2024 Chinese Drama List

You Are My Secret – Karlina Zhang, Miles Wei

You Are My Secret is an urban romance drama directed by Jin Xionghao, starring Karlina Zhang, Miles Wei, Wang Zhen'er, Zhou Cheng'ao, Dai Yunfan, and Ke Ying.

The series is adapted from the novel "办公室隐婚 / Ban Gong Shi Yin Hun" by Qing An. It tells the story of Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng, former high school classmates who reunite after many years. By a twist of fate, they end up with a dual relationship: colleagues in public and husband and wife in private. As they advance in their careers, they also explore the essence of marriage and life together.


You Are My Secret

English Title: You Are My Secret
Chinese Title: 私藏浪漫
Genre: Romance, Urban
Episodes: 32
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Jin Xionghao
Released Date: 2024-07-31
Broadcast Website: MGTV, MangoTV Drama



Tu Xiaoning, the lobby manager working on the first floor of Huayuan Building, is at a critical stage of her probation period. Ji Yuheng, a rising star and talented young man working on the seventeenth floor, is a key player in his company. They both have a pressing need to get married soon, and thus their parallel paths intersect.

In Tu Xiaoning's eyes, Ji Yuheng is an unexpectedly ideal marriage partner, while in Ji Yuheng's eyes, young Tu Xiaoning was the light that once illuminated his life. Marrying Tu Xiaoning is his only steadfast choice. Just as they muster the courage to establish their marital relationship, Ji Yuheng suddenly becomes Tu Xiaoning's superior. These former classmates from a decade ago now find themselves in a dual relationship as colleagues and newlyweds. Together, they navigate the essence of marriage and life.


Tu Xiaoning entered the matchmaking venue and was given a small numbered teddy bear, symbolizing the search for a good match. At nearly twenty-eight, marriage was becoming increasingly urgent, but the expectations between men and women on this journey often misaligned, making it difficult to find a kindred spirit. Led by the staff to her seat, several men approached one after another, none of whom were her ideal match.

Xiaoning sighed inwardly, hoping for a perfect match arranged by fate, but reality was harsh, leading her to gently decline each one, ultimately failing to find someone she truly connected with. Just as Tu Xiaoning was about to leave, Ji Yuheng quietly sat down opposite her, his gaze casually passing over the small bear left on the table. After returning from a phone call, Tu Xiaoning encountered Ji Yuheng, who introduced himself as a bank employee.

As they conversed, a nearby woman showed interest in Ji Yuheng, but he politely declined, citing that he needed to consider it. Tu Xiaoning didn't think much of it and quietly left, not expecting Ji Yuheng to later appear with a large teddy bear, leaving her stunned. It turned out that Ji Yuheng not only remembered her but also broke through the barriers that separated them with his actions.

What surprised Tu Xiaoning even more was that she and Ji Yuheng worked at the same bank. She took the initiative to suggest a price quote, and Ji Yuheng readily agreed. Later, she insisted on splitting the bill for the meal equally, making their first matchmaking encounter meaningful, even if it wasn't perfect in the traditional sense.

Afterward, Tu Xiaoning received a call from her close friend, Ling Weiyi, sharing the strange encounter, especially the reunion with her high school classmate Ji Yuheng. On her way back, her electric scooter malfunctioned, but luckily, Ji Yuheng came to her aid. While talking to Ling Weiyi, Tu Xiaoning accidentally turned on the speaker, and her friend's encouragement echoed in the car, causing a moment of embarrassment, but also bringing warmth and laughter.

Tu Xiaoning felt surprised by her reunion with Ji Yuheng, especially upon learning that he was the matchmaking candidate introduced by her mother, leaving her with mixed emotions. She worked diligently at the bank counter daily, facing an endless stream of customers. During an internal bank meeting, Ji Yuheng's outstanding performance was impressive, as he accurately identified loan issues and publicly provided evidence, showing no mercy to high-ranking officials who abused their power.

Meanwhile, Tu Xiaoning, feeling disheartened for not being promoted, realized that three years of hard work were lost to resources and connections. Though she felt bitter, she reluctantly accepted it. Behind her eagerness for a promotion and matchmaking lay Tu Xiaoning’s desire for security. When she mustered up the courage to go to the headquarters to handle her resignation, she unexpectedly met the person in charge, Rao Jing.

Rao Jing was impressed by Tu Xiaoning's quick responses and decided to keep her to help with miscellaneous tasks. However, Rao Jing's attitude appeared stern and somewhat challenging, adding obstacles to Tu Xiaoning’s resignation. Faced with this sudden challenge, Tu Xiaoning felt both confused and indignant, but she knew that only through persistence and effort could she secure a better future for herself.

Tu Xiaoning decided to attend her friend’s singles party, where the groom happened to be a friend of Ji Yuheng. Initially, Ji Yuheng had declined the invitation, but upon learning that Tu Xiaoning would attend, he decided to dress up and make an appearance. Tu Xiaoning and her close friend Ling Weiyi went shopping for gifts, during which Ling Weiyi mentioned her ex-boyfriend Lu Sijing, stirring memories in Tu Xiaoning of an unfinished proposal.

On the night of the party, Ji Yuheng was strikingly handsome. Unexpectedly, Lu Sijing appeared and was introduced to Ji Yuheng, who had already sensed the situation. When Tu Xiaoning entered the venue, Lu Sijing held flowers, seeking forgiveness, but Tu Xiaoning calmly refused, ending the old relationship. At that moment, Ji Yuheng skillfully intervened with a single rose, easing the awkward situation for Tu Xiaoning.

In response to Ji Yuheng's gesture, Tu Xiaoning calmly stated that she did not wish to rekindle old relationships, hoping they could handle things maturely and avoid awkwardness.

Fireworks erupted, and the atmosphere was just right as Lu Sijing left in disappointment. At that moment, Tu Xiaoning completely let go of the past. All she sought was a good partner with whom to build a happy family. Ji Yuheng asked about her future plans, and Tu Xiaoning jokingly mentioned she might try matchmaking again.

When they parked the car, he seriously inquired if, in her quest for a stable marriage, she would be willing to join him in matrimony. Back in high school, Ji Yuheng had fallen in love with Tu Xiaoning at first sight and kept those feelings buried deep inside. Years later, he chose to participate in matchmaking, but it was actually a way to reunite with Tu Xiaoning, unwilling to miss another chance.

The next day, they had a chance encounter in the elevator, which suddenly malfunctioned. Ji Yuheng mistakenly thought that Tu Xiaoning was responding to his proposal inquiry, but she hurriedly explained that she had not yet made a decision. Returning to work, Tu Xiaoning found herself entangled in a misunderstanding, facing a situation where she was about to take the blame for something she didn’t do. Rao Jing appeared strict, but in reality, she intended to sharpen Tu Xiaoning’s skills.

In the elevator, Tu Xiaoning accidentally overheard a discussion about labor dispatch, and Ji Yuheng’s fair stance deeply moved her. She realized that there were no shortcuts in the workplace and that the only path forward was to continually improve herself. Working late into the night, Tu Xiaoning found herself caught in a torrential downpour, isolated and helpless. As she passed by her former branch office, mixed emotions welled up inside her.

Her calls went unanswered, her umbrella was blown away by the wind, and she crouched down in despair, crying. At that moment, Ji Yuheng appeared like a warm ray of sunshine on a cold winter day, comforting her. His concern and care provided Tu Xiaoning with a sense of support she had never felt before. Ji Yuheng took Tu Xiaoning to the mountaintop, where she suddenly brought up the topic of marriage, also mentioning her struggles in the workplace.

Although she was full of enthusiasm, she felt stuck. Ji Yuheng worked in the compliance department, and Tu Xiaoning was determined not to give up and sought a solution. After much effort, she gathered evidence and finally presented her case to the compliance department. When questioned, she responded with honesty. Ji Yuheng posed a critical question, which Tu Xiaoning surprisingly managed to answer, avoiding any disciplinary action.

Although Rao Jing didn’t express it, she was pleased, knowing she hadn’t misjudged Tu Xiaoning. This experience was undoubtedly full of ups and downs for Tu Xiaoning. She shared the unexpected proposal from Ji Yuheng with her friend, Ling Weiyi, who nodded with a smile, believing that the two were indeed made for each other.

During a break at work, Manager Zhao tried to recruit Tu Xiaoning to his side, but luckily, Rao Jing arrived in time to resolve the awkward situation. While waiting for Rao Jing at the hospital, Tu Xiaoning accidentally encountered Ji Yuheng. Out of curiosity, she followed him, which led Ji Yuheng’s mother to mistake her for his girlfriend. His mother happily accepted the gift Tu Xiaoning had prepared.

Faced with this misunderstanding, Tu Xiaoning couldn’t find the words to explain but felt a sense of pity and didn’t want to reveal the truth. However, when Ji Yuheng’s mother’s condition suddenly worsened, requiring a large sum of money for medical treatment, Tu Xiaoning was shocked and felt utterly powerless. From Ji Yuheng, Tu Xiaoning learned about his mother’s late-stage breast cancer and finally understood the urgency behind his desire to get married.

In that moment, the barriers between them seemed to quietly dissolve, and there was a newfound sense of understanding and compassion between them. Although Tu Xiaoning left early, her heart was far from calm. She recalled how Ji Yuheng often mentioned her in front of his mother during their student days, and a warm feeling surged within her. After finishing her tasks, she didn’t leave immediately but waited quietly for Ji Yuheng to appear.

As night fell, Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng strolled through a food street, enjoying the familiar flavors. They then visited the university sports field together, reminiscing about the past. Under the starry sky, Ji Yuheng candidly admitted that he chose Tu Xiaoning as his marriage partner because of the indescribable understanding and resonance between them.

His words moved Tu Xiaoning deeply, and she firmly expressed that she was ready to spend the rest of her life with Ji Yuheng and was willing to walk with him into the sacred halls of marriage.

Tu Xiaoning brought Ji Yuheng home and announced that they would be getting married the next day. Although her parents didn’t object to the sudden marriage, they hoped that the two had a foundation of love. Ji Yuheng admitted to the feelings he had for her since high school, and Xiaoning cleverly claimed that she had secretly loved him for ten years. Ji Yuheng held back his laughter and played along.

In the end, seeing their children's resolve, her parents happily gave their blessing to the marriage. Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning, taking advantage of the free afternoon, hurried to the civil affairs bureau to register their marriage. However, they encountered a minor hiccup as they had forgotten to bring photos. Thinking quickly, they went to a photo studio to simulate taking ID photos, resolving the issue.

Unfortunately, they ran out of time and couldn't complete the paperwork before the staff left, so they had to return home with a sense of regret. Upon returning home, they were caught off guard by the lively scene of relatives filling the house. To avoid disappointing his mother, they tactfully hid the fact that they hadn't completed the registration.

Ji Yuheng demonstrated his cleverness and thoughtfulness, quickly blending into the family atmosphere and earning the love and approval of Tu Xiaoning's parents, even receiving a large red envelope as a blessing. Xiaoning's father privately shared his experiences as a husband, while her mother couldn’t stop praising Ji Yuheng. Tu Xiaoning felt deeply grateful and was comforted by Ji Yuheng's seamless cooperation.

She admitted that she hadn’t fully adjusted to her new role, and Ji Yuheng, understandingly, offered to leave first to give her enough space and time. He quietly watched her go upstairs, only turning to leave after seeing her room light up, filled with gentle expectations for their future. After a busy day, Ji Yuheng found his gaze unconsciously drawn to the marriage certificate photo he had taken with Tu Xiaoning.

It marked the beginning of their life together and was their first official photo as a couple, holding significant meaning. Meanwhile, Tu Xiaoning was preparing to accompany Rao Jing to meet a client, choosing outfits as per Rao Jing's invitation. Due to work, she had to cancel the dinner she had planned with Ji Yuheng, leaving him feeling a bit disappointed. This slight dissatisfaction showed in his words when they later bumped into each other in the elevator.

Standing by the door, Tu Xiaoning was seriously rehearsing her table manners. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng asked with concern if she truly wanted to go and offered to explain to Rao Jing on her behalf. However, Tu Xiaoning insisted that this was a good opportunity for self-improvement and decisively decided to go with Rao Jing.

On the way, she skillfully guided the conversation using the detailed research she had done, showcasing her professionalism and successfully winning over the client, impressing everyone with her wit. After the dinner, both Rao Jing and Tu Xiaoning were visibly tipsy. In the restroom, Rao Jing shared some workplace wisdom with Tu Xiaoning, who, brimming with confidence, boasted about her high alcohol tolerance but still needed Rao Jing's support to walk out.

When they couldn't find a designated driver, Ji Yuheng appeared just in time. Before Rao Jing could respond, the slightly drunk Tu Xiaoning had already gotten into the car. In the car, her whispered words amused Ji Yuheng, stirring complex emotions within him. When they arrived at Tu Xiaoning's house, she accidentally left her keys in the car, leaving Ji Yuheng no choice but to knock on the door and ask about it.

Upon learning that her parents weren’t home, he decided without hesitation to take her back to his place. That night became an unexpected challenge and an opportunity for their feelings to deepen. In a daze, Tu Xiaoning opened her eyes and caught sight of Ji Yuheng's figure. Instinctively, she moved closer, inhaling his scent, which brought her a sense of security.

Ji Yuheng gently covered her with the blanket, but suddenly, she pulled him into her embrace and complimented his handsomeness with dreamy eyes. Ji Yuheng felt a surge of impulse, wanting to kiss her, but in the end, reason prevailed, and he chose to silently watch over her. The next morning, Ji Yuheng got up early and prepared a glass of water for Tu Xiaoning, placing it quietly on the bedside table to avoid waking her.

As he closed the door and left, Tu Xiaoning’s alarm went off, and she realized she was at Ji Yuheng's home. Her luggage was there, she was in her pajamas—everything felt both unfamiliar and familiar. The keys lay quietly on the table, a gesture of reassurance from Ji Yuheng. At the company, the news of a vacancy in the expansion department manager position sparked much discussion, and rumors of a newcomer quickly spread.

During lunch with colleagues, Tu Xiaoning unexpectedly ran into Ji Yuheng, but due to company regulations, they had to pretend they didn’t know each other. Reflecting on everything before their marriage, Ji Yuheng had already disclosed his assets to Tu Xiaoning’s parents and shared their high school connection, along with the warmth and comfort Xiaoning had given him. However, he had yet to fully express all the emotions he had buried for years. The understanding and respect from her parents only strengthened Tu Xiaoning’s resolve in her choice.

Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng had dinner together, intending to sit side by side, but since colleagues were present, they had to sit at adjacent tables, exchanging glances and understanding each other without words. On the way home from work, they went to the supermarket together, with Ji Yuheng carefully selecting items that Tu Xiaoning liked, showing his care for her.

They commuted to work together every day, but to avoid suspicion from their colleagues, Tu Xiaoning would get off the car early and walk the rest of the way, feeling a mix of emotions. At work, the choice for the manager position was about to be decided, and the president was about to meet the new manager. Tu Xiaoning overheard colleagues discussing this and began speculating about the future developments.

While Tu Xiaoning was silently pondering who the new manager might be, a heated discussion was taking place in the meeting room. Just then, a gift was delivered by the second expansion department, attempting to facilitate the merger of the two departments, which irritated Manager Zhao and Rao Jing. At that moment, the president entered and announced that the new manager was Ji Yuheng, causing a stir among the staff, who began murmuring about his youth and inexperience.

Although Tu Xiaoning remained silent, she felt a mix of emotions and texted Ji Yuheng with shopping suggestions, only for him to cancel due to urgent business matters. During dinner, colleagues couldn’t stop praising Ji Yuheng’s good looks, while Tu Xiaoning could only smile, though her mind was filled with thoughts. Ji Yuheng had originally planned to have dinner with Tu Xiaoning but found out she had already gone home.

He quietly went to her place and prepared a delicious meal himself. When Tu Xiaoning arrived home and saw this, she was both surprised and slightly reproachful, responding to his care with indifference. At the dinner table, Tu Xiaoning deliberately nitpicked, while Ji Yuheng patiently served her food, creating a subtle atmosphere between them.

Sensing something was off, Xiaoning’s mother asked about it, prompting Tu Xiaoning to quickly come up with an excuse to send her parents away, leaving the two of them alone to face the sudden awkwardness and underlying warmth. Tu Xiaoning deeply felt the concerns of an office romance, worrying that the company wouldn’t tolerate it, and began considering the idea of breaking up.

Ji Yuheng also intended to have an honest conversation with her after work but didn’t expect that Tu Xiaoning would accidentally choke on a fishbone. In a moment of panic, Ji Yuheng rushed her to the hospital, his anxiety clearly showing. With the help of the medical staff, the fishbone was safely removed, and the nurse praised Ji Yuheng for his attentiveness and care as a partner.

On the way home, Ji Yuheng revealed the reason why the president transferred him to the expansion department—to restructure the department and support small and micro businesses, while also facing the challenge of increasing performance. He confessed that this move was driven by a sense of gratitude and the urgent need to raise money for targeted therapy for his mother, feeling quite conflicted inside. He then sought Tu Xiaoning’s opinion.

Tu Xiaoning suggested they both take time to calmly think things over and make a decision once their feelings were clear. Ji Yuheng quietly followed Tu Xiaoning’s Weibo, sensing her emotional fluctuations. One day, he declined a call from his teacher because of her, a scene that Tu Xiaoning happened to overhear, making her realize the sacrifices and considerations Ji Yuheng was making for her.

