Cast of The Limbo CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama The Limbo Ou HaoHe XiaoguangMain Role Zhang XueyingHai MeiMain Role Jiang WuZhou YiMain Role Wang ZhiwenYe XiaoSupport Role Bao WenjingLin YuyangSupport Role Kong LinChang XiangningSupport Role Chang ShixinDing ZiSupport Role Samuel KuGuo HaoyuSupport Role Sun ShaolongTao ZhiSupport Role Tu BingWu XiaoyingSupport RoleRelated PostsThe Limbo - Ou Hao, Zhang XueyingWho Is Oho Ou Hao's Girlfriend, Why Broke Up with Sandar Ma Sichun?Who Is June Wu's Girlfriend? Dating Zhang Xueying?Does Sophie Zhang Xueying Have a Boyfriend? What's Her Ideal Type?Ou Hao Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListZhang Xueying Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows List