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Treasures Around Recap, Plot, Synopsis

> Treasures Around

Treasures Around Synopsis

The clever and quirky business genius Shan Dandan, who aspires to become a jade appraiser, and the idle and unambitious second-generation jade merchant Pei Pei meet through a series of conflicts. Throughout their journey of "wits and battles," "love and rivalry," and "leveling up through challenges," they support each other, grow together, heal each other, and ultimately achieve their career goals and find sweet love.

Treasures Around Recap

Episode 1 Recap

Pei Pei, the young master of the renowned jade house Qipei Pavilion in Yuncui City, deliberately created a scary incident to frighten away an incoming person. However, when he realized who it was, both of them screamed in surprise. It was none other than the shrewd little money-grubber Shan Dandan, who had seen the recruitment notice on her own door and came specifically for it. Unexpectedly, she encountered her old adversary, the young master.

The story goes back to a day earlier at Yuncui City's First Art Gallery. Shan Dandan was pretending to be an artist selling jade items to customers when she met Pei Pei, who was there for amusement. With his keen eyes, Pei Pei could instantly discern the authenticity and quality of the jade pendants. Just then, he noticed Shan Dandan engaging in a scam. He intended to catch her and give her some punishment to deter her from deceiving people.

However, at that moment, Pei Qin, the chief steward of the Pei family, arrived with people to apprehend Pei Pei. Fearing his mother's wrath, Pei Pei tried to escape. Shan Dandan sensed something was wrong with the panicked Pei Pei and grabbed his hand, refusing to let him leave. Helplessly, Pei Pei was forced to buy all the jade items from Shan Dandan to be released.

Pei Qin witnessed this and couldn't help but chuckle, seeing a reflection of her younger self in Shan Dandan. When Pei Pei returned home, the maid Cui Liu was eager to curry favor but was caught by Pei Qin, who disapproved of the maid's flirtatious behavior and decided to find another maid for Pei Pei. Pei Qin hoped Pei Pei would continue participating in the Jade Competition but was met with refusal.

Although years had passed since the incident, Pei Pei still didn't want to face it, leaving Pei Qin to sigh in resignation. After selling the jade pendants, Shan Dandan went to Suyuxuan and met the young shopkeeper and her sister Shan Shuangshuang, who worked there. Her sister gave all her wages to Shan Dandan, hoping she would live happily. Shan Dandan, thinking the working conditions were good, wanted to work there as well but was refused by her sister.

Shan Shuangshuang believed the place was dangerous and didn't want her sister to suffer. Unaware of the reasons, Shan Dandan thought her sister just didn't want her to endure hardships, so she secretly asked the young shopkeeper for help, hoping to get a job. The shopkeeper recalled that the chief steward of Suyuxuan, Su Yu, would be at the auction. If Shan Dandan could impress Su Yu there, she might secure a job.

That evening, Su Yu and Pei Pei both attended the auction. Pei Pei always looked down on Suyuxuan's items, considering them low-grade jade that disrupted market prices. He didn't expect to encounter Shan Dandan, who had come with the young shopkeeper. Determined to compete, Pei Pei outbid Shan Dandan on every item she eyed. When a jade pendant was presented again, Shan Dandan, who was observing up close, realized its quality wasn't great.

Meanwhile, Pei Pei, viewing from the second floor, needed binoculars to see clearly. Shan Dandan came up with a plan and used a copper mirror to reflect light and distort the appearance, causing Pei Pei to misjudge. She then loudly bid, prompting Pei Pei to drive the price up to 600 taels. Despite later realizing the item's quality wasn't good, Pei Pei had to buy it to save face.

Enraged by Shan Dandan's trick, Pei Pei tried to chase her, but she escaped amidst the crowd. After leaving, Shan Dandan met Su Yu, hoping to work there, but Su Yu dismissed her as an inexperienced person unfit for the job of a jade appraiser. Disheartened, Shan Dandan ran into Pei Pei, who was about to confront her, only to be scolded by her instead, causing him to flee.

Witnessing this, Pei Qin smiled and had Nanny Li Cuixiang post a recruitment notice at Shan Dandan's door with stringent requirements. Shan Dandan followed the notice to the mansion, first encountering Cui Liu, who arrogantly dismissed her. Nanny Li timely intervened and took Shan Dandan to see Pei Qin. Shan Dandan didn't intend to become a maid but hoped to be a jade appraiser, seeing this as an opportunity.

However, Pei Qin still assigned her the title of a maid, though implying it was a special position. Determined to succeed as a jade appraiser, Shan Dandan decided to endure and stay. She was then sent to Pei Pei's room. Neither expected the other to be there, resulting in Shan Dandan slapping Pei Pei and declaring herself a maid. Pei Pei, revealing his identity as the young master, dragged her away.

Episode 2 Recap

Pei Pei directly dragged Shan Dandan to Pei Qin, accusing her of being a spy for Suyuxuan and insisting that she worked for them. Pei Qin demanded evidence from Pei Pei, but he didn't dare mention his visit to the art gallery that day. Without evidence, Pei Qin insisted on keeping Shan Dandan and arranged for her to participate in the jade appraisal work. If she performed well, she could stay and participate in the Jade Competition.

Just as Pei Pei was about to object, his mother interrupted, stating that if he didn't want Shan Dandan to go, he would have to replace her in the competition. Unable to respond, Pei Pei turned and left. Back in her room, Pei Qin secretly shed tears. The reason Pei Pei refused to participate in the Jade Competition was that his father, Pei Chufeng, forbade him from competing when he was alive.

Pei Qin explained that Pei Chufeng did so for the greater good, but her son wouldn't listen. Now, the family needed a trustworthy person, as Pei Qin suspected an insider at Qipei Pavilion. She had taken a liking to Shan Dandan, hoping she hadn't misjudged her. Pei Qin thought that since Pei Pei disliked Shan Dandan, placing her with him might motivate him to get back on his feet.

If Shan Dandan could spur Pei Pei to recover, she would have made a significant contribution. Shan Dandan insisted on working everywhere in the room, cleaning here and there, severely disrupting Pei Pei's routine. Frustrated, Pei Pei offered to pay Shan Dandan double the amount to leave, but she had no intention of leaving and didn't care about the money.

Pei Pei tried to find a problem to drive her away, but his follower, A Liu, found the place spotless with no faults to point out. Pei Pei mocked Shan Dandan's name, but she retorted by mocking his, leaving Pei Pei speechless. He decided to bide his time, confident he would eventually find a reason to make Shan Dandan leave.

Pei Qin arranged for Manager Hao to take Shan Dandan to Qipei Pavilion to learn jade appraisal and participate in the competition. However, the old manager believed this was an automatic team formation and left Shan Dandan to find someone willing to team up with her. Shan Dandan approached several people, but they all treated her with hostility. Desperate, she decided to seek a breakthrough from the jade sales side, with A Liu silently following her.

Shan Dandan went to the front desk to help but was scolded by Manager Hao, who said that if she helped with the work, everyone else would face unemployment. At that moment, a couple walked in, with the man wanting the woman to buy jade there, only to be mocked for wanting outdated items. The man quickly took the woman to Suyuxuan. Shan Dandan had an idea.