The next day, Tu Xiaoning proactively suggested that Ji Yuheng shouldn’t give up any opportunities for her sake and proposed they sign a bet agreement as a precondition for their marriage, temporarily putting their registration plans on hold. Ji Yuheng agreed to this proposal and officially joined the first expansion department. The two of them faced the future together, their journey uncertain, but their hearts aligned as they embraced the challenges ahead.

At work, Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning maintained a clear boundary between superior and subordinate. During a meeting, they accidentally exchanged work badges. After the president left the room, Ji Yuheng chaired the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Zhao Fanggang treated Ji Yuheng with cold indifference and even led the rejection of his dinner invitation, creating an awkward atmosphere. After the meeting, Ji Yuheng carefully reviewed the employee profiles, paying particular attention to Tu Xiaoning’s resume.

Noticing this, Tu Xiaoning hurriedly reminded him about the work badge issue in private and shared the incident with her best friend Ling Weiyi. Ji Yuheng, during a lunch break, quietly switched back their work badges and thoughtfully prepared a hot coffee for Tu Xiaoning. The small understanding between them flowed quietly amidst the serious company environment.

Ji Yuheng, now in a position of great authority, faced a delay issue at his first meeting. Instead of showing anger, he used the meeting’s conclusion to deliver a subtle warning, demonstrating his leadership style of commanding respect without overt hostility. As night fell and he returned to the warmth of home, Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning rekindled their sweet daily routine as a married couple.

Tu Xiaoning joked about the minor scares she had experienced in the office earlier, and they established a small understanding about dividing household chores. This not only strengthened their relationship but also cleverly avoided prying eyes from the outside. When Tu Xiaoning mentioned discomfort with her shoes, Ji Yuheng quietly adjusted them for her, showing his tender care.

While Tu Xiaoning was washing dishes in the kitchen, she struggled due to the height of the cabinets and had to stand on tiptoe. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng silently approached from behind and gently took over the task. Unexpectedly, Tu Xiaoning turned around suddenly, and their lips accidentally brushed together, creating a moment of awkwardness mixed with sweetness. They quickly separated, exchanged a smile, and chose to ignore the unexpected kiss, resuming their tasks.

The next day, Tu Xiaoning shared the incident with her friend Ling Weiyi, who encouraged her to seize the opportunity and advance their relationship. Meanwhile, Ji Yuheng issued a notice in the work group, requiring all members to attend a meeting at 1 p. m. sharp. At the meeting, he strictly demanded that each member set clear goals, specifically challenging Zhao Fanggang to add one new private enterprise each month.

Despite Zhao Fanggang’s inner dissatisfaction, he had no choice but to accept silently. For Tu Xiaoning, Ji Yuheng set a stricter requirement: to complete all probation assessments within three months. This was both a test for her and a reflection of his principle of treating everyone equally. Although Tu Xiaoning felt pressured, she understood it was a necessary path for growth.

An anxious man attempted to force his way into the loan department but was politely stopped by Ling Weiyi due to the lack of a direct contact person. Desperate, the man took advantage of a brief moment during the door card verification to barge into the office area and headed straight for the first expansion department. Out of control, he even brandished a sharp dagger, threatening everyone present. At that moment, Tu Xiaoning was hurrying from the restroom.

Confronted with this sudden crisis, she quickly adjusted her mindset and tried to calm the man’s agitation. The man tearfully accused himself of being in a predicament due to a loan taken for a matchmaking service. After transferring money to the woman introduced by the service, he had lost contact, and now the bank was pursuing him for repayment, leaving him with no way out.

Desperate, he held the knife to his neck, demanding the bank immediately cancel his loan account. Ji Yuheng witnessed this scene and calmly directed Tu Xiaoning to cooperate. As the man was entering his facial information, Ji Yuheng took decisive action and successfully disarmed him. However, the unstable man still tried to retaliate, and the dagger cut Ji Yuheng’s arm, blood quickly staining his sleeve. Tu Xiaoning was frantic and rushed Ji Yuheng to the hospital.

While anxiously waiting outside the hospital, she took advantage of the doctor's departure to sneak into the ward, only to unexpectedly run into Rao Jing and Zhao Fanggang who arrived shortly after. In a moment of urgency, she quickly hid behind Ji Yuheng, using the curtain as cover to avoid being seen. Afterward, Tu Xiaoning took Rao Jing's car back to the company. Along the way, Rao Jing reminded her again to stay safe.

Ji Yuheng, understanding the seriousness of the matter, assigned the investigation task to Zhao Fanggang. Initially hesitant, Zhao Fanggang realized the potential consequences if the headquarters learned of the situation, and thus, took the matter seriously. Meanwhile, Rao Jing also planned to address the matchmaking loan issue, aiming to make a good impression on the leadership. At the entrance of Qianli Yuan Company, Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing unexpectedly met and found they had the same goal, quickly teaming up.

Upon entering the company, Tu Xiaoning cleverly avoided any awkward situations that might reveal her relationship with Ji Yuheng and took the opportunity to remove a photo mistakenly believed to be their "wedding photo," feeling a mix of emotions. After returning to the company, Ji Yuheng not only supported Zhao Fanggang’s work abilities but also valued his potential in the expansion department. Zhao Fanggang lived up to expectations, having obtained crucial evidence regarding the matchmaking loan and secretly taking photos.

Meanwhile, Rao Jing also smartly recorded key conversations. Both sides had their respective advantages and were evenly matched. Unexpectedly, Rao Jing had a “puppy” boyfriend, and after handling her official duties, she hurried off to enjoy some private time. Back at home, Tu Xiaoning immediately mentioned the photo incident at Qianli Yuan to Ji Yuheng, feeling slightly embarrassed. At this moment, Ji Yuheng, hindered by his hand injury, was unable to move freely.

Tu Xiaoning, although intending to help, mistakenly thought he had ulterior motives and quickly made an excuse to leave. Later, Tu Xiaoning arranged a workout with Ling Weiyi, who spoke highly of Ji Yuheng, leaving Tu Xiaoning with mixed feelings. As night fell, Tu Xiaoning encountered Ji Yuheng waiting at her doorstep. Concerned for her safety, he had stayed there, keeping watch. They walked together, and Tu Xiaoning reflected on the day's events.

