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The Best Day of My Life Episode 9 Recap

> The Best Day of My Life
> The Best Day of My Life Recap

Shen Yi had just bought a drink when he saw Song Niannian arrive wearing the same color shirt as him, making him stop in his tracks. Song Niannian asked if he noticed their clothes looked similar, to which Shen Yi replied that they must be wearing couple's outfits. Song Niannian casually remarked that it didn't matter since they wore the same uniforms back in high school anyway. The two went to watch a movie together.

After the movie, Shen Yi asked if she thought being compatible or being in love was more important. Song Niannian felt that the two weren't mutually exclusive and wondered why they couldn't choose someone they liked and who was also compatible. Shen Yi said that having both was challenging since finding someone compatible was already hard enough. Song Niannian disagreed, saying it wasn't difficult. She thought they both had the compatibility part down and now just needed to find love.

She didn't finish her sentence and quickly left. Shen Yi chased after her, asking why she was walking so fast and pointing out she hadn't finished speaking. Meanwhile, Xu Mu and Zhang Yao were discussing their project plans when Xie Shi and his colleague came by for some work. Xie Shi's colleague pointed out that the guy next to Xu Mu was the same one who had lunch with her previously.

Hearing this, Xie Shi went over to find Xu Mu. Zhang Yao invited Xu Mu to dinner after work, but just then, Xie Shi called out to her. Xu Mu introduced them to each other, and her phone rang. Xu Mu stepped out to take the call, and Xie Shi suggested Zhang Yao explore the many fun places around if he had time. Zhao Yusi mentioned to Zhang Yao that Xie Shi's girlfriend was a long-time fan of his.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yao invited Xie Shi and his girlfriend to his art exhibition. Zhao Yusi pointed out Xu Mu, who was not far away, and told Zhang Yao that she was Xie Shi's girlfriend. Xie Shi asked Xu Mu if Zhang Yao had invited her to dinner. Xu Mu confirmed but said she hadn't answered before Xie Shi called her. While shopping at the supermarket, they came across some cake samples.

Xu Mu tried one and liked it, wanting to buy some. Xie Shi reminded her that their fridge was already full, and they wouldn't be able to finish it all. The cake vendor commented that a girlfriend should be pampered, saying, "A good wife brings fortune. " Hearing this, Xie Shi happily bought a box of cakes. Song Niannian planned to ask Shen Yi out for dinner, but Supervisor Zhao wouldn't let Shen Yi leave at the end of the day.

Shen Yi said he had plans, but Supervisor Zhao dismissed him, saying he couldn't have anything important to do. Song Niannian witnessed this and remarked that Supervisor Zhao seemed to be the most idle person in the company. Annoyed, Supervisor Zhao retorted that he didn't know who would read novels written by someone with such a temper as hers. Song Niannian shot back, saying her readers wouldn't be someone who exploited employees like him.

Infuriated, Supervisor Zhao yelled that just because she could write a few lousy books didn't mean she was special, and threatened to replace her. Shen Yi, unable to tolerate this any longer, asked if Supervisor Zhao believed he could get him fired. Supervisor Zhao scoffed, asking who Shen Yi thought he was and if he believed he owned the company. Shen Yi handed him some documents, revealing evidence of Supervisor Zhao's abuse of power and corruption.

Supervisor Zhao angrily asked if Shen Yi was trying to rebel, declaring he would fire both Shen Yi and Song Niannian. Before he could finish, Assistant Zhang from the chairman's office arrived, saying the chairman had been trying to call and sent him to check in. Supervisor Zhao thought the call was for him, but Assistant Zhang clarified it wasn't. It turned out Shen Yi was the chairman's son. Hearing this, Supervisor Zhao turned pale.

Zhang Yao wanted to invite Xu Mu to dinner, but Xie Shi booked a restaurant and invited everyone, including Zhang Yao. During dinner, Xu Mu's mother called on video chat. Xie Shi told his colleagues he needed to step out with Xu Mu. After the call, Xu Mu commented on Xie Shi's improving acting skills, noting that without it, her mother would have figured out they were pretending. Zhang Yao overheard this conversation. Meanwhile, Xie Shi's childhood friend Qiao Nan returned, and Fang Jingjing resumed her sarcastic remarks towards Xu Mu.

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