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Who Is Allen Ren Jialun’s Wife? He Got Married With A Child

Allen Ren (Ren Jialun) Wife

Allen Ren (Ren Jialun)’s wife is Nie Huan. Allen Ren is a good actor in many viewers’ hearts. He had brought us a lot of excellent works. When viewers are caring about whether he has a girlfriend, he has got married, having a child actually.


On March 7, 2017, Ren Jialun sweetly announced his girlfriend in a photo on Weibo.

The photo shows he and his girlfriend Nie Huan are walking hand in hand on the beach. The scene is very sweet and romantic.

Allen Ren

Allen Ren also wrote, “The day we met, the sun was just bright, so we fall in love for five years. Every spring day and every winter night in the future, I am willing to accompany you. Nie Huan.”

Allen Ren

On Feb.2, 2018, Allen Ren announced that Nie Huan gave birth to a baby, and also announced that his girlfriend Nie Huan had become his family member. Fans and netizens were very surprised.

Although this announcement will have more or less impact on his future, his career, he is a celebrity, but also a mortal. Two years later, Ren Jialun came back against the odds with “Under The Power”.

From Ren Jialun’s low point to his overnight fame, his wife Nie Huan has always been by Ren Jialun’s side.

In an earlier interview, Ren Jialun said, “They like each other and spent a simple life, which is the most natural and real love.”

When he was asked “who would be his ideal type of girlfriend? His answer was perfect, he confessed that his wife is the ideal type.

He mentioned that he was the most insecure one in the relationship and was also the clingy type. He is grateful to his wife for her support, which has made him who he is today.

We didn’t expect such a mature and charming man to be insecure at times.

Nie Huan not only has a sweet-looking but also has quite a nice personality. She also has a very healing smile. We must say that she is indeed a very good match for Ren Jialun.

She was born in 1991 and Allen Ren Jialun was born in 1989, an age difference of 3 years between them.

Nie Huan Allen Ren (Ren Jialun) Wife

Allen Ren and his wife Nie Huan once shoot the drama “Tongtian Di Renjie” together. They have known each other since 2011 and often dance and train together.

After she was in a relationship with Allen Ren, she seldom came out to work and basically served as Ren Jialun’s assistant.

And after Ren Jialun became famous, he also did not leave his girlfriend. Even in the rising of his career, he generous announced their relationship, got married, and had a child.

Allen Ren was so brave and honest that he also won the praise of netizens, harvesting everyone’s blessing.

Fans hope that he and his wife will always go on happily ever after.

“This man is so responsible.”

“Let’s just keep on being happy.”

“A man with commitment will always protect his wife in every way, they find the one they love the most in life and will give each other the best they can.”

Ren Jialun

Allen Ren is still doing very well in his acting career now, with his wife Nie Huan’s silent support at the back. Ren Jia Lun’s protection of his wife and family is also very successful.

Ren Jialun has indeed lead an uneventful life in complex showbiz.

Do you like such a good actor and husband Allen Ren (Ren Jialun)?

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  2. I love Allen Ren, but something is very off about his “marriage” I think it does not exist and he has used it in a interesting way…he is very smart… does he have a child? yes i think so…but the drama and negative attention is to hide a bastard child in confusion… he is smart, but he has done nothing wrong if he lived in the US…. it is just where he lives.. people condemn infatuations…5 year romance with the mother of his child? seriously? does anyone believe that nonsense? probably did not know the girl before he met her on the “Detective Dee” set he was on in 2016-2017…and she ended up pregnant. but scandals like this are not allowed in Asia…so they make up lies…

  3. You’re a very good actor & will continue to do so. As a good husband, keep you family safe – you have a good woman beside you, cherish, love & respect.

  4. The most heartbreaking for being celebrity specially as male actor is that, knowing that one day they’ll gonna break thousands of hearts of their female fans, even if they don’t wanted to. #Ren Jialun

  5. Marriages break-up amongst celebrities can sometimes be due to fans and public who invade their privacy and cause trouble. Fans should respect them and no interference. Admiring, watching their works and supporting them are all fans are needed without any unnecessary interference into their private lives. Unnecessary attention can cause suspicions from their spouses. I hope all fans would respect that so they are given a chance to live as ordinary a life as possible. No one likes to have their lives turn upside down by all these unnecessary attention into their lives. Not forgetting they have children as well.
    Renjia Lun has come a long way and his acting capabilities have made those dramas become popular. Everyone should stop speculating whether they are married or not. Just enjoy their work!


  7. Loved Allen Ren in One and Only, For ever and ever, Miss crow and Mr. Lizard, actually I love all his moves. Great actor and I love his facial expressions, He speaks with His eyes. Love it all. I have watched One and only so many times and I still cry and For ever and ever and I still cry. But it is such a good story line. Love it Cant wait to see him in other movie dramas

  8. First watch One and Only. Then watch Forever and Ever. These 2 dramas together tell their story. He is gorgeous and a fantastic actor. He picks dramas to act in that are up to his caliber in showcases for his talent. I am glad that he is a responsible and mature man for his wife and child. Makes me admire him and want to watch more of his movies. I love the way he can convey his feelings in is facial expressions. He is a master at that.