In the evening, she shared her feelings of being protected on social media. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng couldn’t help but smile gently, and their relationship subtly drew closer.

Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing witnessed a man in their department, who was greeted friendly by Rao Jing. They learned that he was Qi Yu, the new driver for the bank president. The past relationship between Qi Yu and Ling Weiyi was revealed, and Zhao Fanggang and the others mistakenly thought their whispered conversation in the stairwell was an office romance, which sparked some laughter.

Ji Yuheng happened to see this and felt a mix of emotions, his expression showing complexity regarding Qi Yu and Ling Weiyi’s past. Recently, Ji Yuheng has shown unprecedented strictness in the office, extending even to Zhao Fanggang’s subordinates. His stern approach was not without reason; frequent mistakes by his subordinates compelled him to take tough measures. Although Zhao Fanggang felt the pressure, he agreed with Ji Yuheng's approach and advised everyone to stay low-key and improve seriously.

Noticing Ji Yuheng’s difficulty with changing his bandages due to his hand injury, Tu Xiaoning offered to assist him on the rooftop— their "secret base. " During the bandage change, Tu Xiaoning gently reminded Ji Yuheng that while moderate punishment could motivate subordinates, excessive punishment might cause resentment and even lead to losing their support.

She also mentioned Qi Yu and Ling Weiyi’s past, explaining that Qi Yu was Ling Weiyi’s ex-boyfriend, hoping Ji Yuheng would understand the complex interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, Ling Weiyi encountered Qi Yu while queueing for a cake. Qi Yu not only bought her the cake but also sincerely apologized, reflecting on his past mistakes and expressing his remorse.

However, Ling Weiyi firmly stated that she would not revisit the past and that their relationship could not return to what it once was. Zhao Fanggang and Tu Xiaoning worked together, tackling new business ventures side by side. With Zhao Fanggang's sharp business acumen and extensive experience, he guided Tu Xiaoning, helping her advance more steadily on her path to becoming a permanent employee. However, a misunderstanding quietly arose; Zhao Fanggang mistakenly thought Qi Yu was Tu Xiaoning’s partner.

Although Tu Xiaoning wanted to clarify, Zhao Fanggang's well-intentioned secrecy meant she had to temporarily set aside the misunderstanding. In the daily routine of the first expansion department, Zhao Fanggang was not only actively involved in work but also made a special coffee for Rao Jing, sharing his efforts for the department, including presenting key evidence on the matchmaking loan to Ji Yuheng. Rao Jing, upon hearing this, quickly took action and urged Tu Xiaoning to keep up.

Just when everything seemed to be on track, Tu Xiaoning unexpectedly received an apology call from the person involved in the previous dispute. The caller not only returned the money but also expressed gratitude to Zhao Fanggang for his assistance. This twist increased Tu Xiaoning's admiration for Zhao Fanggang. However, the good times didn’t last. The critical remarks in the meeting were like a cold shower, dampening Zhao Fanggang’s enthusiasm.

He could not understand why his hard work resulted in such criticism and angrily confronted Ji Yuheng. Ji Yuheng’s explanation did not calm Zhao Fanggang’s anger, and he firmly believed in his own capability and responsibility, unwilling to concede easily. As night fell, colleagues organized a gathering to ease Zhao Fanggang’s emotions.

Though Tu Xiaoning was concerned about Zhao Fanggang, her mother’s call informed her of Ji Yuheng’s mother’s special situation, so she had to leave early to visit the hospital and offer her care and warmth. The gathering became a turning point for Zhao Fanggang’s mood and strengthened his determination and pursuit. Tu Xiaoning visited Ji Yuheng’s mother at the hospital and unexpectedly ran into Ji Yuheng.

Ji’s mother warmly conversed with Tu Xiaoning, expressing concern about her relationship with Ji Yuheng and even mentioning rings and gifts, making Tu Xiaoning feel embarrassed. Disagreements over Zhao Fanggang’s issue led to an argument between them. Tu Xiaoning’s parents witnessed this and quietly supported their daughter, letting her stay at home for the time being. Ji Yuheng stayed home alone, concerned about Tu Xiaoning but unable to apologize, silently waiting for her to return home.

Tu Xiaoning also missed Ji Yuheng but struggled with unresolved confusion and distance. Ling Weiyi became Ji Yuheng’s confidante, pointing out that Ji Yuheng’s behavior made Tu Xiaoning feel insecure. Meanwhile, Tu Xiaoning’s mother, drawing from her own experiences, advised her that marriage requires mutual understanding and tolerance. Under her mother’s guidance, Tu Xiaoning began to reflect on her attitude. Ji Yuheng also engaged in self-reflection, and both were searching for ways to resolve their conflicts.

In the morning, Tu Xiaoning was amused by her father’s peculiar “dialogue with the fish,” which was actually a clever way to make her realize she should return to Ji Yuheng’s home. As she went downstairs, she unexpectedly ran into Ji Yuheng. He gently suggested they have a serious talk, and Tu Xiaoning agreed to discuss it in detail at home.

Ji Yuheng seriously conveyed the bank's handling of the Zhao Fanggang incident and explained how he had advocated for Zhao and why he had previously reminded her about the clock-in issues. Tu Xiaoning, relieved to clear up the misunderstanding, hoped that Ji Yuheng would be more open and honest in the future. They both expressed their feelings to each other, and Tu Xiaoning promised not to give up on their relationship, which pleased both her parents and Ji Yuheng.

From then on, Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning took on the shared responsibility of caring for the little fish, adding warmth and responsibility to their lives. Ji Yuheng remained busy with work, with ongoing meetings, and although Zhao Fanggang’s changes were cautious, his attitude shift was noticeable. When Ji Yuheng tried to delegate a project to Zhao Fanggang, Zhao's refusal created an awkward atmosphere.

