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We All Lie Recap, Plot, Synopsis

> We All Lie

We All Lie Synopsis

The sweet marriage between renowned screenwriter Su Li and popular actor Zhang Shuheng is the envy of many. However, this seemingly strong happiness begins to crack when Su Li receives an anonymous message revealing that Zhang Shuheng is having an affair. As she delves deeper into the investigation, Su Li eventually confirms her husband’s infidelity and discovers that the other woman is none other than her longtime best friend. Faced with the double betrayal of friendship and love, Su Li is devastated. Being a decisive and rational woman, Su Li immediately decides to file for divorce.

However, after consulting with a lawyer, she learns that due to Zhang Shuheng’s previous failed investments, he has almost no assets, and if they divorce, Su Li would have to split half of her own wealth with him. Unable to accept this, Su Li decides to pretend she is unaware of the affair and delays the divorce until she is fully prepared. However, unable to swallow her anger, she secretly begins to take revenge on both her husband and her best friend. During the course of her revenge, Su Li discovers that the person who sent her the anonymous message is Zhang Shuheng’s assistant, Wang Ganggang. As they interact, their shared experience of unhappy marriages leads them to develop a deep bond, and their friendship grows stronger as they help each other.

We All Lie Recap

Episode 1 Recap

Su Li is a highly acclaimed screenwriter in the industry. Many of her scripts, once adapted into television dramas, have received unanimous praise from audiences. At the press conference for her new film, the host specially selected exciting clips from "Cheating Will Lead to Death" as the opening segment and used it to lead into questions for Su Li.

Su Li calmly took the microphone and explained her reason for collaborating on four consecutive projects with the popular actor Zhang Shuheng. She revealed that Zhang Shuheng is her husband. The couple publicly displayed their affection, delighting the attendees and viewers with their display of love. After the press conference, the female lead of the new film tried to seduce Zhang Shuheng, but was rejected. Su Li stepped in to handle the situation. She called the film's producer, Mr.

Qian, and gave him two options: either replace the female lead or leave with her own investment. Mr. Qian chose to replace the female lead for the sake of money. Back home, Zhang Shuheng continued to show his love for Su Li and even recited the vows he made when he first pursued her. As their feelings deepened, Zhang Shuheng carried Su Li upstairs, and they played cards affectionately.

In the middle of the night, when Su Li got up to use the bathroom and returned, she noticed a message notification on Zhang Shuheng's phone, which aroused her suspicion. During breakfast the next morning, Su Li casually mentioned the incident. After Zhang Shuheng seemed taken aback, he explained that it was his good friend, Mr. Wu, calling to invite him out for drinks and showed her the WeChat message, which did indeed appear to be from Mr. Wu.

However, Mr. Wu addressed Zhang Shuheng as "baby," which raised further doubts in Su Li's mind. While organizing Zhang Shuheng's wardrobe, Su Li unexpectedly found a receipt for Chanel shoes he had bought. Since he had never bought such shoes for her, Su Li's suspicions grew stronger. She began to scrutinize the footwear of actors, agents, and close friends, examining their shoes as soon as she interacted with them. At a company cocktail party, the lecherous Mr.

Zhang extended his advances towards Su Li's good friend, Chen Yingying. Chen Yingying, concerned about potential repercussions on future acting opportunities, chose to endure the situation silently. However, Su Li, known for her strong presence in the industry, confronted Mr. Zhang and resolved the issue on behalf of her friend. To help Chen Yingying gain more connections and avoid being influenced by Mr. Zhang, Su Li recommended her to friends. However, she learned unexpectedly that Mr.

Wu had been recovering from a fracture at home for over a month, meaning the message Zhang Shuheng received the previous night could not have been from Mr. Wu. On the way back, Su Li advised Chen Yingying to learn to stand up for herself to prevent others from taking advantage. She also suggested Chen Yingying arrange to meet her boyfriend. Chen Yingying agreed and got into a taxi after exiting.

Zhang Shuheng, who was preparing to return home, received a message and immediately had his driver turn around. Su Li's suspicions proved correct—Zhang Shuheng was indeed cheating, and the affair was with her close friend Chen Yingying. After their escapade, Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying returned home. Before entering, Zhang Shuheng sprayed some perfume on himself, which only heightened Su Li’s suspicions. She asked Zhang Shuheng to call Mr. Wu to confirm his whereabouts.

After some hesitation, Zhang Shuheng made the call, and it was indeed Mr. Wu on the line. Su Li felt relieved, unaware that Zhang Shuheng had prearranged this with Mr. Wu. Su Li and Zhang Shuheng attended a gathering organized by Mr. Wu. During the event, Chen Yingying falsely claimed a leak in her home, and Su Li, being considerate, asked Zhang Shuheng to take her home. This situation played right into their hands, leading to an inevitable affair.

The next day, when Su Li and Zhang Shuheng hosted a return gathering for everyone, Su Li received a message revealing that Zhang Shuheng was cheating, and the affair partner was at the dining table. Su Li was stunned on the spot.

Episode 2 Recap

After organizing her emotions, Su Li returned to the dining table. She believed that the message she received was not baseless, but she couldn’t figure out who the mistress was. To investigate, she decided to use her public display of affection with Zhang Shuheng to observe the reactions of the women at the table. However, she could not spot any obvious clues. That night, Su Li found it difficult to sleep.

She got up and went to the living room, redialing the phone number that had sent her the message, only to discover that it was a disconnected number. It seemed the sender did not want her to know their identity, but Su Li was certain that the sender was one of the people at the dinner. With this suspicion, Su Li told Chen Yingying about the incident.

Chen Yingying pretended to stay calm and asked how Su Li planned to deal with Zhang Shuheng and the mistress. Su Li said she wouldn’t kill them but would play a cat-and-mouse game with them. Chen Yingying, feeling nervous and thinking about how to cover up her own involvement, was unexpectedly recognized by an older woman who had seen her play the mistress in a drama. The woman, angered by Chen Yingying's role, splashed water on her.

Su Li quickly intervened to stop this, and although Chen Yingying was unfairly targeted, it gave her a reason to leave. Zhang Shuheng then sent Chen Yingying a message, and she lied that her boyfriend was picking her up before leaving. Su Li wanted to confirm whether Zhang Shuheng was really cheating, so she went to his office but found he was not there for a meeting. The secretary contacted him by phone, which triggered Su Li’s suspicion.