If she could help Qipei Pavilion turn the tide, it would definitely be better than Suyuxuan. She went to investigate outside Suyuxuan and discovered that Qipei Pavilion's new styles were already being sold there. She sought out Shan Shuangshuang for more information. Meanwhile, A Liu, who was following Shan Dandan, saw the beautiful Shan Shuangshuang and developed a one-sided infatuation, nearly losing track of Shan Dandan.

After returning to the mansion, Shan Dandan checked the leftover food in the kitchen and learned about Pei Pei's preferences. She used this information to mock Cui Liu for being an incompetent maid. This incident slightly changed Pei Pei's view of Shan Dandan, though he didn't realize it himself. Shan Dandan proposed a new idea of intertwining two jade bracelets. However, the craftsman willing to help her wasn't skilled enough, resulting in significant material loss.

Shan Dandan's request for additional competition funds was rejected by Manager Hao and mocked by Pei Pei for wasting their family's money. Just as Shan Dandan was worrying about money, Pei Qin called her over to play mahjong, promising to share the winnings if she helped. Shan Dandan happily agreed and helped win 200 taels. Seeing this, Pei Pei became even more upset.

A Liu suggested Pei Pei use his looks to charm her, reminding him that Pei Qin despised sycophants. Pei Pei decided to show her that she had misjudged Shan Dandan, potentially driving her away. Cui Liu angrily informed Shan Dandan that she had to serve Pei Pei while he bathed, as Pei Pei had specifically requested her.

Episode 3 Recap

Pei Pei instructed Cui Liu to deliver rouge, face powder, and clothing to Shan Dandan and specifically ordered Shan Dandan to attend to him during his evening bath. Cui Liu, who already disliked Shan Dandan, grew even more resentful of her, seeing her as a rival ever since she arrived. Despite her strong resistance, Shan Dandan had no choice but to comply with her master's orders.

However, she devised a plan to use this opportunity to teach Pei Pei a lesson. Shan Dandan prepared herself and went to Pei Pei's room. Although Pei Pei was also annoyed by Shan Dandan, he decided to tolerate her to give her a hard time. He asked Shan Dandan to massage his back. Shan Dandan, who had come prepared, had Yang Yuhuan step in to give Pei Pei a painful back massage by stepping on him.

Weighing over 200 pounds, Yang Yuhuan's weight made Pei Pei scream in pain. When Pei Pei turned around and saw it was Yang Yuhuan, he was furious but didn't know what to say. At that moment, Pei Qin arrived with her attendants, having been informed that someone was trying to seduce Pei Pei. In a panic, Pei Pei quickly hid Yang Yuhuan.

Shan Dandan suspected that Pei Qin's arrival was part of Pei Pei's scheme to frame her for seducing him and getting her expelled. She greeted Pei Qin politely and then left. Pei Qin, however, did not blame Shan Dandan and was actually pleased, thwarting Pei Pei's plan to get rid of her. Yang Yuhuan, who often ruined the jade carvings prepared by Shan Dandan, felt guilty and cried while working.

Shan Dandan comforted her and went out to find cheaper jade materials for Yang Yuhuan to practice with. When Shan Dandan tried to purchase jade, the shopkeeper told her that the materials had already been reserved by Suyuxuan's Su Yu. At that moment, Shan Shuangshuang and Su Yu arrived. Shan Dandan thought she had lost the chance to get the materials, but Su Yu unexpectedly offered them to her.

Grateful, Shan Dandan praised Su Yu, saying that Pei Pei, the young master of Qipei Pavilion, was not even worth Su Yu's little finger. Just then, Pei Pei arrived, heard Shan Dandan's words, and angrily smashed the jade material she held before storming off. Shan Dandan was furious at Pei Pei's behavior but couldn't leave Qipei Pavilion because of Pei Qin's trust in her. She collected the broken jade and returned home. Shan Shuangshuang, worried, followed Pei Pei closely.

As Pei Pei walked angrily down the street, Shan Shuangshuang played a trick on him by hitting his leg with a stone, causing him to nearly fall and grab a passing fat woman. The woman thought Pei Pei was harassing her, and Pei Pei had to apologize profusely to be let go. Shan Dandan gave the jade to Yang Yuhuan to carve, but Yang Yuhuan requested a month's leave to return home for an arranged marriage.

Due to her size, it was difficult for her to find a match, but this would delay the Jade Competition. Shan Dandan reluctantly agreed, not wanting to force her, but blamed Pei Pei for her frustration. Shan Dandan confronted Pei Pei, accusing him of scheming to send Yang Yuhuan away to ruin her chances in the Jade Competition. She criticized him, calling him useless despite having everything.

No matter how Pei Pei tried to stop her, Shan Dandan was determined to participate in the competition. After Shan Dandan left, Pei Pei was deeply hurt by her words, realizing they reflected the truth of his life. The next morning, Shan Dandan didn't prepare breakfast for Pei Pei. Cui Liu brought food, but Pei Pei had no appetite. Hearing from A Liu that Shan Dandan had caught a cold, Pei Pei hurried to check on her.

Shan Dandan was angry and tried to chase him away, but Pei Pei refused to leave. Seeing Shan Dandan struggling with her illness while still practicing carving, Pei Pei patiently taught her some techniques. Despite his aloofness, Pei Pei had some skills, and under his guidance, Shan Dandan successfully completed a carving. Excited, she took the finished product to show Pei Qin, who was delighted and praised the work's quality.

Pei Qin also noticed that someone must have helped Shan Dandan, and Shan Dandan realized Pei Pei was more skilled than she thought. Shan Dandan went to Qipei Pavilion to ask Manager Hao for good jade materials, but he couldn't provide any due to a market shortage. Pei Pei overheard this and decided to take A Liu to the market to find jade.

Shan Dandan also went to the market and discovered that many people were refusing to sell materials, claiming they were selling seafood instead. Cleverly, Shan Dandan uncovered their smuggling operation and learned their secret codes, successfully obtaining some jade. As she left with the materials, she saw Pei Pei trying to buy jade at the black market. Not knowing the secret codes, Pei Pei was mistaken for a government official and faced arrest.

Episode 4 Recap

Shan Dandan saw that the smugglers were pulling out knives, creating a dangerous situation. She quickly stepped forward and explained that Pei Pei was visiting for the first time and that it was all a misunderstanding. Just as the smugglers were about to believe Shan Dandan, they discovered an official's jade pendant on Pei Pei. Whether or not he was a government official, they decided to kill Pei Pei. Seeing the danger, Shan Dandan hurriedly escaped with Pei Pei.

It turned out that the black market was owned by Su Yu's family. Upon hearing that Pei Pei was causing trouble there, Su Yu rushed over. Shan Shuangshuang also heard about the situation and, worried about her sister Shan Dandan, secretly went to help. Pei Pei and Shan Dandan hid in a corner, trying to stay quiet, but a goose revealed their location. The two had no choice but to face the smugglers, though they were outmatched.

Suddenly, a masked person arrived, swiftly defeating the smugglers before disappearing. Pei Pei's servants and A Liu then arrived, escorting Pei Pei and Shan Dandan back to Qipei Pavilion. Pei Pei had been stabbed in the arm during the incident but didn't dare tell the matriarch, Pei Qin. Shan Dandan tenderly treated his wound. Though they kept it secret, Pei Qin had already heard about it but pretended not to know, trusting Shan Dandan to take care of Pei Pei.

