2024 Chinese Drama List

You Are My Lover Friend – Zhang Xincheng, Wang Yuwen

You Are My Lover Friend is an urban romance drama directed by Zhang Tong, starring Zhang Xincheng and Wang Yuwen, the cast also includes Wu Junting, Luo Qiuyun, Guan Yue, Guo Yunqi, Yang Kun, Wu Haochen, and Rong Rong.

The drama is adapted from the novel by Hua Zhan Mian. It tells the story of Jiang Shiyan and Tang Yang, who have been childhood friends since school. As they step into society, Tang Yang returns to her hometown for work, and she and Jiang Shiyan face various challenges in life and growth together. During their time as "brothers," they gradually develop romantic feelings, eventually turning their relationship into love.


You Are My Lover Friend

English Title: You Are My Lover Friend
Chinese Title: 舍不得星星
Genre: Romance, Urban
Episodes: 30
Duration: 40 min.
Director: Zhang Tong
Screenwriter: Hua Zhan Mian
Released Date: 2024-09-23
Broadcast Website: WeTV, TencentVideo



Tang Yang and Jiang Shiyan, high school classmates and friends for ten years, passionately devoted themselves to their respective careers after entering society—Tang Yang working in bank credit review and Jiang Shiyan in new media production. While working in microfinance, Tang Yang helped the families of military martyrs start businesses, and Jiang Shiyan used their resilient stories as material for a documentary, which gained widespread attention.

Throughout this process, the trust and tacit understanding they had developed since their teenage years stood the test of time, deepening into a sincere and beautiful love. The two progressed from being classmates and friends to lovers and partners, forming a relationship and starting a family together.


On the eve of their high school graduation, Tang Yang and Jiang Shiyan had a dinner gathering with the whole class. Thinking about how their close-knit high school life was coming to an end, everyone felt a deep sense of reluctance. They started opening beers and boldly embraced the “bottoms-up” tradition. Looking back at their youthful days, their bonds were truly strong.

Eleven years later, on a morning when Tang Yang was still lying in bed, Jiang Shiyan was already tugging at her nose like an alarm clock, telling her to get up. Even after all these years since graduation, the brotherly bond between the two remained deep. Tang Yang reminded Jiang Shiyan to drive steadily, as she wanted to take this chance to touch up her makeup. This day marked Tang Yang's first day on a new job.

She had come to apply for a position at a bank, and her emotions were a mix of nervousness and anxiety. It had been difficult to get into such a prestigious local bank. The leadership team at the bank also paid special attention to this new hire, as she had a PhD, which made her somewhat overqualified for the position. Unlike Tang Yang's meticulous work, Jiang Shiyan worked as a livestream host, facing high pressure and a heavy workload.

He often managed tasks like food-related livestreams. On this particular day, Sheng Nina and the team from Lìyà had a disagreement at work. Lìyà had suddenly added a new product to the sales plan, and Sheng Nina was not happy with this unilateral decision. She asked Jiang Shiyan to mediate the situation. Lìyà now had a large fanbase and was well-known. Occasionally, she displayed a celebrity-like attitude, and most people felt they should accommodate her.

However, after Jiang Shiyan understood the full situation, he concluded that the issue lay with Lìyà. A complete list of products for the livestream had already been finalized, but the product Lìyà added was missing a food safety barcode. If fans were to report this in the future, they could face a huge compensation claim. After Jiang Shiyan explained all the pros and cons to Lìyà, she still refused to compromise.

She even mentioned that many companies had extended offers to her and that she had stayed out of loyalty. Seeing her becoming increasingly difficult to manage, Jiang Shiyan agreed to terminate her contract on the spot. This left Lìyà dumbfounded. On Tang Yang's first day at work, Jiang Shiyan sent her a message asking if she wanted to treat her colleagues to lunch and mentioned that he had already reserved a table at the most famous local restaurant.

However, the department head declined due to other matters, and with everyone unsure of their standing, no one dared to agree. As a result, Tang Yang had to eat alone at the cafeteria. At noon, Jiang Shiyan had originally been invited to a lunch, but upon hearing that Tang Yang was eating alone, he made an excuse, saying that he had also heard that the cafeteria food at Tang Yang's company was delicious and wanted to taste it.