She linked this to Mr. Wu's contact with Zhang Shuheng, thinking there must be a secret. She instructed the secretary not to inform Zhang Shuheng about her visit. That evening, when Zhang Shuheng returned home exhausted, he said he had been in meetings all day and went to take a shower to relax. Su Li took this opportunity to check Zhang Shuheng's phone and found undeniable evidence of his infidelity, which was too much for her to bear.

Tears streamed down her face. After some painful reflection, Su Li decided to accept the situation but was determined to find the mistress and ensure both Zhang Shuheng and the mistress received their due punishment. After Zhang Shuheng finished his shower and did not notice Su Li’s distress, he pretended to be a good husband and began cooking.

Knowing the mistress had sent Zhang Shuheng a message and that he would likely find an excuse or opportunity to go out, Su Li pretended to be indifferent while she maneuvered around him. Zhang Shuheng slipped a sleeping pill into Su Li's wine glass, planning to go out to meet his lover after she fell asleep. However, Su Li saw through his plan.

She pretended to be unconscious but had already made herself vomit in the bathroom, seeing this as her best chance to catch the mistress. Zhang Shuheng carried the feigned-unconscious Su Li to bed and then went to meet Chen Yingying. Unbeknownst to him, Su Li followed in a taxi. Su Li carefully followed Zhang Shuheng to a nightclub, where she discovered he was meeting with Mr. Wu. Her heart eased slightly, but her relief was short-lived.

She watched in shock as her close friend Chen Yingying approached Zhang Shuheng, sat on his lap, and kissed him. This confirmed that the mistress was indeed Chen Yingying. This revelation was a double blow for Su Li. Overwhelmed, she collapsed on the ground and struggled to calm down. Su Li hoped their intimacy was just a momentary lapse, but when she saw them taking separate elevators to the same hotel room, she could no longer deceive herself.

The reality was inescapable. She had to confront the situation, and after much consideration, she decided against confronting them directly. Instead, she went to a public phone booth and called the police, reporting that there was illegal activity involving prostitution in room 2201.

Episode 3 Recap

Su Li remembered how Zhang Shuheng had once deliberately fallen from a windowsill to prepare a surprise proposal for her, declaring his love and vowing in front of everyone that he would suffer a car accident if he broke his promise. Seeing Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying being taken away by the police, Su Li wasted no time in taking photos.

During the police questioning, Zhang Shuheng vehemently denied engaging in prostitution, admitting that he was only involved in an extramarital affair. Chen Yingying told the police that they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. After understanding the situation, both were released. Zhang Shuheng hoped the police would keep the matter confidential. When Zhang Shuheng returned home, he saw Su Li already asleep in bed.

He intended to hold her, only to realize she was pretending to be asleep and had actually been drinking. Chen Yingying was still unable to accept the defeat and couldn’t get over losing to Su Li. Su Li consulted a lawyer, presenting evidence of Zhang Shuheng’s infidelity. The lawyer informed her that all current family expenses were covered by Su Li and suggested that she might face disadvantages if she divorced now.

The lawyer advised her to find ways to transfer assets. Su Li thought that despite her complete openness to Zhang Shuheng, he had betrayed her. She planned to calculate the assets and then force Zhang Shuheng out of her life. The next morning, Zhang Shuheng woke up groggily to find Su Li holding a knife, which nearly scared him to death.

Su Li quickly changed her attitude, pretending she was writing a script about extramarital affairs and wanted to experience the emotions of a female character catching a male character. She teased Zhang Shuheng about his overly realistic performance. Realizing it was a joke, Zhang Shuheng sighed in relief. Su Li suggested that Chen Yingying could act opposite Zhang Shuheng and tried to gauge his opinion on making her the lead in a new drama.

Zhang Shuheng pretended to be calm and said he would give Chen Yingying a chance. After leaving, he quickly shared this good news with Chen Yingying. The police called Su Li to the station to criticize her for filing a false report. Fortunately, the situation was not severe, and she only received a fine of 500 yuan. Su Li acknowledged her emotional outburst and admitted her wrongdoing.

Su Li deliberately sought out Wang Ganggang to thank her for sending the message that exposed Zhang Shuheng's deceit. Wang Ganggang initially wanted to deny it but felt she couldn’t stand to see Su Li being deceived, so she revealed the truth. Su Li left a message for Wang Ganggang, promising to help her in the future if needed. Wang Ganggang comforted Su Li, encouraging her to face her current challenges with courage.

On the day of the audition, Chen Yingying showed up excitedly to greet Su Li. Su Li deliberately spoke loudly about their friendly relationship, causing Chen Yingying to be sidelined by other auditionees and struggle to find a partner. During the audition, someone deliberately tripped Chen Yingying, causing her to fall in front of everyone. Su Li took the opportunity to slap her hard during the scene, pretending it was to help her get into character.

Chen Yingying, believing this was part of the process, cooperated actively, and Su Li gave her the lead role. After Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying were confirmed as the lead actors, they attended a press conference and interacted seamlessly in front of the reporters, which Su Li observed. She contacted the media privately and paid for a trending search to expose their affair.

Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying, immersed in their joy, frequently engaged in private encounters, with Chen Yingying intentionally using a condom with a hole in it. While at Chen Yingying’s house, Zhang Shuheng received a threatening message. Someone used their affair photos to blackmail them, demanding five million yuan or they would expose the photos. Chen Yingying said she had no money and suggested Zhang Shuheng ask Su Li for help.

Zhang Shuheng borrowed money from Su Li under the pretense of a project. Su Li pretended not to know and transferred five million yuan to him. Zhang Shuheng planned to transfer the money to the blackmailer but was informed that cash was required within a set time. Zhang Shuheng placed the cash in a trash bin as agreed.

When he saw a cleaner rummaging through the bin, he thought she might be the informer but discovered the bag had been swapped. Su Li had already replaced the bag during security checks. She, in collaboration with Wang Ganggang, was relieved that the money no longer belonged to the couple’s assets.

Episode 4 Recap

Su Li exposed Zhang Shuheng’s infidelity, leaving both Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying in the dark. Zhao Lei considered helping them, but no PR firms were willing to take their case. Zhao Lei suspected that the hot search company had been bribed. Chen Yingying suspected that Zhang Shuheng had offended someone and was facing retaliation, but Zhang Shuheng couldn’t think of anyone he might have upset.

The director called, demanding that they resolve the scandal within two days or face compensation for breach of contract. Zhao Lei instructed Wang Ganggang to contact the platform to remove the defamatory posts. Wang Ganggang had already called Su Li to inform her of the situation. Su Li, in a good mood at home, decided to go live and share with her fans, especially highlighting Zhang Shuheng’s love for her.

Zhao Lei sent Wang Ganggang out to have Zhang Shuheng plead for Su Li’s help, believing that if Su Li clarified the situation, they could escape the scandal. Chen Yingying thought Su Li would never help, and Zhao Lei mocked Su Li as being foolish and love-struck. During her livestream, Su Li received comments from fans expressing concern and discussing Zhang Shuheng’s affair. The fans criticized Zhang Shuheng as a scumbag.

Su Li pretended to be unaware, seeing Zhang Shuheng’s hot search on Weibo and forcing a smile when she learned about the affair. She believed the photos were edited. The fans sympathized with Su Li, and she deliberately cried and left the screen. Unable to reach Su Li by phone, Zhang Shuheng thought she might be asleep. Wang Ganggang informed them that Su Li was crying over the affair and had become a hot topic online.

Netizens were even angrier and demanded that the leads be changed. Chen Yingying was devastated, worried that her role might be affected. At this point, Su Li suddenly appeared at the office. She believed in their innocence and thought the scandal was a setup. She trusted that they wouldn’t betray her. Zhang Shuheng breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Yingying desperately explained that it was a misunderstanding. Zhang Shuheng used this opportunity to curry favor with Su Li.

Zhao Lei suggested holding a press conference to clarify and calm things down. Su Li agreed immediately but felt that the plan was incomplete and that they shouldn’t appear together in public again. Zhao Lei halted Chen Yingying’s current work, waiting for the storm to pass. Chen Yingying opposed this, unwilling to compromise and insisting she was wronged. Su Li asked her to consider the bigger picture.

Chen Yingying suspected that Su Li was behind the exposure, but Zhang Shuheng defended Su Li, admitting his own fault. At home, Su Li made chicken soup for Zhang Shuheng, who forced himself to drink it despite its bad taste and praised Su Li’s kindness. Wang Ganggang approached General Manager Wu about terminating the contract, but Wu had malicious intentions and threatened Wang Ganggang with signing the contract in exchange for sexual favors.

At the press conference, journalists questioned the affair news. Zhang Shuheng explained that it was a misunderstanding and that he would pause filming for the new drama while Chen Yingying withdrew from the entertainment industry and resigned as the lead in the new drama. Su Li clarified to the journalists that it was just a script reading and expressed her trust in them.

Chen Yingying pretended to be pitiful, and Su Li deliberately made her kneel and apologize in public, humiliating Chen Yingying. Afterwards, Chen Yingying secretly went to Zhang Shuheng’s car, still suspecting that Su Li had leaked the news on purpose. Zhang Shuheng thought she was overthinking and believed that they needed to keep their distance at this crucial moment. Chen Yingying was unhappy. Wang Ganggang dressed up carefully and applied perfume, hoping to please Shen Charen.

However, Shen Charen showed no interest and left the house, citing other commitments. Wang Ganggang recalled how General Manager Wu had made things difficult for her and sought Su Li’s help. Su Li advised her to contact Wu’s wife. Shen Charen complained to a friend about wanting a divorce, stating that his marriage with Wang Ganggang was dull.

Meanwhile, General Manager Wu arrived at the hotel, expecting Wang Ganggang to be obedient, only to find his own wife waiting for him in the room.

Episode 5 Recap

Zhao Lei used clues from others to locate a beggar's stall. Zhang Shuheng accused the beggar of extortion, demanding the return of five million yuan. The beggar claimed not to know Zhang Shuheng and said he was just pretending to be disabled to beg for money. Zhao Lei found a phone in the beggar's bowl, which she learned was picked up from the trash. She forcefully took the phone.

Zhang Shuheng informed Su Li about the incident, and Su Li reassured him not to let it affect his mood. Zhang Shuheng was touched and said he couldn’t repay Su Li’s love. Su Li joked that he should spend his life making it up to her. Zhang Shuheng tried to kiss Su Li, but she avoided it under the pretext of brushing her teeth in the bathroom. In the morning, Zhang Shuheng prepared breakfast for Su Li.

He suddenly received a text from Chen Yingying, including a photo of her injuries. He immediately called her, but Chen Yingying didn’t answer. Worried about her condition, Zhang Shuheng left a note for Su Li and rushed to Chen Yingying’s place, only to find out that she wasn’t actually injured. Chen Yingying had used fake photos to lure Zhang Shuheng over, pretending to be hurt and wanting to see him.

Upon realizing it was just a prank, Zhang Shuheng was in no mood to stay for breakfast, and Chen Yingying angrily threw the food into the trash. Su Li planned to buy overseas property and instructed her manager to keep it confidential. Wang Ganggang, feeling troubled, was preparing to discuss the contract issues with General Manager Wu again but wasn’t sure how to face him. Su Li offered to help. Wang Ganggang inquired about Su Li and Zhang Shuheng's situation.

Su Li said she had moved on but now faced a troubling problem: she didn’t know how to handle Zhang Shuheng’s desires. Wang Ganggang suggested a solution. She took Su Li to consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, pretending it was for a friend. The practitioner prescribed medicine to reduce heat, instructing Su Li to have a man take it.

When Zhang Shuheng returned home, he wanted to kiss Su Li, but she used the excuse that he was experiencing heat and needed the medicine. Zhang Shuheng didn’t think much of it, took the medicine, and quickly fell asleep. Su Li breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he was asleep. The director’s film was a box office hit and invited Su Li to the screening.

Zhang Shuheng accompanied Su Li for makeup and outfit selection, even giving her a dress to consider and praising her beauty. Su Li suddenly remembered how Zhang Shuheng had been similarly attentive during their wedding. As they passed by, they coincidentally ran into Chen Yingying, whom Su Li deliberately teased, making Chen Yingying uncomfortable. During the movie, Zhang Shuheng’s medication caused him to become overly sentimental, hugging Su Li, which made Chen Yingying furious.

Wang Ganggang had transformed her appearance into that of a professional woman based on Su Li’s advice, giving her an edge in front of General Manager Wu. Once Wang Ganggang had the upper hand, Wu had no choice but to sign the agreement. Wang Ganggang immediately shared the good news with Su Li and invited her over for dinner.

Su Li, not being able to cook, praised Wang Ganggang’s culinary skills, suggesting that her husband must be very fond of her. At this point, Wang Ganggang confided in Su Li that Shen Charen had been increasingly indifferent towards her, and she questioned the meaning of their marriage.

Wang Ganggang had heard from a friend that Shen Charen was planning a celebration party, and she suspected Shen Charen had not mentioned it because he felt embarrassed to be seen with her. Su Li offered to help give Shen Charen a surprise. After returning home, Chen Yingying suddenly felt nauseous and assumed she must be pregnant.

She went to the area where Zhang Shuheng was running, hoping to surprise him with a call, but Zhang Shuheng hung up on her. When Zhang Shuheng got home and saw Chen Yingying unexpectedly at his place, he worried about being seen by Su Li. Chen Yingying walked into Su Li’s bedroom, carelessly rummaging through Su Li’s wardrobe, and warned Zhang Shuheng not to ignore her calls.

She insisted on staying and being close to Zhang Shuheng, which Su Li, who had just returned from grocery shopping, witnessed.

Episode 6 Recap

Su Li returned home with groceries. When she opened the door, she saw Zhang Shuheng lounging in the living room, waiting for her, while Chen Yingying was coming downstairs, intentionally commenting on how much she liked Su Li's home layout. Su Li asked Zhang Shuheng to pour water for Chen Yingying. Chen Yingying was displeased, thinking that Su Li had not noticed the relationship between them. During dinner, Zhang Shuheng took the initiative to cook.

Su Li praised his cooking at the table, but Chen Yingying, after tasting the food, deliberately commented that it was similar to her boyfriend’s cooking. Su Li's expression turned cold, telling her to eat more. Suddenly, Chen Yingying exhibited symptoms of nausea and later shared the news that she was pregnant. Zhang Shuheng was shocked and almost spat out his food. Su Li managed to adjust her mood and offered her congratulations.

Chen Yingying intentionally asked Su Li to be the child's godmother and then used feeling unwell as an excuse to go home, with Zhang Shuheng offering to accompany her. Once they left, Su Li stopped pretending to be calm. In the car, Zhang Shuheng questioned Chen Yingying, expressing disbelief that she could be pregnant since they had always used contraception. He said he would take responsibility for the child.

Chen Yingying pressed her advantage, demanding that Zhang Shuheng divorce Su Li. Zhang Shuheng told her to leave it to him to handle. Zhang Shuheng had made a reservation at a restaurant, wanting to impress Su Li. He received a text from Chen Yingying, threatening to meet him immediately. Zhang Shuheng lied about having a dinner engagement and handed his bank card to Su Li, telling her to spend as she pleased.

Su Li understood the situation and accepted the card. Chen Yingying lay in bed, demanding that Zhang Shuheng spend more time with her. After Zhang Shuheng returned home and tried to rest, he received a notification about bank card transactions, discovering that Su Li had spent over a hundred thousand yuan. He immediately called to inquire about it. Su Li pretended to be unaware of the excess spending. Zhang Shuheng tried to remain calm and did not press further.

Su Li used Zhang Shuheng's card to buy high-end jewelry for Wang Ganggang, dressing her up carefully and sending her to the restaurant to make an appearance at Shen Charen’s celebration party. Wang Ganggang appeared at the restaurant, and everyone praised her beauty. Shen Charen was momentarily stunned but quietly complimented her, which made Wang Ganggang secretly happy. Just as Shen Charen was about to speak, he received a call with bad news that the investor was withdrawing their investment.

Wang Ganggang approached him with concern, but Shen Charen angrily pushed her hand away and yelled at her, drawing the attention of those present. Wang Ganggang was left alone, crying, while Shen Charen continued to socialize with friends. Su Li was invited to a charity gala and deliberately asked Zhang Shuheng to accompany her. During the event, the host publicly introduced a South African diamond ring, claiming it was a birthday gift from Zhang Shuheng to Su Li.

Zhang Shuheng was puzzled and quickly asked Su Li about it. Su Li explained that it was a special arrangement to help Zhang Shuheng clear up rumors, showing everyone that he was willing to spend money on his wife. Zhang Shuheng believed it, unaware that it was actually a suggestion from Su Li's lawyer to use jewelry as a way to transfer assets. Wang Ganggang was anxious about the previous night’s events. Shen Charen had scolded her for being late.

While Su Li and Wang Ganggang were having a meal, Su Li saw Chen Yingying drinking coffee by the roadside and began to suspect something about her pregnancy. Su Li intentionally greeted Chen Yingying, offering to give her a ride. While Chen Yingying was distracted, Su Li rear-ended the car in front of her, causing Chen Yingying to suffer minor injuries.

Zhang Shuheng rushed to the hospital and inquired with the nurse, learning that Chen Yingying was not pregnant and felt deceived. Su Li intentionally took Zhang Shuheng to meet other entertainment company executives, making sure Mr. Li saw them. Mr. Li mistakenly thought Zhang Shuheng was considering changing jobs and instructed his secretary to stop Zhang Shuheng's announcements. As they were leaving the parking lot, a car suddenly approached.

Zhang Shuheng was injured while trying to save Su Li, and Su Li, feeling sympathetic, decided not to release the news immediately. After Su Li left, Zhang Shuheng stopped pretending to be injured. Chen Yingying came to pick him up, and they set up a trap to deal with Su Li. Earlier, Chen Yingying had accidentally seen Su Li with a lawyer and learned that Su Li was transferring assets. She informed Zhang Shuheng, believing that Su Li was seeking revenge on them.

Episode 7 Recap

Zhang Shuheng pretended to be unaware and invited Su Li to dinner at a restaurant. He intentionally played the clown during the intermission to win Su Li's favor. Su Li, watching the video of their past sweetness, felt a pang of emotion. Zhang Shuheng removed his mask and, taking out a ring, publicly announced their third wedding anniversary, deliberately hugging Su Li. In the car on the way back, Su Li was conflicted.

She looked at Zhang Shuheng sleeping beside her, remembering his warmth from earlier, but also recalling his betrayal with Chen Yingying. Zhang Shuheng pretended to wake up and complained about feeling sleepy, using sweet words to try to lean on Su Li. Back home, Su Li quickly hid the traditional Chinese medicine, but Zhang Shuheng noticed. He pretended not to see and reminded her to protect the diamond ring, saying it was very significant.

After Su Li left the room, she opened the safe to store the ring. As she entered the safe’s password, Zhang Shuheng took the opportunity to sneak a look at it. When Su Li wasn’t paying attention, Zhang Shuheng went to the bedroom and noticed lipstick marks on their wedding photo. He quietly wiped them off.

Wang Ganggang waited downstairs at Shen Charen's company for him to go to dinner, only to learn from his colleagues that Shen Charen had already left on a business trip. Wang Ganggang pretended to smooth things over for herself. After she turned around, her colleagues whispered about the slap she received at the recent banquet. Wang Ganggang grew more upset, but Shen Charen did not answer her calls.

Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying conspired to retrieve the two-million-yuan jewel while Su Li was off guard. During a meal with Su Li, Wang Ganggang asked why she had stopped blacklisting Zhang Shuheng. Su Li said that since the car accident, Zhang Shuheng had shown her care and she believed he had cut ties with Chen Yingying. Su Li felt very conflicted inside.

Zhang Shuheng stole the jewelry from the safe, planning to sell it and replace it with a fake. Chen Yingying admired Zhang Shuheng’s operation and asked him to buy her a bag with the money he obtained. After the store manager appraised the jewelry, he offered three hundred yuan to buy it. Zhang Shuheng realized he had been deceived by Su Li.

Feeling complex emotions, Su Li thought Zhang Shuheng’s recent behavior seemed suspicious and felt he was putting on an act, so she decided to turn the tables on him. When Su Li returned home, she found Zhang Shuheng sitting in the dark. Zhang Shuheng confronted her, asking why she had schemed against him and blaming all the faults on her.

Su Li remained calm and demanded that Zhang Shuheng return the real jewelry or she would report him to the police, making it known in the entertainment industry that he stole for a mistress. Zhang Shuheng, furious, smashed the wedding photo on the wall. Wang Ganggang received a package and met her neighbor, Zhao Ge, who helped her. When Shen Charen came back, he scolded Wang Ganggang for carelessly leaving the package and for bringing men home.

Wang Ganggang had no way to explain, and Shen Charen threw old clothes at her, demanding she wash them by hand. Su Li successfully acquired the overseas property she had been eyeing. She was finally about to end her failed marriage. Although she expected to feel sad, she felt unusually calm, thinking this was a release given to her by fate. That night, Wang Ganggang was asleep when her phone rang, and Shen Charen demanded she deliver some documents immediately.

Wang Ganggang, believing it was urgent, delivered the documents only to find Shen Charen reveling with friends. Wang Ganggang, angered by Shen Charen playing Truth or Dare, left in a huff. Shen Charen chased after her, saying a few words that made Wang Ganggang feel like she was overreacting. She ended up apologizing and leaving. The next morning, Wang Ganggang accidentally knocked over Zhao Ge's breakfast downstairs and insisted on compensating him.

As they were arguing, Shen Charen suddenly returned, tossing money at Zhao Ge and telling him to keep the change. Wang Ganggang criticized Shen Charen’s behavior, but Shen Charen scolded her for being lonely and empty. While working, Su Li suddenly felt dizzy and went to the hospital, where she discovered she was pregnant.

Episode 8 Recap

Zhang Shuheng had a dispute with the actor Xiao Lu on set, feeling that Xiao Lu had no acting skills but was still favored by the director. Xiao Lu, believing himself to be the lead, mocked Zhang Shuheng for having only a few scenes. Zhang Shuheng was furious and blamed Zhao Lei for arranging poor roles for him, while Zhao Lei thought Zhang Shuheng needed money and hadn't considered the quality of the roles.

Wang Ganggang informed Su Li about Zhang Shuheng's situation. Su Li thought Zhang Shuheng was bringing trouble upon himself. She had previously warned him not to lower himself by accepting poor roles. Now that she was preparing for divorce, she no longer considered Zhang Shuheng's career. Su Li shared her pregnancy news with Wang Ganggang and planned for her to accompany her to the hospital for an abortion.

After the checkup, Su Li saw signs of fetal movement and was scheduled for surgery the following week. On her way out, Su Li met a little girl and found her very cute. Wang Ganggang prepared a meal and waited for Shen Charen to come home, but he ignored her upon arrival.

Zhang Shuheng, while filming, secretly checked the script contract and discovered that Xiao Lu, a minor actor, was receiving ten million yuan, whereas he was only getting one thousand yuan. He felt very discontented. Chen Yingying visited the set to see Zhang Shuheng, saying she had already bought the jewelry but didn’t want to make things easy for Su Li, believing Zhang Shuheng worked hard for his money.

Zhang Shuheng had already come up with a plan to deal with Su Li. While organizing his clothes, he copied Su Li’s script from her computer, intending to use it as leverage to force Su Li into dividing the assets. Chen Yingying praised Zhang Shuheng’s cleverness, believing it was a way of using his enemy's own tactics against them. Wang Ganggang overheard their conversation and took the USB drive after Zhang Shuheng left.

Xiao Lu’s high-paying contract made headlines, with netizens exposing him as undeserving of his role. Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying were pleased with the news. Xiao Lu and Zhao Lei were surrounded by reporters when they returned to the company. Li Zong questioned Xiao Lu about offending anyone, and Xiao Lu felt wronged. Li Zong said the director demanded Xiao Lu’s role be given to Wang Hao or face compensation, and instructed Zhao Lei to handle the situation.

Zhang Shuheng took pleasure in Xiao Lu’s misfortune and intentionally brought up the scandal in front of him. Xiao Lu was left speechless. Wang Ganggang quickly informed Su Li that Zhang Shuheng was planning to retaliate against her. Su Li was confused and checked her computer but did not find the script. She then received a message from Zhang Shuheng, realizing that Wang Ganggang had been deceived.

The intention was to make Wang Ganggang steal the USB drive, but the high-paying contract was also in the car, which they planned to use to frame Wang Ganggang. Su Li demanded conditions from Zhang Shuheng. He proposed a peaceful divorce with equal division of assets and denied any infidelity. Su Li agreed, but Chen Yingying, pushing her luck, demanded further compensation for their financial losses and more film projects.

Wang Ganggang, unable to hold back her anger, accused Zhang Shuheng of being unreasonable and accidentally revealed Su Li’s pregnancy. Zhang Shuheng, upon hearing this, confirmed with Su Li. She firmly stated that she would not keep the baby but warned that if their demands were too excessive, she would be willing to let everything fall apart. Chen Yingying tried to argue but was stopped by Zhang Shuheng, who said they should proceed with the divorce process.

Su Li informed them that Wang Ganggang would become her assistant from now on. Zhang Shuheng was distracted and almost had a car accident. Chen Yingying, seeing his state, was adamant that Su Li’s baby should not be kept. Back home, Wang Ganggang found Shen Charen drunk and accusing her. He inadvertently saw pregnancy-related documents in her bag and accused Wang Ganggang of infidelity.

Wang Ganggang barely had time to explain before Shen Charen, convinced the child was Zhao Ge’s, loudly declared he would confront Zhao Ge, and ended up being knocked unconscious when Zhao Ge opened the door. The next morning, after Shen Charen woke up, Wang Ganggang calmly proposed divorce, asserting she had not been unfaithful. Shen Charen realized he had made a mistake when he saw the check-up report was for Su Li, but he still signed the divorce agreement.

Episode 9 Recap

Chen Yingying woke up to find Zhang Shuheng sleeping in the living room. She was annoyed and scolded him, questioning his plans and expressing that Su Li’s baby should not be kept. Chen Yingying asked Zhang Shuheng what he intended to do. Zhao Lei suddenly knocked on the door, having heard about Su Li’s pregnancy. She also suggested that the baby should not be kept, as any media exposure could ruin Zhang Shuheng’s career.

Zhang Shuheng didn’t think these matters were connected, but Chen Yingying exaggerated, insisting that Su Li would use the baby to blackmail him. Zhang Shuheng, feeling helpless, said he would discuss it with Su Li. When Zhang Shuheng returned to Su Li’s house, he almost forgot that his key was no longer valid. He proposed reconciliation to Su Li, who thought his reasoning was strange.

She had already decided to have the abortion on Wednesday and didn’t want a cheating father for her child. Zhang Shuheng knelt and begged Su Li for forgiveness, promising to correct his mistakes and asking for a chance. Su Li set strict conditions: they must divorce first, and then reconcile, with Zhang Shuheng agreeing to leave with nothing and sign a property agreement to ensure her ownership. Zhang Shuheng could not accept these terms, and their conversation ended unhappily.

He appeared frustrated and helpless. Back in his car, Zhang Shuheng was questioned by Chen Yingying, who asked about the situation. Zhang Shuheng lied, saying he had persuaded Su Li to have the surgery on Wednesday. Wang Ganggang, feeling down, went out for drinks but was harassed by someone. In a fit of anger, Wang Ganggang injured the person and reported it to the police. Su Li came to the police station upon hearing the news.

Wang Ganggang couldn’t hold back her emotions and cried as she confided in Su Li. Su Li picked up Wang Ganggang from the police station and intended to take her home. However, Wang Ganggang didn’t want to return and expressed her grievances to Su Li. She felt her life was a mess, with failures in both career and family, and believed she was worthless.

Su Li comforted her, saying that things would change and that starting anew was never too late. She liked the saying from her GPS about recalibrating the route when off course. Su Li invited Wang Ganggang to stay at her home and advised her not to overthink things. Su Li sat alone in the living room and saw a reminder about the abortion scheduled for Wednesday.

Chen Yingying, feeling anxious, decided to visit the hospital herself to see Su Li undergo the procedure. Wang Ganggang accompanied Su Li to the hospital, where they encountered a bleeding patient. Wang Ganggang, whose blood type matched, volunteered to donate blood. Seeing the mother and child safe, Wang Ganggang felt a sense of relief about the preciousness of life.

Su Li was moved and decided not to proceed with the abortion, choosing to keep the baby instead, which Wang Ganggang supported. As they were about to leave the hospital, they ran into Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying. Chen Yingying accused Su Li of being inconsistent, but Su Li responded that the baby’s birth was none of their business. Chen Yingying was furious and hurled insults at Su Li.

Zhang Shuheng remained silent and went home to lie on the sofa, studying the script. Chen Yingying criticized Zhang Shuheng for his inaction, while Zhang Shuheng blamed Chen Yingying for her incompetence. Su Li decided to keep the baby and actively prepared for the new arrival with Wang Ganggang. They first booked a postpartum care center and bought baby supplies. Su Li made plans for the baby’s future education and life.

She advised Wang Ganggang to dress up well, and they planned a shopping trip together. Wang Ganggang released the goldfish from her home, preparing to start a new chapter in her life. Shen Charen, returning home to fetch something, saw Wang Ganggang dressed up and mistakenly thought she had a new romantic interest, feeling uncomfortable. Su Li and Wang Ganggang celebrated their single lives, with Wang Ganggang unsure about how to win a man's heart.

Su Li suggested that men shouldn’t be indulged and recommended being stern with them. They both vented their frustrations and felt much better afterward. After Wang Ganggang got drunk, Su Li took her home and saw Shen Charen waiting outside. Wang Ganggang, fueled by alcohol, scolded Shen Charen and physically attacked him, causing him to leave dejectedly. Chen Yingying, seeing a mother-in-law favoring sons over daughters, stood up for the little girl.

Zhang Shuheng, drunk, returned home and called out Su Li’s name. Chen Yingying was displeased and arranged a private meeting with Su Li, falsely claiming that Zhang Shuheng wanted her to terminate the pregnancy. Su Li was unwilling, and as she was leaving, Chen Yingying tried to push her down the stairs. Su Li accidentally slipped and fell, injuring herself and bleeding.

