2024 Chinese Drama List

The Double Episode 40 (Ending) Recap

> The Double
> The Double Recap

Xiao Heng was surrounded alone at the foot of the city tower. Shen Yurong stood atop the city wall, commanding the archers to prepare. He mocked Xiao Heng for being abandoned by others. Suddenly, Xue Fangfei rode over, ready to accompany Xiao Heng to fight to the death for Dayan, even allowing Shen Yurong to kill her once more. Shen Yurong couldn't understand; he hated the oppression he and Xue Fangfei had suffered at the hands of the powerful and thought it wasn't worth dying for Dayan. He ordered Xue Fangfei to kill Xiao Heng, wanting to return to the past with her.

Xue Fangfei, unwavering in her belief, loudly recited the names of the Longwu soldiers who had died at Wangcheng, angrily denouncing Prince Cheng for sacrificing a hundred Longwu soldiers to cover up his crime of abandoning the city. As Xue Fangfei called out their names, the Longwu soldiers present were moved, as their comrades and loved ones were among them.

Shen Yurong didn't want to listen any further and ordered the archers to prepare. At this moment, Situ Jiuyue arrived with reinforcements from Dazhao. Shen Yurong took out the fish talisman and ordered Yang Qing to attack. Yang Qing couldn't resist; those who disobeyed would die. Shen Yurong thought he could control the situation, mocking Xiao Heng as incompetent, leading to infighting between the Longwu soldiers and their allies.

Without mercy, Xue Fangfei took advantage of Shen Yurong holding the fish talisman and shot two arrows, wounding his hand. Situ Jiuyue used her agility to snatch the falling talisman and returned it to Xiao Heng. Xiao Heng temporarily parted from Xue Fangfei, leading the Longwu soldiers back to seek revenge on Prince Cheng.

Shen Yurong painfully pulled out the arrow from his hand. Xue Fangfei walked up to him, telling him to accept the punishment of Dayan's laws. Shen Yurong wanted to hold on, blaming himself for taking the wrong step and believing he shouldn't have taken the imperial examination, so he could have lived a good life with Xue Fangfei in Huaixiang. Xue Fangfei turned, looking up at the moon, hoping Shen Yurong would be born into wealth in his next life and be a pure good person.

After Xue Fangfei left, Shen Yurong stood on the city tower, playing the tune they once shared. Then he jumped off with a loud thud. Xue Fangfei paused but didn't look back and continued forward. Shen Yurong watched her back until his vision blurred.

Xiao Heng had the Longwu soldiers capture Prince Cheng. Prince Cheng tied up Concubine Li, threatening Xiao Heng with her life, believing she was Emperor Hongxiao's favorite concubine. Concubine Li hoped Xiao Heng wouldn't tell the emperor about the palace maids and then deliberately killed herself with Prince Cheng's sword. Panicked, Prince Cheng was stabbed by Xiao Heng and begged for mercy, but Xiao Heng showed no mercy, killing him with one strike.

After Prince Cheng's death, the remnants in the north rebelled under the pretext of his accident. The court officially dispatched Xiao Heng and others to suppress them. Li Zhongnan and Li Jin were executed for colluding with rebels, and Shen Yurong's family was confiscated. Shen Yurong's mother and Shen Ruyun, who had fled to the countryside, were also captured and punished. Jiang Yunxing and Madam Yang were expelled from the Jiang family genealogy. The capital finally regained its peace.

Emperor Hongxiao looked at Concubine Li's portrait, his eyes moist upon hearing her final words. Three days later, Xiao Heng prepared to depart, and Emperor Hongxiao wished him to take heavy troops. Xiao Heng, worried about remnants in the capital, only took the Longwu soldiers to the north.

Xue Huaiyuan's condition improved, and he recognized everyone. Xue Fangfei was relieved upon hearing this. Xue Huaiyuan approved of Xiao Heng and supported Xue Fangfei's actions. Xue Fangfei confessed to Xiao Heng, hinting at renovating the Duke's mansion, making Xiao Heng laugh foolishly all day. They visited Jiang Li's grave, and Xue Fangfei seemed to see Jiang Li appear, thanking her for clearing her name.

Xue Fangfei and Xiao Heng married and entered their bridal chamber. Xue Fangfei gave Xiao Heng the raccoon jade pendant. After their marriage, they planted winter plums together. Xiao Heng promised that when the winter plums bloomed, it would mark his triumphant return. Watching Xiao Heng leave, Xue Fangfei felt reluctant.

Jiang Yuanbai resigned from his post and moved to Yongzhou with his family. Before leaving, he worried about Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei assured him she would wait for Xiao Heng; otherwise, she would remain a widow. She revealed her true identity, but Jiang Yuanbai had long known, though it pained him deeply. After the Jiang family left, Ye Shijie acknowledged Xue Fangfei as his sister, hoping to help her in the capital.

Every day, Xue Fangfei watered the winter plums, waiting for Xiao Heng's return, year after year, as seasons passed. Xiao Heng suppressed the northern remnants, and the Dai State army attacked. The Longwu soldiers suffered heavy casualties, with Lu Ji and Wen Ji shot dead, leaving Xiao Heng alone. On the battlefield, as the Dai State army continuously attacked, Xiao Heng, with Xue Fangfei's jade pendant in his mouth, looked firmly toward the sky.

Finally, when the winter plums bloomed, Xue Fangfei, dressed in red, ran to the plum tree, gazing at the blossoms. Suddenly, the sound of a galloping horse drew her attention. A man in red, with a raccoon jade pendant, was rushing toward her...

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