Cast of Wild Bloom CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama Wild Bloom Zhao LiyingXu BanxiaMain Role Ou HaoTong XiaoqiMain Role Li GuangjieZhao LeiMain Role Liu WeiWu JiansheSupport Role Ren ZhongFeng YuSupport Role Wang JingsongXu YourenSupport Role Sun QianYe MaoSupport Role Shi AnLao SuSupport Role You JingruXie JinbaoSupport Role Hao PingBoss WangSupport Role Chen ChuangMath TeacherSupport Role Feng JiayiQiu BizhengSupport Role Kong LinKuang MeiliSupport Role Liu WeiweiLiu MeilanSupport Role Shao YifanXu XiaodanSupport Role Shen ShengnanLittle Xu BanxiaSupport Role Ke LanGao YuejinSupport Role Zhu ChaoyiSupport RoleRelated PostsWild Bloom - Zhao Liying, Ou HaoChinese Dramas Like Wild BloomWho Is Chen Xiao's Wife? He and Michelle Chen Fell In Love Over A DramaWho Is Oho Ou Hao's Girlfriend, Why Broke Up with Sandar Ma Sichun?Zanilia Zhao Liying, William Feng Shaofeng Announced DivorceDid Kris Wu and Zhao Liying Have Ever Been In A Relationship?Zhao Liying, Feng Shaofeng Denied Their BreakupZanilia Zhao Liying And Wang Yibo's Second Coopertion Rumor Led To Fan's BoycottZanilia Zhao Liying Was Rumored To Join In "CHUANG 2021"8 Most Anticipated C-Drama in 2021Ou Hao Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListZhao Liying Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListLi Guangjie Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListShow More