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The Heart Episode 17 Recap

> The Heart
> The Heart Recap

Zhou Xiaofeng settled the patient and saw Fang Qingzhu's thoughtful message and contact information in the takeout. Zhou Xiaofeng felt warm and immediately added her on WeChat, sending New Year greetings. Fang Qingzhu was extremely excited.

Lin Yi arranged for Lin Hai to be transferred to another hospital. Lin Hai had spent eight years battling his illness, often spending the New Year in the hospital. Lin Yi was accustomed to it. When Cao Nuoya heard that Lin Hai was hospitalized and couldn't come due to health reasons, she sent her wife to visit the hospital and gave Lin Yi a generous red envelope, leaving him deeply moved. Fang Xiaoran, concerned about the patients in the intensive care unit, arrived at the hospital early. Lin Yi and Ling Yun were on duty that day. Ling Yun casually inquired about Zhou Xiaofeng's treatment of a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patient. Zhou Xiaofeng lied, claiming the patient's condition had stabilized, and they had been discharged. Lin Yi noticed that Zhou Xiaofeng had canceled all his night shifts, feeling grateful.

After finishing work, Lin Yi came to the hospital to accompany Lin Hai. He was worried about Qiang Wei, so he asked Liu Dong about the situation.

Yang Guilan couldn't sleep and secretly went to the corridor to drink. She found Qiang Wei attempting suicide by cutting her wrists. Yang Guilan screamed for help, and Fang Xiaoran rushed to save Qiang Wei just in time. Qiang Wei was finally revived. Inadvertently, Lin Yi learned that Qiang Wei had been lied to by him to undergo surgery. Feeling hopeless, Qiang Wei scolded Lin Yi, Fang Xiaoran, and Zhou Xiaofeng, refusing to accept their apologies. Yang Guilan tried to console Qiang Wei, but she couldn't let go of her despair.

Lin Yi regretted deceiving Qiang Wei and was willing to take responsibility for all consequences. Fang Xiaoran also felt guilty. Lin Yi came to apologize to Qiang Wei, urging her to live well. Qiang Wei remained silent. Yang Guilan believed Lin Yi was not at fault and promised to persuade Qiang Wei. Yang Guilan's husband and child had died in a major earthquake. She once contemplated following them, but in the end, she chose to live for the sake of her husband and child. Yang Guilan encouraged Qiang Wei to be strong, and Qiang Wei cried bitterly in her arms.

Chen Yue always paid attention to Zhou Xiaofeng's actions. She intentionally came to the riverside for a morning run and coincidentally met Zhou Xiaofeng. Zhou Xiaofeng told her about Qiang Wei's suicide attempt and regretted deceiving her. Chen Yue felt that Zhou Xiaofeng was not wrong, sometimes requiring well-intentioned lies for comfort. Chen Yue gave Zhou Xiaofeng a twig, suggesting it for his pet lizard to play on, and Zhou Xiaofeng gladly accepted.

Due to the complexity of Yang Guilan's condition, Lin Yi suggested conducting surgery on both the cardiac and cardiac surgery departments. Cui Jing supported his idea. Bai Ji was unhappy and silently criticized Lin Yi for making decisions without explaining the situation beforehand. Lin Yi reminded the staff in the cardiology department not to assist him.

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