2024 Chinese Drama List

The Best Day of My Life Episode 8 Recap

> The Best Day of My Life
> The Best Day of My Life Recap

Xu Mu was sitting on the sofa looking at illustrations when Xie Shi asked her when she became interested in them. Xu Mu explained that it was because a new round of promotions for their company was coming up. They wanted to avoid using celebrities and were considering illustrators for marketing, as illustrations were quite popular at the moment. She was looking for inspiration. Xie Shi thought her idea was great, and Xu Mu thanked him for the compliment.

In a meeting, Xu Mu shared her idea with her colleagues, and Team Leader Liao also thought it was a good idea. He asked if Xu Mu knew any illustrators who were both popular and fit their theme. Xu Mu suggested Zhang Yao, whom she had followed for some time. Her colleagues knew of Zhang Yao but had never met him.

Upon hearing this, Fang Jingjing sarcastically remarked that she thought Xu Mu and Zhang Yao knew each other, implying Xu Mu wasn't capable. Fang Jingjing then mentioned she could contact the illustrator Luo Xiaoxiao, who was within their budget and had a similar style to Zhang Yao. Team Leader Liao approved and asked Xu Mu and Fang Jingjing to contact Luo Xiaoxiao together. When they finished work, it started raining. Xu Mu noticed someone without an umbrella holding a painting.

She gave her umbrella to that person and shared an umbrella with a colleague. The person wanted to thank Xu Mu, but she told him it was just an umbrella and no thanks were needed. Song Niannian showed her revised script to the screenwriter, who was very pleased with her changes. The screenwriter asked where she found the inspiration, and Song Niannian said it was from a friend's story.

The screenwriter encouraged her to continue with this feeling, confident the audience would love it. Song Niannian later told Xu Mu that she had incorporated her experiences with Shen Yi into the script and received positive feedback. Xu Mu asked Zhao Yusi about the progress with Luo Xiaoxiao. Zhao Yusi told her that Luo Xiaoxiao had canceled on them. Xu Mu asked when this happened and why she wasn't informed. Zhao Yusi said she found out that morning.

Xu Mu, looking dejected, was approached by Fang Jingjing, who guessed it was because Luo Xiaoxiao wasn't coming. Zhao Yusi speculated about who might have sabotaged them, while Fang Jingjing reminded Xu Mu that she was supposed to handle the follow-up. Team Leader Liao arrived, and Fang Jingjing informed him of the situation. He told Xu Mu to find a backup illustrator or try to talk to Luo Xiaoxiao again, pretending to give it another shot herself.

Xu Mu stayed late at the office, working hard to find a suitable illustrator. Zhang Yao received Xu Mu's message and recognized her name. Zhang Yao agreed to meet with Xu Mu, who was thrilled. She excitedly told Xie Shi about it, hugging him as he walked through the door. Xie Shi smiled happily. The next day, Xu Mu dressed up to meet Zhang Yao. Xie Shi asked if Zhang Yao was a man.

Xu Mu replied that she had never met Zhang Yao but thought, based on his Weibo, that he was a woman. After a pause, Xie Shi told her to be careful. At the meeting place, Xu Mu realized that Zhang Yao was the person she had given the umbrella to the other day. Xu Mu expressed her surprise, and Zhang Yao pointed out that their meeting was planned.

Xu Mu handed over her project proposal, but Zhang Yao said he trusted her without needing to read it. Their cooperation was thus agreed upon. Xie Shi was at home when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was Xu Mu, he happily opened the door, only to find Shen Yi. At the company, Fang Jingjing sarcastically asked Xu Mu if she had found a new illustrator. Xu Mu confidently replied that she had found Zhang Yao.

As Xu Mu and Zhang Yao's meetings increased, Xie Shi started to feel jealous. Meanwhile, the relationship between Shen Yi and Song Niannian was also progressing.

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