2024 Chinese Drama List

You Are My Secret Episode 13 Recap

> You Are My Secret
> You Are My Secret Recap

Ji Yuheng noticed Tu Xiaoning coughing and immediately asked with concern, but Tu Xiaoning quickly assured him that it was nothing. Tang Yuhui, who was nearby, felt a mix of emotions. Back in the office, Ji Yuheng called Tu Xiaoning's mother to inquire about her dietary preferences when she has a cold. Upon learning that Tu Xiaoning loves steamed oranges, he prepared them himself, which brought Tu Xiaoning great joy.

Ji Yuheng also kindly checked her temperature, causing Tu Xiaoning's cheeks to flush with shyness. Qi Yu and Ling Weiyi enjoyed a warm, though ordinary, bike ride at night. Ling Weiyi was immersed in the joy of their reunion and looked forward to the future with anticipation. Qi Yu thoughtfully hinted at a New Year's surprise for her. Meanwhile, with Tu Xiaoning's exam approaching, the encouragement from family and friends warmed her heart.

Ling Weiyi even teased her about her relationship with Ji Yuheng, and Ji Yuheng's sudden appearance made Tu Xiaoning blush. She pretended to be asleep to hide her embarrassment, while Ji Yuheng gently kissed her, allowing her to rest peacefully. Every morning, Ji Yuheng was Tu Xiaoning's most steadfast support, escorting her to the corner and filling her with positive energy. Soon, Tu Xiaoning faced her crucial probation exam.

She walked into the exam room with confidence, while Ji Yuheng had arranged a celebration dinner at a favorite restaurant. Although Tu Xiaoning was concerned about the cost, Ji Yuheng had already thoughtfully ordered the dishes, so she didn't have to worry. At the dinner table, Tu Xiaoning felt confident about passing and the evening was filled with sweetness and anticipation. Meanwhile, Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing's playful interactions before leaving work added a touch of fun to the day.

The two families gathered together, enjoying a warm dinner. Ji Yuheng's mother happily mentioned that since her son fell in love with Tu Xiaoning, their home had been filled with unprecedented vitality and laughter. Tu Xiaoning's mother enthusiastically invited the in-laws to move in with them, hoping they could enjoy their time together.

During the meal, Tu Xiaoning mentioned that if she passed the exam, she would increase the bet agreement to 20%, reflecting her expectations and confidence for the future. However, just as Ji Yuheng was about to share his feelings with Tu Xiaoning, Ling Weiyi's phone rang at an opportune moment, interrupting the warm atmosphere. Ji Yuheng reluctantly stepped away to answer the call in the restroom.

On the phone, Ling Weiyi excitedly speculated that Ji Yuheng might be preparing a proposal for Tu Xiaoning, while Tu Xiaoning, mistaking a violin melody for Ji Yuheng's elaborate surprise, felt a tinge of disappointment when she realized it was actually a proposal happening at a neighboring table. Afterward, Ji Yuheng brought out a cake and invited Tu Xiaoning to cut it.

Tu Xiaoning hoped there was a special surprise hidden in the cake, like a ring, and cut it with great care. Meanwhile, Qi Yu and Ling Weiyi watched the sunset together. Qi Yu remembered Ling Weiyi's love for sunrises, sunsets, and starry skies and took her to witness the most beautiful sunset. Ling Weiyi was moved and gave him a heartfelt kiss, considering it the most precious gift she had received.

After dinner, Ji Yuheng finally found a chance to be alone with Tu Xiaoning, but what he said was not the confession she had hoped for but rather trivial matters, leaving her a bit disappointed. Meanwhile, Rao Jing, witnessing couples enjoying themselves at the party, felt particularly lonely and eventually gave up her seat to others. Zhao Fanggang accidentally witnessed this, giving him a deeper understanding of Rao Jing. Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng spent their first New Year's Eve together.

Ji Yuheng admitted that he had often been alone in the past and boldly expressed his feelings for Tu Xiaoning. Tu Xiaoning, masking her joy with jokes, finally responded with a deep kiss when Ji Yuheng whispered in her ear. Tu Xiaoning was curious about when Ji Yuheng's feelings had started, and it turned out he had been planning many romantic gestures but they had not gone as intended due to various coincidences.

Ultimately, their embrace spoke more than a thousand words, full of love. The next day, Ling Weiyi called to ask about the New Year's Eve details. Tu Xiaoning, immersed in the joy of finding out she had passed her exam, was thrilled. However, Tang Yuhui's sarcastic comments resurfaced, reminding Tu Xiaoning that the road ahead was still long and that there was more work to be done from client development to disbursement. But Tu Xiaoning was confident and ready to face the new challenges ahead.

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