'd pay for them. Xie Shi and Shen Yi were also shopping at the supermarket.

Shen Yi asked Xie Shi why he moved in with Xu Mu if they were just dating. He wondered how he would hang out with Xie Shi if Xu Mu started being strict with him. Xie Shi told him to go hang out with Song Niannian instead. Shen Yi said he couldn't imagine how Xie Shi dated or acted affectionate with Xu Mu. He asked if Xie Shi called Xu Mu "wife" in private.

Xie Shi told him to find a girlfriend himself if he was so curious. Shen Yi said it was his first time seeing Xie Shi in a relationship, so he was naturally curious. As they pushed their shopping cart, they ran into Xu Mu and Song Niannian. Seeing Shen Yi's cart full of groceries, Song Niannian asked if he could cook since he bought so many ingredients.

Xie Shi said those were his, and Song Niannian commented to Xu Mu that her boyfriend was quite domestic. Shen Yi saw that Song Niannian's cart was full of snacks and asked if she could eat all that junk food. Xu Mu said they were hers, and Shen Yi remarked to Xie Shi that his girlfriend had quite the appetite. When Xie Shi and Xu Mu returned home, Xie Shi started putting things in the fridge, and the doorbell rang.

Xu Mu quickly answered it, finding a property management worker who asked if Mr. Jiang was home. He inquired about Xu Mu's relationship with Mr. Jiang. Before Xu Mu could reply, Xie Shi said she was his girlfriend. Xie Shi explained that since he traveled frequently for work, he added Xu Mu to the owners' group chat so she could contact property management if needed.

As soon as Xu Mu joined the group, property management asked her to update her notes, so Xu Mu changed her name to "Resident of 1202. " The people in the group chat started commenting, saying the owner of 1202 had already moved in a while ago. Someone else asked if she was Xie Shi's girlfriend. Another person guessed she must be his wife since she was added to the owners' group chat.

Xie Shi explained that he often traveled for work and didn't want to miss any important messages, so he added Xu Mu. Xu Mu suggested he should reply to each message individually to avoid misunderstandings, but Xie Shi told her to explain herself if needed. Xu Mu checked the group messages and decided to leave it be.

Xie Shi then told her that a friend he hadn't seen in a while would be visiting their home this week, and she could meet them casually. Xu Mu felt a bit nervous, but Xie Shi told her not to worry. When Xie Shi's friends arrived, Xu Mu asked what she should call him. Xie Shi said to use the same term as last time. Xu Mu thought for a moment and blurted out "husband.

" Xie Shi's friends were stunned and commented on how sweet they were, saying it was impressive they were so affectionate even after being together for a short time. After Xie Shi's friends left, Song Niannian sent Xu Mu a message, saying that a friend of hers was organizing a couple's event at Bohai Bay and invited them to join for free, promising to pair them with a handsome guy.

Xu Mu asked if she should tell Xie Shi, and Song Niannian questioned if they were at the point of reporting their schedules to each other. Xu Mu decided to tell Xie Shi, and Xie Shi, who overheard, said he would go with her tomorrow. Xu Mu mentioned there would be another guy, so Xie Shi said he would handle it and called Shen Yi.

The four of them arrived at Bohai Bay, and the organizers arranged two rooms with king-sized beds. Shen Yi suggested he share a room with Song Niannian, saying Xu Mu and Xie Shi shouldn't be separated. Both Xu Mu and Song Niannian objected, so Xie Shi proposed that the two girls share a room. Xu Mu and Xie Shi participated in the couple's event and won first place.

Song Niannian teased them, saying it was funny how a fake couple like them beat all the real couples. Xu Mu asked Xie Shi if he had any regrets, and Xie Shi said he had many.

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