Tang Yang, in a bad mood, agreed, and also asked him to retrieve the bag she had left in his car. Tang Yang was feeling a bit upset because, on her first day, her boss hadn’t arranged an office for her and had instead squeezed a spot for her next to other employees’ desks. Fortunately, Jiang Shiyan’s thoughtful care deeply touched Tang Yang.

Not only did Jiang Shiyan bring her bag, but he also gave her the necklace she had been eyeing for a long time. Tang Yang was overjoyed and asked Jiang Shiyan to help her put it on.

In the elevator, Jiang Shiyan gently helped Tang Yang put on the necklace. There was a slight sense of ambiguity in the air. Tang Yang immediately asked if everything at his company was going smoothly. After all, knowing Jiang Shiyan’s character, he always handled things smoothly, so Tang Yang never really worried about him. The bank's HR gave Tang Yang an onboarding evaluation form. Just then, she saw the news on her phone about Lìyà’s resignation from Jiang Shiyan’s company.

She quickly called Feng Weiran to get more information. Feng Weiran, also their high school classmate, was now married with children, one of the first among their group of friends to settle into married life. Concerned that Jiang Shiyan might feel upset about Lìyà’s resignation, Tang Yang invited him to dinner. Over the meal, they easily found their usual rhythm. Jiang Shiyan reminded Tang Yang to call him if she ever encountered difficulties at work.

Tang Yang joked if he would expect a tip for his help. Jiang Shiyan responded that there should always be a material reward, otherwise, there’s no motivation. Their banter was so natural that outsiders might mistake them for a couple, though they had been best friends for thirteen years. Feng Weiran drove Jiang Shiyan back and, upon seeing the two having dinner together, gave them a lift as well.

On the way, he asked why they were both still single, suggesting they might as well just get together. However, Tang Yang and Jiang Shiyan rejected the idea in unison, explaining that they were too close for that. Eventually, Tang Yang got off the car awkwardly and headed home. Jiang Shiyan, tired of Feng Weiran’s repeated attempts to set him up, joked that if he had any improper thoughts about Tang Yang, he should be hit by a car.

No sooner had he spoken when a delivery man's vehicle almost collided with him. Jiang Shiyan felt a chill down his spine—could it really be that superstitious? Jiang Shiyan still lived in his old house with his mother. It wasn’t because they couldn’t afford a higher-end place, but rather because his mother tended to so many plants that moving to an apartment would make it difficult to keep them alive.

Jiang Shiyan, who also loved plants, completely understood his mother’s reasoning. Jiang Shiyan’s company officially invited Sheng Nina to be one of their hosts, even holding a press conference to celebrate. Just before the event, one of Jiang Shiyan’s cufflinks fell to the ground, and he couldn’t find it. Sheng Nina handed him one of her earrings, which turned out to be a perfect fit.

Toward the end of the press conference, Sheng Nina stumbled due to her high heels, and Jiang Shiyan quickly stepped forward to support her. A reporter happened to capture this moment. When the photo was enlarged, they noticed the cufflink and speculated that Jiang Shiyan and Sheng Nina were wearing matching items, hinting at a romantic relationship. That evening, the photo of Sheng Nina being supported by Jiang Shiyan went viral on the internet.

Tang Yang read the fans' comments below and found it amusing. Some were even commenting on Jiang Shiyan’s looks. Jiang Shiyan, too, found it all quite unbelievable. As the company’s operations director, he thought having a trending topic was a good thing, especially since it brought in free publicity. He explained the situation to Tang Yang and asked if she secretly hoped he would find someone soon.

Tang Yang, appearing serious, said that although Jiang Shiyan hadn’t found someone yet, his singleness helped share her burden of also being single. But she certainly didn’t want it to affect his personal happiness. Both of them smiled, unsure of each other's true feelings. Jiang Shiyan thought that since Tang Yang wasn’t jealous, she clearly didn’t see him as anything more than a friend. At the bank, there was plenty of under-the-surface competition.