Episode 10 Recap

Su Li was taken to the hospital, and Wang Ganggang anxiously waited outside the operating room. When Su Li woke up, her first question was about the baby. Wang Ganggang, struggling to hold back her sadness, didn’t answer directly and instead suggested Su Li focus on her recovery. From Wang Ganggang’s expression, Su Li realized the baby was gone and broke down in tears.

When Chen Yingying returned home, she deliberately apologized to Zhang Shuheng and pretended to ask if Su Li had contacted him. Zhang Shuheng was unaware and handed his bank card to Chen Yingying, saying it was compensation for not being able to go shopping with her. Chen Yingying hugged Zhang Shuheng, and they engaged in intimate behavior again. Wang Ganggang helped Su Li back home, where Su Li, clutching a baby toy, was overwhelmed with sorrow and pain.

Zhao Lei finished a work meeting and found Su Li in front of her, asking for help in ruining Zhang Shuheng. Zhao Lei, feeling reluctant to destroy Zhang Shuheng, advised Su Li not to damage her marriage further. Su Li mocked Zhao Lei, accusing her of laughing at her for years. Zhao Lei pretended to have argued with Zhang Shuheng about this matter and tried to shift the blame onto him.

Su Li revealed evidence on her phone of Zhao Lei making money behind the company’s back, urging Zhao Lei to weigh the pros and cons carefully. While Zhang Shuheng was getting his makeup done, Chen Yingying called to say the bank card had no balance and that he had embarrassed himself shopping. Zhang Shuheng, unaware, said he would check with his manager.

When he finished his makeup and was ready for filming, the director called to say that shooting was paused. Zhang Shuheng, angry, confronted General Manager Li, who was already aware that the high salary of the minor actor, Xiao Lu, had caused the company financial losses due to Zhang Shuheng’s leak. Li decided to terminate Zhang Shuheng’s contract. Zhang Shuheng blamed Zhao Lei, but Zhao Lei couldn’t speak freely in front of General Manager Li.

As Zhao Lei prepared to leave, Zhang Shuheng stopped her. Under pressure, Zhao Lei admitted that this was Su Li’s scheme, which Zhang Shuheng believed. Su Li was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night. She went to the baby’s room and stared blankly at a doll. Su Li was preparing for a stage play, working behind the scenes. Zhang Shuheng barged in and angrily accused Su Li without understanding the situation.

Su Li did not mention the miscarriage but continuously provoked Zhang Shuheng. Enraged, Zhang Shuheng admitted to his infidelity but blamed Su Li for never letting things go. In his desperation, he pushed Su Li, causing her to hit the table. Su Li started bleeding from her head, and Zhang Shuheng, shocked, stood frozen. Su Li, however, had a strange smile on her face.

At that moment, the stage play’s curtain opened, and the audience took out their phones to film Zhang Shuheng. Su Li shouted for the police and pretended to faint. The police took both of them to the station for questioning. Su Li spoke about the baby, while Zhang Shuheng claimed to be unaware. Su Li refused to listen to explanations and insisted on punishing Zhang Shuheng.

Wang Ganggang was cleaning at home when Shen Charen came to ask for her forgiveness. Wang Ganggang, initially unwilling to deal with him, had a vase fall from the cabinet. Shen Charen blocked it, injuring his head. Wang Ganggang’s heart softened, and she forgave him. After returning to the company, Su Li was surrounded by reporters asking if she had suffered domestic violence from Zhang Shuheng.

After explaining, Su Li intentionally mentioned that Zhang Shuheng would leave with nothing, and General Manager Sun also announced the termination of Zhang Shuheng’s contract. Chen Yingying, furious after seeing the news, found herself surrounded by reporters outside her building. She used a fake account online to help clear Zhang Shuheng’s name, but this was discovered by netizens.

The landlord’s elderly woman came to find Chen Yingying, saying she was unwilling to rent the house to her and demanded that she move out immediately. While dining out, Chen Yingying was recognized as the mistress by a passerby and fell. Zhang Shuheng was sentenced to prison, and Chen Yingying broke up with him, although Zhang Shuheng pleaded for her not to leave him.

Shen Charen’s attitude toward Wang Ganggang changed, and Wang Ganggang felt their relationship was returning to its previous state. The elderly landlord came to Chen Yingying’s home again, finding her with slit wrists in the bathtub.

Episode 11 Recap

Wang Ganggang quickly informed Su Li that Chen Yingying had brought a large group of reporters to the company. Chen Yingying, looking pale, deliberately knelt in front of the reporters, hoping Su Li would not target her and claiming she had already realized her mistake. Su Li, unmoved, demanded that Chen Yingying prove her remorse. Chen Yingying extended her left hand, claiming she had already been through a life-threatening situation.

Su Li noticed the flexibility in Chen Yingying’s wrist and publicly exposed her fake injury. Chen Yingying was left speechless and was instead questioned by the reporters. When Wang Ganggang returned home, she saw Shen Charen being beaten in the parking lot. The attackers demanded that Shen Charen repay his debts quickly, but Shen Charen pleaded for more time. Wang Ganggang, trying to save Shen Charen, set off the alarm to scare off the attackers.

They had no choice but to leave. Wang Ganggang helped Shen Charen back home and asked him what had happened. Shen Charen lamented that he had been deceived by his business partners, who had used his name to incur a high-interest loan of five million. Wang Ganggang then realized that Shen Charen had returned to her to escape his debts. To appease Wang Ganggang, Shen Charen cooked for her.

When Wang Ganggang came out of the bedroom, she heard Shen Charen worrying about his debts and borrowing money from everywhere. She went back to the bedroom, recalled how Shen Charen had treated her well, and suddenly felt soft-hearted. The next day, Wang Ganggang gave Shen Charen her savings to help with his financial difficulties. Su Li took Wang Ganggang to meet General Manager Chen about a potential collaboration.

General Manager Chen had no objections to the contract and said they could sign anytime, but he showed interest in Wang Ganggang, hoping for some alone time with her. Su Li immediately rejected this, rebuking General Manager Chen for his unreasonable request and stating she did not want to collaborate with him further. Upset, Su Li left the meeting room, and Wang Ganggang asked what was wrong, but Su Li hesitated to explain.