Tu Xiaoning, quick-witted, suggested through a message that Ji Yuheng adjust his communication approach, which might yield a different result. Tu Xiaoning inadvertently spoke highly of Ji Yuheng, almost causing Rao Jing and Zhao Fanggang to suspect her relationship with Ji Yuheng. She quickly devised a reason related to preparing for the probation exam to cleverly divert the topic.

In her free time, Tu Xiaoning shared snippets of her life with Ling Weiyi, and Qi Yu's invitation to a class reunion added a bit of color to their gathering. Ling Weiyi remained straightforward at the reunion, showing no regard for Qi Yu, while Lu Sijing’s unexpected return seemed to carry intentions of reconciling with Tu Xiaoning. However, Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng’s secret had already quietly blossomed.

Tu Xiaoning firmly rejected Lu Sijing’s attempt to rekindle their relationship, understanding that some things are irrevocably missed and cannot be relived. When Lu Sijing mentioned their past emotions, she chose to walk away, offering no chance for further pursuit. Meanwhile, Ji Yuheng, while accompanying his teacher fishing, was deeply reflective about the president’s words regarding the need for teamwork in business expansion, realizing that solo efforts are unsustainable.

This reminded him of similar advice Tu Xiaoning had given him, stirring his emotions. At the same time, Ling Weiyi, having drunk too much at the party, appeared somewhat disoriented. Tu Xiaoning volunteered to take her home. Qi Yu, initially intending to handle this, had to leave early due to a call from the president. Lu Sijing tried to use this opportunity to accompany Tu Xiaoning, but she refused him again.

Ji Yuheng, concerned for Tu Xiaoning’s safety, wanted to pick her up himself but was told it was not the right time. He then asked his father for Ling Weiyi’s home address. Lu Sijing, not giving up, insisted on accompanying Tu Xiaoning and Ling Weiyi in the taxi. Despite Tu Xiaoning's resistance, he forced his way into the car. Once they arrived at Ling Weiyi’s home, Tu Xiaoning urgently urged Lu Sijing to leave, not wanting any further entanglements.

Ji Yuheng, arriving downstairs, happened to see Lu Sijing, possibly realizing the reason for Tu Xiaoning’s refusal. Coincidentally, Qi Yu also arrived, causing Lu Sijing to quickly hide. Ling Weiyi and Tu Xiaoning continued drinking at home, with Ling Weiyi appearing drunk but actually clear-headed. She pretended to be unconscious, using alcohol to numb her emotional pain. However, Qi Yu’s sudden appearance disrupted her plan, causing her to fall back into distress and cry.

Tu Xiaoning patiently comforted her, while Ling Weiyi’s thoughts drifted back to the beautiful moments of meeting Qi Yu, mingling with the present pain and making it harder for her to let go. Tu Xiaoning, understanding Ling Weiyi’s lingering feelings for Qi Yu, comforted her and also shared her own joy about planning a future with Ji Yuheng.

When Tu Xiaoning woke up at Ling Weiyi’s home, she was surprised to find a message from Ji Yuheng, expecting he had left already, only to see him quietly waiting. Warmth filled Tu Xiaoning’s heart, and as she and Ji Yuheng walked home together, he asked her to share updates about their colleagues to enhance team understanding. Tu Xiaoning described everyone’s traits: Rao Jing as professional and meticulous, Zhao Fanggang as skilled in communication and good with clients. Under the night sky, the two laughed and talked, painting a blueprint for their future.

The atmosphere at dinner gradually warmed up thanks to Ji Yuheng’s deft maneuvering. What initially seemed like a somewhat dull setting was replaced by lively and pleasant conversation. With Ji Yuheng’s assistance, Zhao Fanggang had engaging discussions with the clients and frequently wore a smile. Tu Xiaoning observed quietly from the side, admiring Ji Yuheng’s attentiveness and wisdom. Rao Jing also expressed genuine admiration for Ji Yuheng’s social skills.

Throughout the evening, the four of them enjoyed each other’s company as if they were long-time friends. As the dinner approached its end, Ji Yuheng and Rao Jing appeared slightly intoxicated, while Zhao Fanggang stepped up to shield Rao Jing from drinking too much. Ji Yuheng, seemingly drowsy, was actually very alert and cleverly used this opportunity to create more space for Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing to interact. Tu Xiaoning, watching Ji Yuheng silently, was filled with concern.

Taking advantage of a moment when no one was paying attention, she lightly touched Ji Yuheng’s hand, only to have him hold it tightly. Their eyes met with affectionate feelings. However, this moment was interrupted by the returning clients, causing Tu Xiaoning to quickly withdraw her hand, her cheeks blushing slightly. On the way back, Zhao Fanggang, half-drunk and half-awake, was puzzled by Ji Yuheng’s “generous assistance.

” Tu Xiaoning defended Ji Yuheng, and the car was filled with warmth and laughter. Upon arrival, Tu Xiaoning first saw off Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing, then drove to Ji Yuheng’s place. She thoughtfully prepared some honey water to ease Ji Yuheng’s discomfort. Ji Yuheng was deeply touched by Tu Xiaoning’s care. They walked hand in hand to the seaside, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the night.

With the sea breeze gently blowing, Tu Xiaoning expressed her gratitude and admiration for Ji Yuheng, acknowledging his outstanding performance at work and growing maturity in life. Ji Yuheng thanked Tu Xiaoning for her continued companionship and reminders, which made his life more fulfilling and complete. As the waves lapped at the shore, Ji Yuheng didn’t hesitate to pick up Tu Xiaoning to prevent her from getting cold, while he ignored the fact that his own feet got soaked.

This action brought their hearts closer together and subtly warmed their emotions. Back at home, Tu Xiaoning lay in bed, tossing and turning, struggling to fall asleep. She picked up her phone and shared snippets of the day on Weibo, revealing her deep gratitude and subtle feelings for Ji Yuheng. Ji Yuheng saw the post and felt a warm rush in his heart, with a smile spreading across his face.