This made Pei Pei start to appreciate Shan Dandan, feeling reassured about her representing Qipei Pavilion in the Jade Competition. Pei Pei's actions in the black market disrupted Su Yuxuan's business, leading to its closure. This made the Su family hate Pei Pei even more. Those who relied on smuggling through the black market had no choice but to turn to legitimate markets. The Su family, initially suppressed by the Pei family, had regained their position by leveraging some secrets.

Shan Shuangshuang overheard this from outside the room. Someone reported that the Su family's jade mine had also been taken over by the Pei family, further angering Su Yu, who swore enmity against Pei Pei. After Su Yu left the room, Shan Shuangshuang sneaked in, discovering a hidden compartment but sensing danger, quickly left. Shan Dandan suggested to Manager Hao that they should focus on Nanhong and white jade.

Surprisingly, sales surged, making Pei Pei realize Shan Dandan was quite capable. Despite his detachment, Pei Pei was highly skilled in carving. Under his guidance, the craftsmen quickly mastered the techniques. Shan Dandan believed that if Pei Pei and she teamed up for the Jade Competition, they could win the championship, but Pei Pei showed no interest and walked away. Shan Dandan was puzzled by Pei Pei's aversion to the Jade Competition.

Pei Qin arrived and explained that Pei Pei had unresolved issues from past events. He was once the most talented individual in the area but had since changed. Pei Qin hoped Shan Dandan could help Pei Pei rediscover his potential, as their family now relied on her. Su Yu was also preparing meticulously for the Jade Competition, planning to create a "Bishui Yuanyang" ornament as his winning piece, intending to present it to Shan Dandan to win Shan Shuangshuang's favor.

A Liu informed Shan Dandan that Pei Pei developed a psychological barrier after participating in the Jade Competition. However, A Liu was vague about the details, increasing Shan Dandan's curiosity about Pei Pei's troubles. Shan Shuangshuang sneaked into Su Yu's secret room again to find the real design for the competition. She discovered only one design drawing, missing another one. Su Yu and a servant then entered, forcing Shan Shuangshuang to hide.

They discussed who might have stolen the missing design, blaming the Pei family. After Su Yu left, Shan Shuangshuang also left, puzzled about the missing design. Shan Shuangshuang visited her father's grave, recalling his dying words. He had been used by someone, and the amber on the Fengguan (phoenix crown) could not be used as medicine. He urged Shan Shuangshuang not to seek revenge.

Shan Shuangshuang felt that clues might be found in the Pei family, as she had found nothing significant while infiltrating the Su family. Pei Pei felt disheartened by Shan Dandan's criticism, calling him talented but a coward for not participating in the Jade Competition. He attempted to carve but couldn't get into the right mindset due to his psychological barrier. Turning to alcohol for solace, Shan Dandan joined him.

She praised Pei Pei, pointing out his hidden talents despite his seemingly frivolous attitude, and encouraged him to rediscover his skills. Pei Pei recalled being scolded by his father, Pei Chufeng, for carving the Fengguan. His father accused him of stealing the Fengguan for personal gain, forbidding him from participating in the Jade Competition or carving again. In defiance, Pei Pei argued, leading to his father breaking his wrist.

Since then, Pei Pei had lost his motivation, indulging in a carefree lifestyle to spite his father. After learning about Pei Pei's issues, Shan Dandan reassured him that he was still talented and could regain his confidence. Touched, Pei Pei kissed Shan Dandan's forehead, surprising her. Drunk and exhausted, Pei Pei fell asleep on Shan Dandan's shoulder.

Episode 5 Recap

Shan Shuangshuang entered Su Yu's room alone, but unexpectedly, Su Yu returned. He was furious at seeing Shan Shuangshuang there, but Shan Shuangshuang calmed him down by presenting a soothing herbal medicine. After Shan Shuangshuang left, a servant informed Su Yu that the smuggled goods had been moved out of the government office, but they had lost five thousand taels of silver. This deepened Su Yu's hatred for Pei Pei, vowing to recoup the loss from him.

Shan Dandan brought food to Pei Pei's room, feeling shy about the kiss from the previous night, thinking Pei Pei was drunk. However, Pei Pei told Shan Dandan that he wasn't completely drunk, which made Shan Dandan happy. Just as she was waiting for Pei Pei to continue his confession, A Liu rushed in, saying there was trouble as many creditors were demanding their money back.

Some investors in Qipei Pavilion had heard rumors of its impending bankruptcy and wanted to withdraw their money. This angered Pei Qin, as there were contracts in place, and the money couldn't be taken back before maturity. Amidst the standoff between Pei Qin and the shareholders, Shan Dandan had an idea. She brought out her private savings, surprising everyone with a whole chest of silver. This made the shareholders doubt the rumors, realizing that even a maid at Qipei Pavilion had such a substantial salary, and they left reassured. Pei Qin's fondness for Shan Dandan grew even more.

Pei Pei noticed all of Shan Dandan's actions, appreciating the once-annoying little maid who turned out to be so remarkable. Back in his room, he couldn't stop thinking about Shan Dandan. Similarly, Shan Dandan's thoughts were occupied with Pei Pei. The next morning, Shan Dandan brought breakfast to Pei Pei and was surprised to see Pei Pei paying great attention to his appearance, wearing new clothes. He invited A Liu and Shan Dandan to dine with him and announced his decision to participate in the Jade Competition, which made Shan Dandan as excited as if it were a holiday.

Due to his father's injury to his wrist, Pei Pei had lost the courage to pick up a carving knife. To encourage him, Shan Dandan continuously cheered him on, accompanying him in exercises to strengthen his wrist and improve his precision. Thanks to Shan Dandan's efforts, Pei Pei gradually made progress.

Su Yu personally carved a pair of mandarin ducks as an ornament. At that moment, a servant informed him that Pei Pei was also preparing for the Jade Competition. Su Yu dismissed Pei Pei as a worthless person and decided to take Shan Shuangshuang to see Pei Pei's supposed failure. During their carriage ride, Shan Shuangshuang asked Su Yu whether the loss of the Fengguan (phoenix crown) was the responsibility of the Pei family or the Su family. Su Yu claimed it was the Pei family's theft, absolving the Su family of any blame.

Pei Pei kept practicing his carving and was pleased with his progress, which made Pei Qin and the family very happy. Then A Liu reported that Su Yu had come to visit. Pei Pei went to greet him, bringing Shan Dandan along. Shan Dandan was delighted to see her sister, and they chatted casually. Although Su Yu and Pei Pei maintained a cordial facade, they were enemies at heart.

Shan Shuangshuang gave a jade hairpin she had made to her sister. Pei Pei immediately recognized Shan Shuangshuang's carving technique as "Jin Yin Cuo" (gold and silver inlay). Shan Shuangshuang was surprised that Pei Pei knew about it, and Pei Pei remarked that it was the same technique used for the lost Fengguan. This increased Shan Shuangshuang's suspicion that the Pei family was involved in the disappearance of the Fengguan. She asked Pei Pei about his carving method for the competition, and he revealed he was using the "Lou Kong Li Shi You Si Mao Diao" (hollow history flowing silk fur carving) technique, which shocked Shan Shuangshuang.