People were discussing Tang Yang’s high starting point, speculating on alliances, and commenting on how impressive it was that she managed to gain the boss’s favor through overtime work and quietly secured a private office. When Tang Yang returned to her hometown, she would usually call Jiang Shiyan after work, and they would visit the old bookstore and little eateries they frequented during high school. The bookstore was still in the same spot.

They were both filled with nostalgia, remembering their innocent high school days. Many fun things had happened in the library, including a time when they had a small argument and gave each other the silent treatment, both raising their pinkies in defiance. Back then, Jiang Shiyan even went to the broadcasting station to call out Tang Yang’s name.

One of the reasons Jiang Shiyan and Tang Yang always have so much to talk about is because they both love food, and their tastes align perfectly. Whether it's grilled squid, fried skewers, or potato towers, they enjoy every bite. This time, while they were eating at a street stall, someone suddenly shouted, "The city enforcement is here! " Within seconds, the small table they were using was whisked away.

Tang Yang and Jiang Shiyan stood there, holding their bowls of food, watching the scene unfold. The city enforcement officers were loudly reminding the vendors nearby that they couldn’t occupy public space. At that moment, Tang Yang spotted a familiar figure in the crowd. She immediately turned around, hoping not to be noticed. Unfortunately, an employee with sharp eyes recognized her and called out her name, even addressing her as "boss.

" That morning, Tang Yang had critiqued this person's work, and now, here she was, caught eating at a street stall. It couldn’t have been more awkward. As they retraced their steps along familiar streets, they often reminisced about the past. Jiang Shiyan bragged about how he once tamed a particularly aggressive dog here, and how it would lower its head submissively every time it saw him.

Tang Yang quietly nudged him to turn around, and sure enough, there was a large wolfdog staring them down, looking ferocious, mouth wide open, drooling with its tongue hanging out. Jiang Shiyan's bravado crumbled instantly. Frozen with fear, he didn’t dare move and told Tang Yang to leave first. Without hesitation, Tang Yang bolted, leaving Jiang Shiyan to face the dog alone.

Realizing the danger, Jiang Shiyan quickly followed suit, and the wolfdog, sensing their panic, dashed off just as swiftly. Earlier in the day, Tang Yang had casually mentioned to Jiang Shiyan how her department leader had a habit of tapping the backs of the female employees' hands while talking. On his way home after parting with Tang Yang, Jiang Shiyan couldn’t shake the thought.

Remembering that Tang Yang had gone to a dinner with colleagues, he worried that she might encounter some inappropriate behavior, so he turned his car around to check on her. Luckily, the restaurant where Tang Yang and her colleagues were dining was owned by their old classmate, Feng Weiran. Jiang Shiyan quickly got hold of a waiter’s uniform and disguised himself as a server.

Sure enough, he noticed Tang Yang’s department leader, an experienced old-timer, sitting beside her at the table. Despite Tang Yang explaining that she had a cold and had just taken medicine, the leader still insisted on toasting with her. Jiang Shiyan stepped in to help, constantly serving dishes, refilling drinks, and cleaning up to distract the leader and ease the pressure on Tang Yang.

When the leader still wouldn’t give up, Jiang Shiyan "accidentally" spilled soup on his pants, bringing the dinner to an abrupt end. Feng Weiran played along with the act, scolding Jiang Shiyan, the “waiter,” for poor service and firing him on the spot, even offering to waive the bill. Tang Yang burst out laughing on the side, giving both of her friends a thumbs-up for their brilliant performance.

Later that night, one of Jiang Shiyan’s friends told his mother about his heroic act of saving Tang Yang. Even Jiang Shiyan’s mom wasn’t surprised, as she had long believed that the two would never end up together. After all these years, if something were to happen between them, it would’ve happened by now. Currently, Tang Yang’s mom and Jiang Shiyan’s mom attend the same dance class, where they talk about everything. They’ve watched each other’s children grow up and have both concluded that their kids just aren’t meant for each other.


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