2025 Chinese Drama List

The Furthest Distance Episode 3 Recap

> The Furthest Distance
> The Furthest Distance Recap

Du Huixuan indignantly told Su Ying about the malicious editing, assuring her support. Su Ying advised her not to get too worked up and to handle things calmly. After Du Huixuan left to work on the editing, Su Ying opened the comments and cursed.

In the design studio, they discussed the specific plans for the glass house. Qin Yunsheng messaged Su Ying, wanting to talk to her about something and waited outside. However, Su Ying received a call from a client and went out to attend to it. Xu Mingshi, seeing Qin Yunsheng outside, informed him that Du Huixuan had clarified everything. Although Qin Yunsheng wanted to talk to Su Ying in person, Xu Mingshi convinced him to leave for the time being.

Su Ying was busy the entire day, and that evening, Qin Yunsheng, observing her from outside the design studio, refrained from disturbing her. At a late-night food stall, Qin Yunsheng discussed the day's events with Zhang Yisen, suggesting that Su Ying was upset because her reputation was tarnished by him. Hai Ge overheard their conversation and advised Qin Yunsheng to make amends with Su Ying, reminiscing about his own youthful acts to please girls. Zhang Yisen, curious about the lack of radio stations now, pointed to a nearby radio, prompting Qin Yunsheng to ponder. Due to not eating the entire day, Su Ying developed stomach pains.

The following morning, when Cai Chen arrived at work and noticed that Su Ying hadn't returned home all night, he greatly admired her dedication. Du Huixuan arranged to meet Xu Mingshi and assured him she personally supervised the editing to ensure no more issues would arise. Concerned that Su Ying wasn't eating, drinking, or sleeping, and fearing for her health, Du Huixuan prepared a nourishing porridge for Su Ying. Xu Mingshi accepted it and inquired if Du Huixuan was eating regularly, to which she shook her head. As coffee arrived, Du Huixuan discovered it was hazelnut flavor, her favorite. Xu Mingshi revealed it was his order, while Du Huixuan had milk, reminding her to take care of herself. After drinking her milk, Du Huixuan hurried upstairs for a meeting, leaving Xu Mingshi smiling at the coffee cup imprinted with Du Huixuan's lipstick mark. At that moment, Qin Yunsheng called Xu Mingshi.

Xu Mingshi left nourishing porridge and a radio on Su Ying's desk, later receiving a call from Qin Yunsheng through the radio. He apologized to Su Ying and thanked her, then asked her to meet him at the glass house, waiting for her there. After a considerable wait, Qin Yunsheng finally met Su Ying, who explained that she had been secluded for a few days, giving him her plans. Although Qin Yunsheng didn't open them, he expressed his faith in her work. He had also discovered the truth about what happened six years ago and shared his user experience report with Su Ying, affirming her exceptional design skills. Touched by his words, Su Ying was about to leave, but as she reached the door, she suddenly felt stomach pain. Qin Yunsheng carried her to the hospital after she fainted. Du Huixuan was notified, and it was diagnosed as hypoglycemia and signs of gastric atrophy for Su Ying. Du Huixuan went to get medicine, requesting Qin Yunsheng to take care of Su Ying, handing him some tissues. Upon Du Huixuan's return, she informed Qin Yunsheng about a proposal meeting the next day and asked him to attend after work, to which he agreed. When Qin Yunsheng left, Su Ying smiled.

Qin Yunsheng arranged a medical examination card for Su Ying. At the proposal meeting, Su Ying didn't show up, and Xu Mingshi took the lead, with Peter Liu being somewhat ambiguous. After the meeting, Qin Yunsheng handed his feedback to Xu Mingshi to pass on to Su Ying. When Su Ying opened the notebook, she found the medical examination card tucked inside and messaged Qin Yunsheng to express her gratitude. Xu Mingshi bought dinner for Su Ying and asked Du Huixuan if she had eaten. Du Huixuan sent him a photo of her eating instant noodles, so Xu Mingshi ordered an extra portion for her. Looking at Du Huixuan's photo, Xu Mingshi remembered her encouragement from years ago and her recommendation for him to work at Su Ying's place, smiling faintly. Du Huixuan thanked Xu Mingshi for the meal.

During Su Ying's medical checkup, the doctors treated her warmly. Su Ying told Qin Yunsheng, who requested to see her gastric endoscopy images. When Su Ying couldn't find the images, she went back to search, instructing a nurse to give them to Qin Yunsheng. Later, Qin Yunsheng asked the nurse about the images, but the nurse seemed confused. He realized Su Ying hadn't done the endoscopy and asked her, to which she denied.

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