Shan Shuangshuang asked Su Yu for leave, pretending she wanted to buy some high-quality products from the market, but she actually planned to sneak into the Pei family residence to investigate the Fengguan matter. She discovered many technique drawings, noting that Pei Chufeng had already passed away when Pei Pei was very young. She wondered why there were so many technique drawings, possibly left for Pei Pei to study.

Shan Dandan's friend Tan Qinghe came to visit, making Shan Dandan very happy. To counter Su Yu, Pei Pei planned to find a few girls to serve as jade beauties in the competition. He also needed to find two girls to accompany him but did not want to take Shan Dandan to Huamanlou, worrying she would be jealous. Just as Pei Pei was about to leave, he saw Shan Dandan happily chatting with Tan Qinghe, which made him angry. Shan Dandan introduced Tan Qinghe as her former boss and a famous painter. To spite Shan Dandan, Pei Pei announced he was going to Huamanlou J Courtyard to find girls, which made Shan Dandan jealous. Learning that Tan Qinghe also had business at Huamanlou, she decided to go along to find out what Pei Pei was up to with the J girls.

Pei Pei went to Huamanlou but did not look for any J girls. When Shan Dandan arrived, she saw Pei Pei selecting Ling Yuan, a girl, and felt uncomfortable. She took out a portrait of Ling Yuan drawn by Tan Qinghe and asked Pei Pei to evaluate whether the girl or the portrait was more beautiful. Pei Pei casually remarked that Ling Yuan was more beautiful, making Ling Yuan want to alter the portrait to match her appearance and surpass Huamanlou's Hua Tian. Pei Pei hurriedly left with A Liu.

Episode 6 Recap

Pei Pei needed to find two girls to act as jade beauties but did not inform Ling Yuan and Hua Tian. Both girls thought they were the only one chosen by Pei Pei and trusted him deeply. When Pei Pei went to find Hua Tian, Shan Dandan also went along, using Tan Qinghe's painting of Hua Tian to add fuel to the fire, asking Pei Pei again whether Hua Tian or the painting was more beautiful.

Pei Pei felt helpless and, after leaving, scolded Shan Dandan, thinking she did it on purpose. However, Shan Dandan felt upset, believing Pei Pei was just being flirtatious. Their argument was overheard by Ling Yuan and Hua Tian, who realized that Pei Pei had chosen both of them as jade beauties. Furious, they wanted to beat Pei Pei, forcing Shan Dandan and Pei Pei to flee hastily.

Su Yu's uncle retrieved the stolen competition drawings from Qipei Pavilion, discovering that Pei Pei was planning to carve a Jade Linglong. This delighted Su Yu, who instructed his uncle to have someone carve an identical Jade Linglong to present to the City Lord as a birthday gift, ensuring Pei Pei would be accused of plagiarism and disqualified from the Jade Competition.

Moreover, Su Yu had long admired Shan Shuangshuang and planned to win the competition to present the Biyu Mandarin Ducks as a token of his affection for her. After returning, Pei Pei felt that Shan Dandan had gone too far, accusing her of being jealous and causing trouble at Huamanlou. Surprisingly, Shan Dandan admitted to it, making Pei Pei very happy. He stepped forward and kissed Shan Dandan on the lips, and she, equally delighted, responded enthusiastically.

Having confirmed their relationship, both lost focus on the Jade Competition, much to A Liu's annoyance. After his reminder, they regained their composure and started discussing the competition theme. However, their plans for the jade beauties were disrupted by Shan Dandan, so they quickly invited Hongyan to be the jade beauty. Since Hongyan's dance performance couldn't effectively integrate with the Jade Linglong, they were troubled. The Jade Linglong theme was crucial to Pei Pei, so they couldn't change it.

Unexpectedly, Pei Pei had confidence in modifying the theme to create a jade fan tailored for Hongyan. Shan Dandan worried that Pei Pei might not perform well with a last-minute theme change, but after a kiss from her, Pei Pei felt immensely confident. He quickly drew up the design and personally began carving. When Pei Pei handed the jade fan to Hongyan, her dance performance with the fan was breathtakingly beautiful.

The day of the Jade Competition arrived, but Hongyan was nowhere to be found, causing Shan Dandan and Pei Pei to panic. It turned out Su Yu was behind this, having Madam Yang control all the girls from Huamanlou to reduce Qipei Pavilion's chances of winning. In the end, Shan Dandan volunteered to replace Hongyan as the jade beauty performer. Participants began their performances one after another, showcasing their main jade pieces.

However, the City Lord was not impressed by their jade works. When it was Su Yuxuan's turn, Shan Shuangshuang presented the Biyu Mandarin Ducks. The beauty paired with exquisite jade captivated everyone, and Su Yu's explanation greatly impressed the City Lord, who was ready to declare Su Yuxuan the champion even before the performance was over.

When it was Qipei Pavilion's turn, Shan Dandan surprised everyone by having Pei Pei disguise himself as a woman and go on stage with the jade fan. The audience was astonished by Pei Pei's stunning appearance, especially Su Yu, who realized too late that the stolen drawing of Jade Linglong had been changed to a jade fan. Su Yu felt outsmarted. The City Lord appreciated Pei Pei's jade fan but still favored Su Yuxuan's work.

Just as he was about to announce the champion, Shan Dandan spoke up, asking the City Lord to examine the carving closely with a magnifying glass. It turned out to be the long-lost "You Si Mao Diao" technique, which amazed the City Lord. He found Qipei Pavilion's jade fan exceptionally exquisite. However, the judges were divided; some favored Su Yuxuan's work, while others preferred Qipei Pavilion's. The City Lord decided to declare both houses as joint first place.

At that moment, Su Yu's uncle stood up, mentioning that the jade piece they had gifted the City Lord hadn't been examined yet and requested the City Lord to open it in front of everyone.

Episode 7 Recap

The City Lord opened the jade piece sent earlier by Su Yu's uncle and found it identical to Pei Pei's jade fan, shocking everyone present. Su Yu was also surprised, as the spy had initially taken the Jade Linglong design. However, his uncle had anticipated Pei Pei's change of theme and had switched it to a jade fan in advance, proving the old are still wise.

Su Yu seized the opportunity to tell the City Lord that the jade fan was his creation, but it went missing before the competition, so he had presented the pre-made fan as a birthday gift. This insinuated that Pei Pei had stolen his design to compete. Despite Pei Pei and Shan Dandan's efforts to explain, no one believed them.

The City Lord accused Pei Pei of plagiarism and banned Qipei Pavilion from the Jade Competition forever, leading the crowd to criticize Qipei Pavilion harshly. Many Qipei Pavilion shareholders, upon learning of the scandal, demanded their investment back and removed all the jade pieces from the store. The Pei family was left in a dire state. Madam Pei urged everyone not to lose heart, believing they could start anew with confidence.

She planned to investigate the internal mole but did not blame Pei Pei or Shan Dandan for their excellent performance at the competition. She asked everyone to leave, except Pei Pei, for a private conversation. Madam Pei believed Pei Pei's ability to carve again was a success and told him not to worry about the competition or Su Yu's tricks. She had faith in Pei Pei and Shan Dandan's potential to revive Qipei Pavilion.