The next morning, when Tu Xiaoning arrived at the office, a bright splash of color caught her eye—a bouquet of exquisite flowers lying quietly on her desk. Without much thought, Tu Xiaoning’s first reaction was that the surprise came from Ji Yuheng. She excitedly shared this joy with her friend Ling Weiyi, who was troubled by Qi Yu’s fervent pursuit and confused about her feelings for Qi Yu.

Tu Xiaoning offered Ling Weiyi support in her own way and left some ice cream on Qi Yu’s desk as a token of thanks. They exchanged smiles, resolving any unnecessary misunderstandings. During a visit to the hospital to promote credit card services, Tu Xiaoning and Rao Jing were surprised when Lu Sijing was the first to step forward, expressing his willingness to sign up. Rao Jing reminded Tu Xiaoning to maintain a professional image and wear her work badge.

Tu Xiaoning gradually learned that the bouquet of flowers was actually from Lu Sijing. This unexpected twist caught her off guard, but she felt more gratitude for this surprise. Meanwhile, Ji Yuheng had prepared a barbecue at home, waiting for Tu Xiaoning’s return. During dinner, he casually mentioned the flowers, revealing his thoughts about the past.

Ji Yuheng reminisced about his plan to confess his feelings to Tu Xiaoning on her birthday, which Lu Sijing preempted, leaving him with a lingering regret. This unspoken sentiment still remains a secret in his heart. However, seeing Tu Xiaoning in front of him made Ji Yuheng more determined to cherish the present and continue quietly protecting her. Ji Yuheng helped Zhao Fanggang handle some problematic loans, which caused a significant shift in Zhao’s attitude, recognizing his capabilities and responsibility.

Tu Xiaoning and Ling Weiyi discussed Ji Yuheng’s virtues in the beauty salon. Ling Weiyi also shared amusing stories about Qi Yu’s pursuit, and they both laughed together. Unexpectedly, when Ji Yuheng came to pick up Tu Xiaoning, he encountered Lu Sijing and Qi Yu arriving together, making the situation a bit delicate. Ji Yuheng maintained his composure, smiling politely, and displayed his gentlemanly demeanor.

Tu Xiaoning and Ling Weiyi were on their way to join Ji Yuheng when Lu Sijing and Qi Yu suddenly appeared. Lu Sijing apologized for the past, which stirred up old memories for Tu Xiaoning. She felt nostalgic about her youth but had moved on from her feelings for Lu Sijing. Ji Yuheng initially felt nervous but soon reassured himself. Tu Xiaoning did not answer Lu Sijing’s question about whom she liked and left hastily with her friend.

As Ji Yuheng departed, his gaze intentionally or unintentionally lingered on Lu Sijing. Later, Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng rode home together, and the atmosphere in the car was somewhat delicate. Tu Xiaoning candidly revealed that the bouquet was actually from Lu Sijing, leading to numerous phone calls from him. Although she repeatedly hung up, Lu Sijing persisted. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng encouraged her to answer and put the call on speakerphone, while he silently showed his displeasure.

Lu Sijing’s words touched a sensitive nerve in Ji Yuheng, who decided to pull over and deeply kiss Tu Xiaoning. This was the result of his long-standing courage, and Tu Xiaoning responded tenderly without resistance. Afterwards, Tu Xiaoning softly comforted Ji Yuheng, telling him not to worry about Lu Sijing’s words. On the other side, Zhao Fanggang was honored with the Quarterly Outstanding Employee Award, and the team celebrated enthusiastically.

Rao Jing offered brief encouragement to get Zhao Fanggang back to work. Soon after, Ji Yuheng arrived, and Zhao Fanggang took the opportunity to report on his work, subtly expressing his gratitude. Meanwhile, Lu Sijing’s phone calls continued to interrupt, which Rao Jing noticed. She mentioned the possibility of business connections, hinting at the potential for collaboration.

Indeed, there was a sudden issue with the bank's payment system, and Rao Jing and Tu Xiaoning had to rush to the hospital to handle it. Tu Xiaoning quickly addressed the situation, ensuring a smooth process and timely medication for the patients. The problem was resolved swiftly, and Rao Jing fulfilled her duties. As they prepared to leave, Rao Jing encountered Lu Sijing and thanked him for his assistance.

Lu Sijing took the opportunity to request a private conversation with Tu Xiaoning. Considering it was nearly time to leave work, Tu Xiaoning agreed. In a call from Ji Yuheng, Tu Xiaoning revealed her plan to meet Lu Sijing. They arranged to meet at a café, where Lu Sijing, though remembering her preferences, found it hard to mend past rifts. He attempted to explain the pressures from abroad but couldn’t hide the harm he had caused Tu Xiaoning.

Despite Lu Sijing’s lingering desire to reconcile, Tu Xiaoning firmly stated that their seven-year relationship could not return to the past. She openly expressed her feelings for Ji Yuheng but chose to keep it low-key due to office romance restrictions. After saying this, Tu Xiaoning left resolutely. Upon leaving the café, Tu Xiaoning was pleasantly surprised to run into Ji Yuheng. She promised to handle her past appropriately, and they went to dinner together.

On the way, Tu Xiaoning reminisced about Ji Yuheng’s days as a campus heartthrob, wondering if their relationship, which started on the right foot, still held the same. She shyly remarked on their harmonious interaction and reminisced about the days when many girls pursued Ji Yuheng. Arriving in front of the high school, Ji Yuheng suggested a visit inside, though he harbored the impulse to confess his feelings. However, Tu Xiaoning’s words gently defused this moment.

It turned out that Ji Yuheng had quietly admired Tu Xiaoning since high school, with these feelings hidden for ten years. They shared a knowing smile, their mutual understanding and connection speaking volumes without the need for further words. Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng established household rules to clearly separate work and personal life. Ji Yuheng also entrusted Tu Xiaoning with financial matters, demonstrating his trust.

During a weekend camping trip, they enjoyed each other’s company—Ji Yuheng played the piano while Tu Xiaoning listened, and they set up the tent, enjoyed coffee, and grilled meat under the night sky, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. As they became slightly tipsy, Ji Yuheng, unable to control his emotions, kissed Tu Xiaoning. Although the moment was unexpectedly interrupted, his affection remained strong.

