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You Are Desire Episode 20 Recap

> You Are Desire
> You Are Desire Recap

Shen Juan was practicing alone in the shooting range when Coach Lei noticed issues with his shooting technique. He pointed out that Shen Juan's first shot was too slow, taking three seconds out of the eight-second window for the first hit. This disrupted the rhythm and stability of subsequent shots. Shen Juan explained that he was using a model gun to simulate the recoil, but Coach Lei interrupted, accusing him of making excuses. In reality, Shen Juan hadn't overcome his psychological issues from four years ago, and intense training was necessary to compensate. Shen Juan suggested using a real gun for training, but the coach didn't respond.

A teammate overheard their conversation and informed everyone about it on the field. Upon learning that Shen Juan was simulating gun recoil to maintain accuracy, Ning Yuan found it astonishing, while Rong Huai expressed confidence in Shen Juan. He believed that Shen Juan, having reached a high level before, still retained his foundation and could return to his peak performance. Lin Yujing bought Shen Juan a high-quality headset, intending to give it to him after carefully packaging it. Gu Xia teased her for going through so much trouble to give a gift, but Lin Yujing explained that it was about creating a sense of ceremony. However, when she arrived at the shooting range, she noticed that Shen Juan's mood wasn't upbeat, so she didn't give him the gift.

Shen Juan moved into the shooting team's dormitory. Possibly due to jealousy, Ning Yuan wasn't optimistic about his future, but Shen Juan didn't mind. He replied that his performance would speak for itself and that he came here not to prove anything. Lin Yujing arranged to meet Shen Juan at the café at 10 p.m., handing over her physics class notes that she had taken for him. Shen Juan was moved and worried that she might be sacrificing her studies for him. Lin Yujing assured him that she would manage things properly and told him to trust her, promising that he could busy himself for now and later, they could spend quality time together.

Gu Xia was worried about her thesis. She had a topic, but she was struggling to get started. Lin Yujing's advice brought her back to reality. Gu Xia immediately contacted Fu Mingxiu, not only to ask about the subject matter but also to get closer to him. Winter break was approaching, and after the final exams, Lin Yujing seemed a bit down. Gu Xia asked if something went wrong in the exams, and Lin Yujing mentioned a problem with attendance for an elective course, causing her trouble. Little Mogu consoled her, saying that even if she failed such electives, she could retake them.

Since the shooting team was participating in the University Games in March, Coach Lei suggested no break during the vacation but granted everyone a five-day leave. Shen Juan wanted to use this time to go out and have fun with Lin Yujing. Before leaving, he asked Coach Lei for permission to use a particular magazine. Seeing Shen Juan's determined gaze, Coach Lei agreed. Although Shen Juan only hit three targets, Coach Lei gave him positive feedback, believing that he had overcome his psychological barriers. He allowed Shen Juan to use real ammunition for training in the future.

Lin Yujing gave the headset to Shen Juan, who expressed his liking for it. He suggested taking her out, but Lin Yujing wasn't sure where to go. She let Shen Juan decide, saying that as long as she was with him, anywhere was fine. Shen Juan asked her to close her eyes and touch the screen of his phone; wherever her hand landed, they would go there. As it turned out, Lin Yujing's hand landed on Xu Ruyi's hometown. They decided to visit that place.

He Songnan's carefully cultivated tomato seedlings were destroyed by the professor's wandering chicken. Frustrated, He Songnan chased the chicken around. If not for the professor valuing that chicken, he might have cooked it. Xu Ruyi wanted to spend the Lunar New Year with her parents in Xiamen. However, getting a train ticket was proving difficult. Lin Yujing immediately informed He Songnan about this, and he easily managed to secure a ticket for Xu Ruyi. In return, Xu Ruyi spent a day with him nearby. Taking this opportunity, He Songnan confessed his feelings to Xu Ruyi, who shyly accepted. Seeing the couple's declaration photo shared in the group, Wang Yiyang felt a pang of jealousy as he was now the only single one among their trio.

Lin Yujing and Shen Juan received a call from Lin Zhi before they left. She urgently asked Lin Yujing to return to Huai City. Forced to change their plans, Lin Yujing returned home. However, she was berated by Lin Zhi for her exam results and accused of going against her initial promise. Lin Zhi even brought up the idea of studying abroad, leaving Lin Yujing furious. She pointed out that her mother had never respected her and only wanted to mold her into someone else. In anger, Lin Yujing left with her luggage. Shen Juan found Lin Yujing, who was feeling low, and took her home. His caring gestures warmed her, slowly melting away the coldness in her heart.

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