Pei Pei and Shan Dandan found Hongyan at a teahouse and questioned her about leaking secrets. Although Hongyan felt guilty for not being able to help Pei Pei as a jade beauty, she denied leaking the jade fan's design. Pei Pei trusted her, suspecting another mole. Despite winning the Jade Competition, Su Yu was not pleased, as Pei Pei's craftsmanship still made him jealous.

Shan Shuangshuang also felt uneasy about Pei Pei's skills and decided to invite Su Yu for a drink to discuss the missing Phoenix Crown further. Since Shan Dandan and Pei Pei became close, Cuiliu resented Shan Dandan even more and often took opportunities to trouble her. Shan Dandan, however, was not easy to bully and argued with Cuiliu. Cuiliu had a plan, instructing Shan Dandan to throw away some unwanted jade scraps.

Shan Dandan, reluctant to waste them, kept the scraps to take home. Cuiliu then accused her of theft and brought her to Madam Pei for punishment. Madam Pei questioned Shan Dandan's choice of stealing scraps instead of valuable items. Shan Dandan explained that it was Pei Pei's idea to repurpose the scraps for jewelry, which she planned to sell. Madam Pei appreciated Shan Dandan's idea, praising her for thinking creatively about making jewelry for both nobles and commoners.

Cuiliu's plan backfired, helping Shan Dandan instead. Early the next morning, Shan Dandan prepared a meal for Pei Pei, while Cuiliu tried to ingratiate herself by bringing him tea, only to receive a cold response. In front of all the servants, Pei Pei supported Shan Dandan, declaring she could do as she pleased and spend money freely. This made Shan Dandan even more confident.

Shan Dandan shared her idea of repurposing jade scraps with her sister, Shan Shuangshuang, who agreed and offered to help with designs. They decided to keep it a secret from Su Yu due to the strained relationship between the Su and Pei families. Upon returning to the Su household, Shan Shuangshuang visited Manager Wang, Su Yu's uncle, suspecting he was behind Pei Pei's failure at the competition.

However, Manager Wang believed that despite their setback, the Pei family wouldn't easily collapse due to their vast assets. A Liu gave Shan Dandan a doll, which Cuiliu saw and used to accuse Shan Dandan of having an affair with A Liu, betraying Pei Pei. Coincidentally, Pei Pei overheard and clarified that he had asked A Liu to give the doll to Shan Dandan, scolding Cuiliu for her unreasonable hatred.

Cuiliu quickly tried to cover up, claiming she bore no grudge against Shan Dandan and even offering her a gift. When Cuiliu's gift turned out to be poisoned lipstick, Pei Pei forced her to apply it herself. Terrified, Cuiliu confessed her wrongdoing. Enraged, Pei Pei expelled Cuiliu from the household, vowing never to rehire her.

Episode 8 Recap

Shan Shuangshuang handed over her hand-drawn jade stone designs to her younger sister, Shan Dandan. With these designs, many leftover jade scraps from the Pei family could now be put to good use, significantly increasing the family's income and elevating Shan Dandan's status within the Pei household. This made Shan Dandan very happy. While they were discussing, Tan Qinghe, despite being an artist, also owned a spice shop and invited them to visit.

Tan Qinghe introduced his spices to the two sisters. Since the City Lord was currently promoting spices, Tan Qinghe saw an opportunity to increase his income and decided to join in. As night fell and Shan Dandan hadn't returned home yet, Pei Pei grew extremely anxious and went out to search for her. Meanwhile, Su Yu, worried about Shan Shuangshuang, went to a teahouse to look for her.

Coincidentally, Pei Pei and Su Yu crossed paths, both looking for the two sisters from the Shan family. However, their meeting turned confrontational as they found each other disagreeable. The teahouse owner, exasperated, quickly explained that the sisters had already left for Tan Qinghe's studio. Pei Pei and Su Yu hurriedly went to search for them. Pei Pei and Su Yu found Shan Dandan and Shan Shuangshuang at Tan Qinghe's studio not far from where they were searching.

However, the conversation between the sisters and Tan Qinghe seemed ambiguous, making Pei Pei and Su Yu uncomfortable but hesitant to interrupt. Back home, Pei Pei criticized Shan Dandan for her behavior, but she found him unreasonable. Despite this, she shared her idea of incorporating Tan Qinghe's spices into jade with Pei Pei. However, Pei Pei disagreed with the plan. When Shan Dandan saw Pei Pei's disapproval, she decided to proceed on her own.

After returning home, Shan Shuangshuang was determined to uncover the secret behind the loss of the Phoenix Crown. She believed pushing the Pei family to a corner might reveal its whereabouts. At this moment, Su Yu approached her, expressing dissatisfaction. However, Shan Shuangshuang felt Su Yu had no reason to be angry, considering her chance encounter with Tan Qinghe. She also clarified that her relationship with Su Yu was purely master and servant.

Su Yu was left speechless by her response. Shan Shuangshuang reported Manager Wang's earlier proposal to Su Yu, suggesting they start the business of broken jade, intending to compete with the Pei family until they had no choice but to give up. Despite his anger, Su Yu agreed to Shan Shuangshuang's proposal. To please Shan Dandan, Pei Pei specially prepared peach pastries and sent them over. At that moment, Tan Qinghe arrived, prompting Shan Dandan to greet him immediately.

Concerned about Shan Dandan growing closer to Tan Qinghe, Pei Pei quickly followed. Unexpectedly, Tan Qinghe was looking for Madam Pei to discuss their plan to incorporate spices into jade, and Madam Pei supported the idea, finding Shan Dandan's thoughts very comprehensive. Pei Pei objected strongly when he went out, adamant against their plan. Despite losing the Jade Competition, he refused to resort to such tricks, leading to a heated argument between them.

Just then, someone reported that the City Lord wanted to see them. Upon arriving at the City Lord's mansion, Pei Pei found Su Yu already there. The City Lord showed them jade pieces infused with spices. With many cities now embracing spice-infused jade, this posed a significant threat to their city. Hence, both families rushed back to improve their jade pieces.

Back home, Shan Dandan mocked Pei Pei, who had initially opposed but was now being pressured by the City Lord to proceed. However, Pei Pei insisted on doing better than anyone else. Shan Dandan comforted Pei Pei with a kiss, offering him some encouragement. Manager Wang wanted Shan Shuangshuang to discuss business collaboration with Tan Xiangge's Tan Qinghe, the largest supplier. However, Su Yu was jealous and reluctant to let Shan Shuangshuang handle it, deciding to approach Tan Qinghe himself.

The next day, Su Yu met Pei Pei at Tan Xiangge's to discuss collaboration. They continued their verbal sparring, each refusing to back down. Meanwhile, Shan Dandan waited downstairs for Pei Pei, who boasted about someone waiting for him, leaving Su Yu feeling somewhat dejected as Shan Shuangshuang had yet to accept his feelings, leaving him lonely and isolated. Pei Pei returned with Tan Qinghe's spices and discussed with Shan Dandan how to incorporate them more effectively.

After Su Yu returned home, he handed the spices over to Shan Shuangshuang, seeking her advice. Both families were busy with this new project. Shan Dandan believed limestone was the best addition for spice-infused jade, while Pei Pei thought dolomite was more suitable. They quickly went to discuss this with Manager Wang. To their surprise, they found out that the business of carving stones was being squeezed out by the Su family after losing the Jade Competition.

Everyone's time and energy were now devoted to this, but sales were still suffering, making their business even worse. Shan Dandan went to her sister to ask why Su Yu had started to take away the business of broken jade. Shan Shuangshuang claimed she knew nothing about it. Shan Dandan had to come up with a better way to save the Qipei Pavilion.

Episode 9 Recap

Su Jue shared the good news of Su Yuxuan's booming business with Uncle Wang, the shopkeeper, and praised Shan Shuangshuang's brilliant idea of outcompeting Qi Pei Pavilion. Now, Qi Pei Pavilion not only can't sell its products but is also accused of plagiarism. However, Shan Shuangshuang felt that while this was good for Su Yuxuan, it was unfair to her sister, Shan Dandan.

After Shan Shuangshuang and Su Jue left, shopkeeper Wang reminisced about the incident with Guan Yu's Phoenix Crown. Shan Shuangshuang's father died from poisoning, and on his deathbed, he entrusted his daughter to Wang's care. Early in the morning, Shan Dandan knelt in front of Pei Qin's door to apologize. Pei Qin believed that Suiyu's idea was not wrong, and that it was just Qi Pei Pavilion's slow response that caused them to lose money.

As long as Shan Dandan and Pei Pei took good care of the spices and jade, everything would be fine. Shan Dandan was touched by Pei Qin's tolerance, but she accidentally fell and made a fuss. Back in her room, Pei Pei took good care of her. Although Pei Pei had already prepared the spices and jade, he reassured Shan Dandan that there was still time for her to recover.

Pei Pei felt that their family's finances were tight and suggested cutting costs everywhere. Pei Qin, though, felt that while things were tough, they could still manage. She encouraged Pei Pei and Shan Dandan to go all out. Unexpectedly, some people went to Qi Pei Pavilion to protest, claiming their spices caused severe allergies. Pei Pei and Shan Dandan rushed to resolve the issue but were attacked by the crowd.

Pei Pei protected Shan Dandan and promised to handle the situation properly, which barely calmed the crowd. Soon, Qi Pei Pavilion's stores were affected. The family worried about their business's future. Just then, Tan Qinghe arrived, claiming their spices were natural and harmless. Shan Dandan decided to investigate thoroughly to give everyone an explanation. Tan Qinghe also wanted to join the investigation to clarify things.

They asked for a manager's help to sort out the situation, hoping to overcome this crisis. Su Jue and shopkeeper Wang were also surprised by the incident at Qi Pei Pavilion. Although they suspected Shan Shuangshuang, she insisted she wouldn't do anything harmful. Everyone doubted each other but concluded none of them were responsible. Su Jue thought they should investigate thoroughly, fearing such an incident could happen to them. Shan Shuangshuang volunteered to find out the truth.

Pei Pei and Shan Dandan went to the streets to investigate. Pei Pei, worried about Shan Dandan's safety, suggested she disguise herself as a man, but people still recognized her as a woman. Pei Pei warned Tan Qinghe to be careful around Shan Dandan, but Tan Qinghe complained that life had been difficult since she joined Qi Pei Pavilion. Pei Pei felt helpless and had no response. Soon, Shan Dandan found clues and shared them with Tan Qinghe and Pei Pei.

Both Qi Pei Pavilion and Su Yuxuan used the same spices, but only Qi Pei Pavilion's jade caused problems. Everyone suspected Su Jue, but Pei Pei felt it was too obvious and thought someone else was behind it. They went to the house of the poisoned family to investigate. Shan Dandan suggested Pei Pei wear a hat and trick them by offering a reward. However, the family denied everything, and Pei Pei directly questioned them about framing Qi Pei Pavilion.

This angered the male homeowner, who threw Pei Pei out. Shortly after, a group came to extort protection money from the homeowner, who couldn't pay. Pei Pei realized the homeowner might not be behind the framing if he couldn't pay. Pei Pei and his team drove away the extortionists, earning the homeowner's gratitude. The homeowner explained they had been living in hardship and wanted to buy a jade bracelet for his wife as a gift, which led to the poisoning.

Shan Dandan suspected the poisoning might not be caused by the spices and decided to investigate further. Su Jue and Shan Shuangshuang visited Doctor Qu's shop to inquire about the toxicity of the spices. They described the bruises on the poisoned victims, and Doctor Qu speculated it wasn't poisoning but someone using cursed herbs. However, Doctor Qu had a way to treat it. As Pei Pei's group was returning, they were blocked by the extortionists. Outnumbered, Pei Pei sent A Liu to get help while they prepared to defend themselves.

Episode 10 Recap

Several people were captured by bandits and trapped in a courtyard. Unexpectedly, Shan Dandan, out of fear, let out a cry that sounded like a girl. The bandits, curious about who the woman was, approached to check. Pei Pei, worried that Shan Dandan would be discovered, quickly imitated a woman's voice to deceive them. The bandits, delighted, planned to take turns amusing themselves with Pei Pei that night. A Liu, in a hurry, ran back to seek help.

On the street, he happened to meet Su Jue and Shan Shuangshuang. Learning that Shan Dandan was in danger, they rushed to the rescue. The bandits called their leader back, wanting him to have a taste too. To their surprise, the leader, upon seeing Pei Pei, was moved to tears, thinking Pei Pei resembled his wife. He ordered his men to dress Pei Pei in his mother's clothes and even put on makeup.

Pei Pei looked even more like a woman. Just then, Su Jue and Shan Shuangshuang arrived with reinforcements. Pei Pei, seeing Su Jue, was extremely embarrassed as Su Jue witnessed his awkward situation again. Soon, A Liu also arrived with more help, quickly subduing the bandits. Su Jue mocked Pei Pei for his appearance in women's clothing. Pei Pei and Su Jue continued to search for clues, never missing an opportunity to bicker.

They soon returned to the poisoned woman's house. Upon examination, Shan Shuangshuang found that the woman had been poisoned by a cursed herb, which could be life-threatening if not treated promptly. While treating the woman, who was in too much pain to cooperate, Shan Shuangshuang used acupressure. Su Jue was impressed by Shan Shuangshuang's skills, but she quickly explained that she learned it from Doctor Qu, to avoid revealing her martial arts skills. After some treatment, the woman's condition stabilized.

They were puzzled as to why someone unrelated to Qi Pei Pavilion was poisoned. When the woman woke up, she recalled that after buying the spice bracelet, she encountered a woman who recommended a seven-colored thread. She bought it and was poisoned. Shan Shuangshuang found that the seven-colored thread was the source of the poisoning. Tan Qinghe was finally cleared of suspicion and left. The couple, feeling guilty towards Qi Pei Pavilion, invited them to stay for dinner.

Pei Pei, seeing it was late, agreed. Su Jue and Shan Shuangshuang went to the seven-colored thread shop to search for clues. Su Jue thought that Qi Pei Pavilion had always been low-key and wouldn't have mortal enemies, so the matter was more complicated. Shan Dandan and Pei Pei talked about their dreams. Shan Dandan's biggest dream was to open a jade shop with her sister. Pei Pei promised to help her achieve it.

Suddenly, Shan Dandan remembered how well Pei Pei imitated a woman and got jealous, thinking he must have learned it from the girls at Hua Man Lou. She chased after him, questioning him, and they playfully tussled. Su Jue arranged for people to monitor the seven-colored thread shop but found nothing unusual. Just then, someone rushed to call Su Jue to Hua Man Lou.