That night, they slept in the tent with only one sleeping bag, and Ji Yuheng carefully covered Tu Xiaoning with a blanket, deepening their feelings. The next morning, Tu Xiaoning reflected on the kiss from the previous night, and Ji Yuheng playfully teased her. Tu Xiaoning left shyly, leaving behind a room filled with sweetness.

Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning were meticulous at work, but their private moments were filled with warmth and sweetness. Ji Yuheng often secretly prepared snacks for Tu Xiaoning, and they would stroll hand in hand through the mall at night, enjoying peaceful times together. As Tu Xiaoning approached her probation review, she was anxious and eager to perform well.

At that moment, Rao Jing announced in the office that it was Ji Yuheng’s birthday and that everyone was planning a celebration. Tu Xiaoning, upon hearing this, was momentarily distracted and accidentally burned her finger. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng cleverly used the excuse of needing to deliver documents to come in and carefully treat her burn, showing his meticulous care. Tu Xiaoning felt a bit disappointed that Ji Yuheng hadn’t mentioned his birthday to her beforehand.

As someone who was about to become his wife, she felt a bit disheartened that such an important day was not shared with her first. However, Ji Yuheng gently comforted her and suggested that they make a cake together at home to celebrate the special day. While they were carefully selecting ingredients for the cake at the supermarket, Zhao Fanggang’s call unexpectedly disrupted the tranquility.

Zhao Fanggang enthusiastically announced his intention to celebrate Ji Yuheng’s birthday and mentioned that he was already at the supermarket, unaware that Ji Yuheng might be spending the day alone. Fortunately, Tu Xiaoning was not nearby, and Ji Yuheng quickly reacted, going up to stop Zhao Fanggang and his group, trying to explain and avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.

However, Zhao Fanggang’s enthusiasm was hard to resist, and he even suggested going to Ji Yuheng’s home for the celebration, which put Ji Yuheng in a difficult position. Realizing the situation, Tu Xiaoning decided to go home first to tidy up and avoid being discovered. She hurriedly hid her personal items and anxiously awaited Ji Yuheng’s message. Meanwhile, Ji Yuheng intentionally delayed at the supermarket to give Tu Xiaoning more time to prepare.

As the time for the gathering approached, Tu Xiaoning’s heart raced, and she was almost racing against time to finish everything. When Ji Yuheng eventually had to face Zhao Fanggang and his insistence, he cleverly opened the door to their home while Tu Xiaoning quickly hid in a room, holding her breath. At that moment, the air was filled with tension and anticipation, and their mutual understanding and affection were deeply reflected in this sudden challenge.

While Zhao Fanggang was enjoying his bath, he accidentally found a long hair in the bathroom, joking about Ji Yuheng having a “beautiful woman” at home. Ji Yuheng quickly smoothed things over to ease the awkwardness. Rao Jing noticed this and stopped Zhao Fanggang from continuing his speculations, urging him to apologize to Ji Yuheng. Later, Zhao Fanggang enthusiastically suggested that Ji Yuheng invite friends to celebrate his birthday, but Ji Yuheng politely declined.

Meanwhile, Tu Xiaoning was still waiting in hiding. After staying in the same position for a long time, her legs had gone numb, and she almost lost her balance when standing up. Ji Yuheng, seizing the opportunity while changing clothes, quietly came to the room and found Tu Xiaoning hiding. They exchanged glances, very close to each other, and Tu Xiaoning shyly looked down.

She quickly slipped out of the room while Zhao Fanggang wasn’t paying attention, pretending to have just arrived from outside. Their coordinated efforts successfully avoided Zhao Fanggang’s notice. As night fell, everyone gathered around to enjoy hot pot, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere. Colleagues apologized to Ji Yuheng, expressing regret for their past prejudices. Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing continued their playful bickering, adding some fun to the gathering.

During this time, Zhao Fanggang also gossiped about Tu Xiaoning, and another colleague revealed that Ji Yuheng would soon have a new colleague joining the team. While searching through items, a colleague inadvertently discovered a gift Ji Yuheng had prepared for Tu Xiaoning. Ji Yuheng generously shared this gesture with everyone.

After the party, Tu Xiaoning left Ji Yuheng’s house with the other colleagues but felt jealous due to a misunderstanding that Ji Yuheng might have a "white moonlight" in his heart. She decided not to return home and confided her feelings to her friend Ling Weiyi. Unexpectedly, she learned that Ling Weiyi had reconciled with Qi Yu.

It turned out that Qi Yu had repaired a light bulb at Ling Weiyi’s home a few days ago, and his revealed abs had captivated her. Although there were minor issues, they eventually found their way back to each other. Qi Yu accidentally left his ID at Ling Weiyi’s home, and she learned his dormitory address through the front desk. When returning his ID, she found that Qi Yu still kept their past belongings, which stirred her emotions.

Ling Weiyi suggested that Qi Yu move to a place near her company for mutual support, but Qi Yu gently declined, as he was quietly working hard towards his dream of re-taking the civil service exam. Ling Weiyi was touched by Qi Yu’s persistence and decided to support him quietly. Back at home, Tu Xiaoning found Ji Yuheng washing the dishes.

She curiously asked why he hadn’t told her it was his birthday and whether he had someone else he wanted to spend the day with. Ji Yuheng explained that he hadn’t celebrated his birthday for years since his mother fell ill. Tu Xiaoning mistakenly thought Ji Yuheng had a "white moonlight" in his heart, not realizing it was actually her. Ji Yuheng said he didn’t need any other gifts because Tu Xiaoning was already his most precious presence.

The next day, Ji Yuheng introduced his new colleague Tang Yuhui to everyone and revealed that he was her senior, causing a stir of gossip in the office. Tang Yuhui came from a wealthy family, and colleagues speculated that she might be Ji Yuheng’s “white moonlight,” which made Tu Xiaoning uncomfortable, leading her to leave the scene quietly.


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