Cast of The Confidence CDrama Cast of the Chinese Variety Show The Confidence Cai WenjingKe YingMain Role Liu KaiXiao WuMain Role Peng GuanyingFeng Xiaosheng / Shen ShijieMain Role Wang JingsongChen JinyanSupport Role Yue YangXiao TongbinSupport Role Li DonghengYang YuzeSupport Role Ma LiLian LianSupport Role Li YanYu ChengboSupport Role Li HongtaoTeam Leader LiSupport Role Zhou YunruChen HemiaoSupport Role Feng LeiFeng MengSupport RoleRelated PostsWho Is Peng Guanying's Girlfriend? Did He Get Married?Does Elvira Cai Wenjing Have A Boyfriend? Did She Get Married?Cai Wenjing Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListPeng Guanying Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListLiu Kai Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows List