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The Snow Moon Episode 20 Recap

> The Snow Moon
> The Snow Moon Recap

Su Xiaohuan had just arrived by the river when suddenly there was a feeling that the wind was blowing. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. To her surprise, it turned out to be the senior who had undergone rejuvenation. The senior asked Su Xiaohuan why she was unwilling to accept Bo Qiu, who was so good. The senior also mentioned that the previous girls Bo Qiu liked were all incarnations of Su Xiaohuan in her past lives.

Many years ago, in Su Xiaohuan's past life, she saved a little white fox when she went up the mountain. That little white fox was Bo Qiu. In gratitude, Bo Qiu begged the senior to transform him into a human, no matter the cost. Initially, the senior refused, but Bo Qiu pleaded persistently. Although the senior eventually agreed, Bo Qiu's strength was not enough, so transforming into a human form required enduring excruciating pain and bearing the curse of eternal life as a price. The curse was that in every life, Bo Qiu and Su Xiaohuan would fall in love, but in the end, she would die a tragic death, and Bo Qiu would experience the long loneliness and the pain of losing a loved one, living for thousands of years. The senior also told Su Xiaohuan that if she wanted to know what happened during these thousand years, she had to ask Bo Qiu.

The senior brought Su Xiaohuan to Bo Qiu, who finally removed his guard and faced Su Xiaohuan directly. Bo Qiu said that once Su Xiaohuan fell in love with him, she would experience various tragic deaths, so the only way to change her fate was for Su Xiaohuan to hate him. Bo Qiu hoped to protect Su Xiaohuan's safety by portraying himself as a villain, but he couldn't help wanting to get close to her.

The reason Bo Qiu wanted to seal the formation was also to protect Su Xiaohuan. However, each time, Su Xiaohuan would destroy it, perhaps all of this was fate. Su Xiaohuan leaned on Bo Qiu's shoulder and suddenly remembered the past; it turned out they had truly loved each other. Su Xiaohuan kissed Bo Qiu, and when they woke up, it was already the next morning. Su Xiaohuan, while Bo Qiu was still asleep, prepared to go out. However, Lord Qiansui came to find her and wanted to take her away. Su Xiaohuan refused. At that moment, Bo Qiu came and injured Lord Qiansui. Su Xiaohuan and Bo Qiu then left together.

When Su Xiaohuan and Bo Qiu returned to the town, they were shocked to find that all the demon clan commoners had been killed.

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