As they entered the elevator, Wang Ganggang remembered she had left her phone on the sofa and went back to get it, running into General Manager Chen. He learned that Su Li had already gone downstairs and deliberately sowed discord between Wang Ganggang and Su Li, saying he had wanted to recommend Wang Ganggang for a better position but was rejected by Su Li, which led to the failure of the contract.

He also claimed that Su Li denied Wang Ganggang’s abilities. Wang Ganggang felt a bit disheartened but pretended not to care. Back home, Wang Ganggang saw that Shen Charen had thoughtfully arranged a celebration for their wedding anniversary. She was deeply moved and couldn't help but cry. Shen Charen pretended to be pitiful, saying he didn’t deserve Wang Ganggang’s forgiveness due to his debts and did not want to involve her.

Wang Ganggang, feeling sympathy for Shen Charen, said she would borrow money from Su Li, believing that as good friends, Su Li would agree. Su Li was having tea at a café when she overheard someone criticizing her script. She took Wang Ganggang for a massage, recharging her membership so she could enjoy it. Wang Ganggang used this opportunity to ask Su Li for money.

When Su Li learned it was for Shen Charen’s debt, she refused, warning Wang Ganggang not to trust Shen Charen too easily. Shen Charen, finding out that Wang Ganggang hadn’t managed to borrow the money, said that Su Li didn’t really consider her a friend. On her way back, Su Li encountered Wang Weide, who had also criticized her script. Wang Weide tried to win Su Li’s favor by saying he was her fan.

Debt collectors came to beat up Shen Charen. Shen Charen showed them photos and told them to go to Su Li for the money, claiming his wife had a good relationship with Su Li. Later, Shen Charen confessed to Wang Ganggang that Su Li didn’t actually consider her a friend. Wang Ganggang hurried back to the company and overheard Su Li’s conversation with the debt collectors, realizing that Su Li had not regarded her as a true friend.

When Wang Ganggang returned home, she found Shen Charen unconscious on the floor with blood all over his hands, having had his fingers cut off by the debt collectors as retaliation. Wang Ganggang sat in the hospital, beginning to harbor resentment towards Su Li.

Episode 12 Recap

Su Li was leaving for work when she saw the flowers Wang Weide had sent, causing her to smile. Wang Ganggang intentionally filled Su Li’s schedule, and Su Li thought the timing with Wang General’s script was inappropriate, so she asked Wang Ganggang to reschedule the evening meeting with Sun General. Wang Ganggang felt that rescheduling showed a lack of sincerity and offered to handle the negotiation with Sun General on her own.

Su Li agreed and asked Wang Ganggang to apologize to Sun General on her behalf. Su Li expressed concern about Wang Ganggang’s debt collection issues and asked her not to alert Shen Charen. Wang Ganggang interrupted Su Li, saying she was causing trouble for her. Wang Ganggang arranged a meeting with the producer and falsely claimed that Su Li was unavailable due to other collaborations. The producer, worried about the project being jeopardized, criticized Su Li for lacking commitment.

Wang Ganggang complained about her low salary and excessive responsibilities, prompting the producer to promise not to let Wang Ganggang work for nothing and hoped she would speak positively about Su Li. At home, Su Li was writing a script when someone knocked on the door—it was Wang Weide. Wang Weide deliberately struck up a conversation with Su Li, bringing her a late-night snack and wanting to chat inside.

Although Su Li wasn’t hungry, she let him in and directly asked if he liked her. Wang Weide pretended to be shy and admitted that he did. Su Li told Wang Weide that she had just gone through a failed marriage and wasn’t ready for a new relationship, advising him to cut his losses. Wang Weide believed he hadn’t tried hard enough. He knew about Su Li’s past and encouraged her not to shut herself off.

He wasn’t planning to give up on pursuing her, but Su Li said she had no further expectations. Wang Ganggang, feeling sorry for Shen Charen, gave him an emergency payment, which he accepted without hesitation. Wang Ganggang expressed a desire to engage more with external projects, surprising Su Li, who thought Wang Ganggang had never been so outgoing before.

Wang Ganggang casually mentioned that she was pushed into it by Su Li but quickly adjusted her mood to avoid arousing suspicion. Wang Weide began pursuing Su Li more aggressively, constantly appearing in her view and even applying for a job at her company. Su Li rejected him, citing his lack of assistant experience. Wang Weide made an effort to prove himself, and Wang Ganggang thought he deserved a chance.

Wang Weide waited for Su Li to finish work and noticed her stocking was torn, quickly helping her. Shen Charen enthusiastically helped Wang Ganggang dry her hair. Wang Ganggang felt happy, believing Shen Charen treated her well. Shen Charen promised that once his debts were cleared, he would hand over all future financial control to her. Wang Ganggang took out another payment but was shocked to find that Shen Charen used the money for online gambling.

That night, while Su Li was sleeping, she heard the sound of glass breaking. She got up to find someone had thrown a poisonous snake inside. Terrified, she quickly called the police. Zhang Shuheng, who had secretly thrown the snake, went to find Chen Yingying and was recognized by the landlord. Wang Weide came to the company again, asking Su Li to assign him work.

Su Li was not receptive and told him to complete a reading log within a day. Su Li discovered that the project “Under the Skirt” had a high quotation, but Chen Yingying was still following up. Chen Yingying explained that the quality was higher, and Su Li believed her. At the end of the day, Su Li noticed Wang Weide’s desktop was lit up, and saw he was diligently taking notes.

She ordered him takeout, understanding that he had a tough exterior but a kind heart. Wang Ganggang instructed a delivery person to send documents to Zhang General, advising them not to go upstairs. Su Li received a package containing photos of herself with blood. Zhang Shuheng, disguised as a delivery person, took the documents and discovered that Wang Ganggang was secretly collecting money. He planned to use this information to coerce Wang Ganggang into dealing with Su Li.

Wang Ganggang confronted Zhang Shuheng about his intentions. Zhang Shuheng, seeking revenge after his release from prison, planned to undertake a film project and blackmailed Wang Ganggang to embezzle one million yuan, or he would expose her for taking money.

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