  9. I watch Under the power over and over again it’s the only movie I can get with him in it. what a beautiful wife he has. I bet he is a very gentle and loving husband

  10. I’m typical Filipina Girl, who super duper adore Ren Jialun after I watched the Blue whisper part1 & part2, He always complete my day when I saw him smiling while watching, the i found out the Love a lifetime, the I watched again the One & Only, still i can’t get over of you, Now I’m watching Forever & Ever, even @ work , Comfort room, before sleeping, after waking up, i always make time to watch your drama Ren Jialun, I’m so touched. My Goal even I have Eye bag because of 24/7 watching your movie, I really looking forward to watch it all. one by one. I your Fan & your picture in my phone gallery makes me smile & stress out. Thank you.. I’m Julie From Philippines.:)

  11. Another proof that actors have the same right to get married and have their own life, as much as we do. Yes it’s a bit sad for those fans who thought he was still single, but then if you were in his shoes…Its hard to maintain a career and at the same time be in a relationship. Both are equally important to him.

  12. I love all his film especially Under the Power and One and Only. His role is so touching. Wish Allen Ren and his family all happiness and success in his career … from Thailand

  13. First saw him in Forever & Ever and like his acting. Then i watched Miss Crow & Mr Lizard, Under The Power, and One and Only. I noticed in all of his drama there is a trace of Allen. He is a transparent person who wears his soul on his face. Though he isn’t the typical tall and handsome actor but he oozing with so much appeal. And his personal character enhances his inner beauty. A very responsible man and persevere in everything his does. I only have love and respect for him. Wishing him a successful career and will be here cheering for him.

  14. Great to know his background. Love it he respects his wife so much. Watched One & Only, this drama had me in tears at the end. If you understand. She felt every stab they did to him while executing him. She went to b e with him her true love…..

  15. I already watched all of his drama, he is indeed a very good actor. I became his fan not just because he is a very responsible husband to his wife Nie Huan but also deserve to be praise of his acting.

  16. ren jıalun son zamanlarda baı lu ıle cevırdıgı dızılerde hayran oldum..performaslarına hayranım….defalarca dızının serısını ızlyorum..2 serısının mutlu sonu ıcın sabırsızım…ıyı bır es ve baba ozl hayatına da hayranım..Zaten bellı ren jıalun perfect dıyorummmm….

  17. No offence, and I’m not trying to be rude, but…I think bai lu Allen are a better match of course nie huan and Allen look nice together still I’m possessed with bai lu and Allen
    , but recently I watched military academy…and surprisingly I didn’t notice that the main lead was bai lu I soon fell in love with them so I kinda changed my mind now, what can I say I’m just something!??????

  18. He is married and has a baby too?? OMG i like him more after reading this article.He seems to be a better person in real life too.gonna watch his all dramas now.

  19. One and only drama broke my heart and his acting was captivating and well played. I am now looking up for his dramas, and watching Miss Crow with Mr Lizard now.I am happy for him, he does portrait has a responsible person, kind, low key and loyal person.

  20. I loved knowing allen ren background profile…after watching his drama series “miss crow with mr. Lizard.. i wish him more lucks & blessings to come in his family… loved lots ur my best idol…here from philippines

  21. I hope she family good and love and I like she drama and vary funny

  22. I salute him for not hiding his marriage. He is one of my favourite actors. I’m currently watching him in Never Say Goodbye.

  23. I love Allen Ren… His character In miss crow with mr.lizard was so amazing. I really loved it. ❤

  24. Îmi place foarte mult de el este atât de chipeș și bun chiar îmi doresc să îl cunosc sunt cea mai mare fană a lui ador toate serialele cu el este un actor minunat îl iubescsper sa fie cel mai fericit .❤️

    1. Allen ren adalah Aktor favorit saya,ektingnya sangat memukau sekali,sy sangat suka sekali dengan film Miss crow with Mr Lizard yg di perankan aktor Allen ren♥️??

  25. Eu também desejo que estes dois fiquem juntos e sejam felizes para sempre.
    Que Deus abençoe toda a família deles!!!

  26. Am not totally familiar with the Chinese actors but Mr.Gu Chuan/ Allen Ren captivated my eyes and heart on how he deliver his line and facial expressions on his drama..he is a resemblance of Do a Korean actor both of their are good singer and actor and their smile and the way they act is so can never forget them easyly..Am a pregnant and ALLEN REN smile completes my day.. even I came from a grave yard shift I always find a way that I could Jud glimpse on ALLEN REN video to make my day comple.

    1. Refreshing to have seen this vlog from 2018/08. Watched Under the Power & was captivated by the story and the male lead. I just finished Miss Crow with Mr. Lizard at times heart breaking with some laughter ? but loved every bit of the series. I watch everything on YouTube streamed in the U.S. looking forward to more to see. Such a lovely young man. God Bless you and your family. Waiting to see more!

  27. Well now I believe true love exist in this world
    I was always thinking this kind of stories r only in dramas
    May god bless this couple and their children ?☺️

    1. They really be living in the drama world ?. I hope the best for them ❤️!!

  28. I really like Allen Ren.He is so handsome and hardworking.