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The Double Episode 24 Recap

> The Double
> The Double Recap

Princess Chang pointed out in the hall that Xue Fangfei's appearance was exactly like Jiang Li's, who was present. She even intentionally claimed Jiang Li had been cruelly killed by someone. However, Jiang Li demonstrated unexpected knowledge and skills, challenging the princess's assertion that she was actually Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei confidently stated that the common people of Huaixiang could prove she wasn't Xue Fangfei.

She further argued that she had previously helped clear a minister's name unjustly tarnished, and now she was being falsely accused by the princess. Princess Chang had anticipated this and summoned the hall master of Zhen Nv Tang. She claimed she had been searching for her for a long time and found her imprisoned in a remote place.

The hall master also affirmed that the person before them was not Jiang Li; the real Jiang Li had been killed by Xue Fangfei. Initially, the hall master had agreed to conceal the truth, thinking Xue Fangfei would reveal Jiang Li's identity and help clear her own name. But now, under pressure, Jiang Li turned the tables on them. Facing Xue Fangfei's threats, the hall master had nothing to say.

In fact, Xue Fangfei had already heard from Xiao Heng that the hall master had been released, so she had arranged for someone to come beforehand. Soon, a woman arrived, surprising the hall master. Despite knowing the truth of the matter, under Xue Fangfei's warning, she admitted the person before them was Jiang Li. Emotionally charged, the hall master was taken away. Despite this, Princess Chang persisted, summoning Shen Yurong to confront Xue Fangfei.

Shen Yurong approached Xue Fangfei closely and surprisingly declared that the person before them was not Xue Fangfei. This left Princess Chang speechless. She then insisted on bone verification, which Shen Yurong adamantly refused. Princess Chang then turned her attention to Jiang Li's father, suggesting that Xue Fangfei had returned with many changes in her character. Jiang's father, lost in thought, declared the woman before them was indeed his daughter.

He prepared to leave with her, despite Princess Chang's demand for bone verification. Eventually, the Emperor intervened, escorting Princess Chang away. She intended to kill Xue Fangfei, but Jiang's father stood in her way, with Xiao Heng also preventing her from drawing her sword. Princess Chang was taken away, and Shen Yurong sighed with relief. Xue Fangfei and her father returned home, where she expressed her intention to visit the Ye family for final arrangements.

Her father agreed, affirming that she was his daughter, Jiang Li. Xue Fangfei understood the deeper meaning behind her father's words. Xue Fangfei found Xiao Heng and asked for his help in reburial of the bones on Qingcheng Mountain. Princess Chang now sought to unearth the graves, determined to take away Jiang Li's remains, despite her innocence, turning her into a fallen woman in the eyes of the world.

Xiao Heng reassured Xue Fangfei that he was satisfied with her as a pawn and that she need no longer fear anyone. Meanwhile, Shen Yurong went to the market to buy buns and thought he saw Xue Fangfei, who was indeed there shopping. He greeted her, and she spoke at length, claiming she now saw through him, and they had no more connections. Shen Yurong walked the streets in a daze.

Li Zhongnan took responsibility before Princess Chang for the recent events, admitting his own negligence. She allowed him to rise and handed him a letter. Shen Yurong waited outside, and upon his return, Princess Chang slapped him several times. If Xue Fangfei's matter were exposed now, Shen Yurong warned, Princess Chang's collusion with Li Zhongnan would also come to light. Grabbing Shen Yurong's hand, Princess Chang looked toward the fire with a vengeful gleam in her eye.

Meanwhile, Prince Cheng was still enjoying a play, punishing anyone who sang incorrectly. It was time for them to take control of Central Plains, especially with winter approaching and the urgent need to deliver food supplies to the soldiers. Cheng decided to besiege the city. Shen Yurong, angered after Princess Chang's reprimand, recalled Xue Fangfei's accusation that he was heartless and incapable of protecting even his own wife.

The grandmother arranged for servants to prepare a welcoming banquet for Xue Fangfei, which was overheard by a maid serving Ji Shuran. She informed Ji Shuran, who decided to sow discord between Xue Fangfei and the old lady at the celebration. Xue's father was currently undergoing treatment at the Ye residence. The doctor diagnosed him with a form of dissociation, possibly due to the recent loss of his children.

Xiao Heng sought updates on Xue Fangfei's situation, noting her recent closeness with the Ye family. Given that many villagers from Huaixiang had recently visited the Ye household, Xiao Heng was surprised to find Ji Shuran's maid waiting to deliver an invitation, hoping Xue Fangfei would return immediately. Xue Fangfei was clever and tactfully declined with just a few words.

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