2024 Chinese Drama List

We All Lie Episode 8 Recap

> We All Lie
> We All Lie Recap

Zhang Shuheng had a dispute with the actor Xiao Lu on set, feeling that Xiao Lu had no acting skills but was still favored by the director. Xiao Lu, believing himself to be the lead, mocked Zhang Shuheng for having only a few scenes. Zhang Shuheng was furious and blamed Zhao Lei for arranging poor roles for him, while Zhao Lei thought Zhang Shuheng needed money and hadn't considered the quality of the roles.

Wang Ganggang informed Su Li about Zhang Shuheng's situation. Su Li thought Zhang Shuheng was bringing trouble upon himself. She had previously warned him not to lower himself by accepting poor roles. Now that she was preparing for divorce, she no longer considered Zhang Shuheng's career. Su Li shared her pregnancy news with Wang Ganggang and planned for her to accompany her to the hospital for an abortion.

After the checkup, Su Li saw signs of fetal movement and was scheduled for surgery the following week. On her way out, Su Li met a little girl and found her very cute. Wang Ganggang prepared a meal and waited for Shen Charen to come home, but he ignored her upon arrival.

Zhang Shuheng, while filming, secretly checked the script contract and discovered that Xiao Lu, a minor actor, was receiving ten million yuan, whereas he was only getting one thousand yuan. He felt very discontented. Chen Yingying visited the set to see Zhang Shuheng, saying she had already bought the jewelry but didn’t want to make things easy for Su Li, believing Zhang Shuheng worked hard for his money.

Zhang Shuheng had already come up with a plan to deal with Su Li. While organizing his clothes, he copied Su Li’s script from her computer, intending to use it as leverage to force Su Li into dividing the assets. Chen Yingying praised Zhang Shuheng’s cleverness, believing it was a way of using his enemy's own tactics against them. Wang Ganggang overheard their conversation and took the USB drive after Zhang Shuheng left.

Xiao Lu’s high-paying contract made headlines, with netizens exposing him as undeserving of his role. Zhang Shuheng and Chen Yingying were pleased with the news. Xiao Lu and Zhao Lei were surrounded by reporters when they returned to the company. Li Zong questioned Xiao Lu about offending anyone, and Xiao Lu felt wronged. Li Zong said the director demanded Xiao Lu’s role be given to Wang Hao or face compensation, and instructed Zhao Lei to handle the situation.

Zhang Shuheng took pleasure in Xiao Lu’s misfortune and intentionally brought up the scandal in front of him. Xiao Lu was left speechless. Wang Ganggang quickly informed Su Li that Zhang Shuheng was planning to retaliate against her. Su Li was confused and checked her computer but did not find the script. She then received a message from Zhang Shuheng, realizing that Wang Ganggang had been deceived.

The intention was to make Wang Ganggang steal the USB drive, but the high-paying contract was also in the car, which they planned to use to frame Wang Ganggang. Su Li demanded conditions from Zhang Shuheng. He proposed a peaceful divorce with equal division of assets and denied any infidelity. Su Li agreed, but Chen Yingying, pushing her luck, demanded further compensation for their financial losses and more film projects.

Wang Ganggang, unable to hold back her anger, accused Zhang Shuheng of being unreasonable and accidentally revealed Su Li’s pregnancy. Zhang Shuheng, upon hearing this, confirmed with Su Li. She firmly stated that she would not keep the baby but warned that if their demands were too excessive, she would be willing to let everything fall apart. Chen Yingying tried to argue but was stopped by Zhang Shuheng, who said they should proceed with the divorce process.

Su Li informed them that Wang Ganggang would become her assistant from now on. Zhang Shuheng was distracted and almost had a car accident. Chen Yingying, seeing his state, was adamant that Su Li’s baby should not be kept. Back home, Wang Ganggang found Shen Charen drunk and accusing her. He inadvertently saw pregnancy-related documents in her bag and accused Wang Ganggang of infidelity.

Wang Ganggang barely had time to explain before Shen Charen, convinced the child was Zhao Ge’s, loudly declared he would confront Zhao Ge, and ended up being knocked unconscious when Zhao Ge opened the door. The next morning, after Shen Charen woke up, Wang Ganggang calmly proposed divorce, asserting she had not been unfaithful. Shen Charen realized he had made a mistake when he saw the check-up report was for Su Li, but he still signed the divorce agreement.

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