To his surprise, Madam Yang was furious, accusing Su Jue of using poisoned spice jewelry that had affected the girls. Pei Pei and Shan Dandan also arrived. Madam Yang suspected that Tan Xiang Pavilion was involved since Su Yuxuan's spices came from Tan Xiang Pavilion. Now, a dozen girls were behaving like zombies, biting customers, which terrified Madam Yang into locking them up. Shan Shuangshuang thought the situation was more complicated since the previous poisoning didn't cause such behavior.

The group, mustering their courage, entered Hua Man Lou. The once lively brothel now looked like a haunted house, scaring them into huddling together as they moved forward. Soon, several girls, like ghosts, appeared and started attacking them. They fled in chaos. Pei Pei hurriedly hid with Shan Dandan under a table. They held their breath to avoid detection, but it wasn't a long-term solution. Eventually, they couldn't hold their breath any longer and were discovered, prompting them to quickly escape.

Episode 11 Recap

Shan Dandan, while escaping from the pursuing girls, got separated from Pei Pei. Pei Pei anxiously searched for her whereabouts. Fortunately, Shan Shuangshuang found Shan Dandan and protected her. The girls soon ran out of strength and fainted. Su Jue and Pei Pei examined the girls and found no seven-colored thread on the jade pieces, but the symptoms indicated poisoning by a cursed herb. This puzzled them, making them suspect someone had tampered and removed the threads.

Su Jue led a group to the seven-colored thread shop to gather information. The shop owner already knew about the jade poisoning incident but denied any connection to their threads. Just then, Pei Pei noticed someone peeking from outside—it seemed like Cui Liu. When Pei Pei spotted her, she quickly hid. Pei Pei asked the shop owner if they had hired any temporary workers. The owner described someone who looked very much like Cui Liu.

The city lord summoned both the Su and Pei families to answer for the incident. They explained the discovery of the cursed herb, angering the city lord, but he granted them one last day to solve the case, threatening their heads if they failed. That night, the city lord's guards took Pei Qinshi, the head of the Pei family, as a hostage. If they didn't find the clues in time, she would be executed.

The same fate awaited Su Jue, as he was also taken, urging the Su family to solve the case quickly. Despite Wang Zhanggui's offer to substitute, it was refused. Shan Dandan secretly altered the name on the record to hers. Pei Pei tried to stop her but was moved when Shan Dandan expressed her willingness to sacrifice everything for the Pei family and repay the old lady's trust. However, her act was not approved.

Just then, they captured Cui Liu and brought her back. Pei Pei questioned her, demanding the truth. Cui Liu pleaded for mercy, admitting she didn't expect such severe consequences. Cui Liu confessed that out of jealousy towards Shan Dandan, she went to a temple to pray and burn incense, wishing for Shan Dandan to leave Pei Pei. A masked person appeared, promising her wish would come true if she obeyed.

The masked person handed Cui Liu a box and instructed her to work at the seven-colored thread shop and mix the threads into the products. Cui Liu never saw the masked person's face, as they always met at the temple. Shan Dandan devised a plan to lure the masked person out. Su Jue investigated the origin of the seven-colored thread poison, discovering it came from the Western Regions.

However, nine years ago, the cursed herb was also grown in Xiushui City. Su Jue sent people to continue the investigation there. Worried that this might end Su Yuxuan's business, Su Jue arranged for Shan Shuangshuang to take all the money and leave. Shan Shuangshuang reassured him, saying that both Shan Dandan and Su Jue were her greatest concerns, making Su Jue very happy.

Cui Liu went to the temple to meet the masked person, intending to quit due to the escalating situation. The masked person, however, planned to kill Cui Liu to silence her. A Liu, who was ambushed in advance, tried to rescue her but was no match for the masked person. Pei Pei and others then revealed themselves, ready to unmask the culprit. Pei Pei and Shan Dandan had already guessed that the masked person was Tan Qinghe.

Pei Pei analyzed Tan Qinghe's behavior, noting how he always found an excuse to leave whenever they had a clue. Tan Qinghe had also suggested the spice jade idea, making him the prime suspect. The masked person, though outnumbered, was confident and attacked, intending to eliminate them all. Su Jue and his men arrived with evidence, identifying Tan Qinghe as the mastermind.

At a critical moment, the masked person released a swarm of butterflies, whose poisonous gas knocked everyone out, except Shan Shuangshuang. She swiftly attacked the masked person, defeating him despite his martial prowess, and stabbed him in the abdomen, rendering him unconscious. Shan Shuangshuang administered the antidote carried by Tan Qinghe to everyone, reviving them. Surprisingly, the masked person also regained consciousness and attempted to fight again.

Just then, Tan Qinghe arrived with more people, leaving everyone puzzled about the masked person's identity. The masked person removed the mask, revealing he looked exactly like Tan Qinghe. Shan Dandan had suspected Tan Qinghe but couldn't be certain. After various interactions and analyses, she discovered many clues. The masked person was Tan Qinghe's twin brother, Tan Qingbo.

Tan Qinghe pleaded with his brother to stop, but Tan Qingbo insisted on pursuing his own ambitions, refusing to live a life of mediocrity. It turned out that they were both sons of the Xiushui City leader. Tan Qinghe was in Yuncui City as a spy, but now, seeing his brother's lack of ambition, Tan Qingbo was furious. Xiushui City had been oppressed by Yuncui City, and the spice jade business was their chance for revival.

When Yuncui City's lord found out, he imitated and took over their business. Tan Qingbo, frustrated with Tan Qinghe's lack of desire to fight, kidnapped him and impersonated him to execute his plan. Su Jue and Pei Pei urged Tan Qingbo to surrender, promising to plead with the city lord for leniency. Tan Qingbo, however, chose to fight to the death. Tan Qinghe's heartfelt plea for his brother's repentance failed. Just then, Yuncui City's soldiers arrived.

Tan Qingbo, refusing to surrender, took his own life in front of everyone. Shan Dandan, deeply concerned for Tan Qinghe, decided to visit him in a few days, understanding the pain of losing a loved one. Pei Qinshi thanked Shan Dandan, acknowledging how she always helped them avert danger. Shan Dandan was promoted to the second manager of Qi Pei Pavilion and chief jade appraiser.

The city lord praised the Pei family for solving the case, greatly boosting their sales, which now far exceeded the Su family's. This made Shan Dandan very happy.

Episode 12 Recap

After the case was solved, Su Jue took Shan Shuangshuang to the night market to relax and enjoy her favorite foods. This made Shan Shuangshuang very happy, and she gradually developed feelings for Su Jue. Just as Su Jue was about to seize the moment and kiss her, Shan Shuangshuang, feeling guilty because she didn't know if Su Jue was her father's killer, instinctively avoided him, making Su Jue feel awkward.

Pei Pei also took Shan Dandan out for some fun. They had a great time, playing and teasing each other. When Pei Pei couldn't resist kissing Shan Dandan, she did not shy away but responded warmly. Because of their contributions in solving the case, the city lord awarded their family a plaque in recognition. Pei Pei decided to host a grand banquet and invite everyone. Shan Dandan felt the Su family also deserved credit and wanted to invite them, but Pei Pei was unsure if Su Jue would accept the invitation.

Shan Shuangshuang returned home, deeply contemplating her feelings for Su Jue. She believed that continuing their relationship would betray her deceased father, so she decided to end things with Su Jue. Upon reflection, she felt that Su Yuxuan was unlikely to be the culprit, and suspicion fell more heavily on Qi Pei Pavilion. Su Jue and Wang Zhanggui, upon learning that the city lord had given the plaque to Qi Pei Pavilion, harbored resentment and planned to suppress them. At this moment, Shan Shuangshuang arrived and conveyed Shan Dandan's invitation. Su Jue, still angry, didn't want to go but didn't stop Shan Shuangshuang since Shan Dandan was her sister. After Shan Shuangshuang left, Wang Zhanggui found her suspicious and planned to test her.

Pei Pei hosted Shan Shuangshuang and talked about the art of feather carving, which originated from Feng Guan. This made Shan Shuangshuang even more convinced that the Pei family was connected to Feng Guan. After a hearty meal, Shan Shuangshuang visited her father's grave again. She vividly recalled the scene of her father's murder and his plea not to seek revenge, admitting it was their fault. This left her feeling troubled, as her father didn't leave any clues. Shan Shuangshuang decided to leave the Su family and investigate the Pei family. When she returned to see Wang Zhanggui and Su Jue, someone reported the whereabouts of the Feng Guan. The grave visit was a test to see if Shan Shuangshuang was interested. Su Jue secretly hoped she wasn't.

After becoming the second manager, Shan Dandan was quite proud. Pei Pei teased her, trying to understand her motivations, which made her angry. At that moment, Su Jue arrived to confess his feelings for Shan Shuangshuang, formally proposing through Shan Dandan. Su Jue wanted to know more about Shan Shuangshuang from Shan Dandan but learned that she knew little about her sister. Su Jue inquired if Shan Shuangshuang had studied martial arts or medicine, but Shan Dandan was unaware. Pei Pei, uneasy about Shan Dandan being alone with Su Jue, also came over. Seeing Pei Pei, Su Jue left. Just then, A Liu arrived, informing Pei Pei of news about the Feng Guan, revealed by Sun Wu, a gold and silver welder. After Pei Pei and the others left, Su Jue reappeared, revealing it was their plan to frame Pei Pei by investigating the Pei family's internal theft. Pei Pei doubted A Liu's reliability, but A Liu only knew it was spread by Sun Wu's apprentice. Shan Dandan worried it was a trap, but Pei Pei felt they needed to investigate to clear their name, even if it meant being set up.

That night, Pei Pei led his men to the location of Feng Guan, while Su Jue and Wang Zhanggui had already set an ambush nearby. However, Shan Shuangshuang claimed she was going to buy materials and didn't accompany them. A masked person entered their ambush zone, prompting Wang Zhanggui to order an arrow attack. Su Jue, fearing the masked person was Shan Shuangshuang, intervened and was accidentally shot in the arm. Realizing the masked person wasn't Shan Shuangshuang, Su Jue was relieved but found the arrow was poisoned. Wang Zhanggui quickly ordered Su Jue to be taken back for treatment while leaving people to watch the Pei family.

Shortly after Su Jue and his men left, Shan Shuangshuang, also masked, arrived. Su Jue's personal guard discovered her but was no match for her. Shan Shuangshuang spared his life and warned him not to disclose her presence, urging him to recognize the true nature of the Su family. The personal guard, agreeing with her, informed Shan Shuangshuang of Su Jue's plan to lure her out and eliminate the Pei family. He urged her to rescue her sister, Shan Dandan.

Episode 13 Recap

Pei Pei and Shan Dandan walked for a long time without seeing anyone. Shan Shuangshuang, who was lurking nearby, worried they might fall into Su Jue's trap if they arrived at the scene too early. She released a bewitching powder, and soon everyone smelled a fragrance and started hallucinating, playing like children. Just as Pei Pei was about to kiss Shan Dandan, he mistook her for Cui Liu and woke up in shock. Pei Pei quickly woke up Shan Dandan, avoiding disaster. He realized they had been drugged and quickly woke up A Liu to discuss their next move.

When they arrived at their destination, there was no one there, but they found a jade key on the ground. The craftsmanship was unique to the Pei family, making Pei Pei realize they had been framed. The key implicated them in the theft of Feng Guan, and they were saved from being falsely accused only because someone helped them in secret.

Su Jue, after being poisoned, sought medical treatment. While his life was not in danger, there was no effective way to detoxify him. Shan Shuangshuang rushed back and directly sucked the poison out of Su Jue, astonishing Wang Zhanggui. Su Jue, waking up, held Shan Shuangshuang's hand and admitted his mistakes, explaining his previous suspicions about her in hopes of winning her forgiveness. However, Shan Shuangshuang was more worried about her identity being exposed and decided to leave the Su family early to investigate the Pei family.

Pei Pei, upon returning, felt it was the Su family who had set them up, but Shan Dandan was optimistic, as their situation was improving daily. She was also happy that her sister Shan Shuangshuang would be helping them. However, she was angry about Pei Pei mistaking her for Cui Liu the previous night and pulled his ear to make him apologize, which he quickly did.

After recovering from the poisoning, Su Jue sincerely presented the Biliu mandarin ducks to Shan Shuangshuang in an attempt to court her. Shan Shuangshuang was surprised, but Su Jue expressed his love, hoping she would marry him. Shan Shuangshuang directly rejected him. Su Jue, feeling he hadn't expressed his love enough, offered all of Su Yuxuan's assets to her, but still didn't win her heart. Shan Shuangshuang insisted on going to Qi Pei Pavilion to reunite with her sister, which made Su Jue even more heartbroken. She was determined, and no one could stop her. After Shan Shuangshuang left, Su Jue collapsed in despair, recalling his father's scoldings and his jealousy of Pei Pei, vowing to reclaim what he had lost.

Several noblewomen visited Qi Pei Pavilion, dissatisfied with their standard jewelry, and asked Shan Dandan to create more exquisite pieces, which she agreed to. At that moment, A Liu excitedly reported that Shan Shuangshuang had come. He, who had always had a crush on her, was thrilled to see her at their house, and now he could see her every day.

A Liu prepared a room for Shan Shuangshuang. After Shan Dandan showed her sister the room, she went to the shop to arrange work. Previously, Shan Shuangshuang specialized in making gold and silver jewelry at Su Yuxuan, so she continued the same work at Qi Pei Pavilion. However, her primary goal was to investigate her parents' deaths, regardless of her work.

A Liu went to Shan Dandan, asking her to deliver gifts to Shan Shuangshuang. He presented a box of ginseng and dolls, revealing his deep feelings. Just then, Shan Shuangshuang returned, and A Liu, embarrassed, ran away. Shan Shuangshuang, however, didn't take it to heart, focused solely on solving the case and finding Feng Guan's whereabouts.

A Liu, still daydreaming about Shan Shuangshuang at the shop, was overjoyed when she suddenly appeared. Shan Shuangshuang wanted to learn about Qi Pei Pavilion's records from A Liu. He eagerly took her to the historical archives. Shan Shuangshuang, pretending to need a long time to review, sent A Liu away. She then searched for clues, hoping to find something about Feng Guan.

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