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You Are My Secret Episode 23 Recap

> You Are My Secret
> You Are My Secret Recap

After the successful conclusion of the press conference, the famous host was attracted to the exquisite glass products and wanted to purchase them. However, he encountered difficulties during payment, becoming quite anxious. Tu Xiaoning noticed the situation and kindly offered to help. After checking the card and explaining the issue, she generously covered the cost for him. The host, grateful, took the initiative to add Tu Xiaoning on WeChat, and this marked the beginning of their connection.

When Ji Yuheng and Zhao Fanggang shared a ride, Zhao Fanggang unexpectedly found a rubber band in the passenger seat. This discovery raised his suspicions, as it seemed that a woman might have previously ridden in Ji Yuheng’s car. To ease the awkwardness, Ji Yuheng skillfully changed the topic and jokingly mentioned Zhao Fanggang’s feelings for Rao Jing.

Back at the office, Zhao Fanggang could not shake his thoughts about the rubber band and even recalled that Tu Xiaoning had a similar one, leading him to speculate privately. Seeing this, Tu Xiaoning quickly clarified that such rubber bands were very common and many people might have them. Soon, the company’s group photo was released, and colleagues gathered to view it.

Some joked that Tu Xiaoning and Ji Yuheng standing together looked like a wedding photo, creating a slightly awkward atmosphere. Seeing this, Tang Yuhui quickly intervened, stating that there was no resemblance, deftly diffusing the tension. Meanwhile, Ling Weiyi felt dissatisfied because Qi Yu had refused the gift she gave him, and she vented her frustrations to Tu Xiaoning.

Qi Yu had found the gift too expensive and did not want to rely on Ling Weiyi’s family’s financial support; he wanted to provide a better future for Ling Weiyi through his own efforts. Upon learning the truth, Ling Weiyi was deeply moved, and they quickly reconciled and restored their relationship. Zhao Fanggang worked late into the night and accidentally discovered Rao Jing’s lost work ID.

Concerned, he called Rao Jing only to find that she was so drunk she couldn’t even open her front door. Zhao Fanggang rushed to her home and learned that her house had been burglarized. Although she was unharmed, she was still shaken. Despite Rao Jing’s worries and concerns, Zhao Fanggang chose to silently stay by her side, offering warmth and comfort.

Under the influence of alcohol, Rao Jing confided in Zhao Fanggang about her uncertainties and fears regarding their future relationship. She was afraid of not being able to turn back once things started and did not want to lose this precious friendship. However, driven by emotion, Rao Jing ended up kissing Zhao Fanggang, and then fell into a deep sleep. Zhao Fanggang carefully took care of her, feeling a mix of emotions.

At the same time, Ji Yuheng was struggling with the upcoming project collaboration with General Manager Xia. Several banks were eyeing the project, and the competition was fierce. Tu Xiaoning encouraged Ji Yuheng to remain calm and believe that they could find a breakthrough. While waiting at a traffic light, they embraced each other impulsively, and this moment was accidentally witnessed by Tang Yuhui.

Tang Yuhui felt stirred and began to doubt whether Tu Xiaoning’s feelings for Ji Yuheng were genuinely formed over time. Rao Jing seemed to have forgotten about last night’s events, but in reality, she was fully aware and was intentionally teasing Zhao Fanggang, making him feel both helpless and amused. In the office, Tang Yuhui suddenly launched an attack on Tu Xiaoning, with remarks that carried a pointed tone, leaving Tu Xiaoning confused.

Tang Yuhui even planned to report the issue to the president, just as Ji Yuheng was presenting his work to the president. Tang Yuhui, who was well-versed in Ji Yuheng’s project plan, devised a plan to use her connections to secure more opportunities for Ji Yuheng, while also taking the chance to speak ill of Tu Xiaoning in front of him. At this moment, Rao Jing appeared and brought Zhao Fanggang to defend Tu Xiaoning, which made the situation quite delicate.

Ji Yuheng learned that he would need to travel for business over the weekend and thoughtfully booked a flight ticket for Tu Xiaoning. Later, Ji Yuheng and Tang Yuhui visited key figure Teacher Jia, who showed great interest in the project and was willing to act as a financial advisor. However, when the topic of Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning’s rumored relationship came up, Teacher Jia seemed somewhat displeased.

Ji Yuheng intended to clarify the misunderstanding but was interrupted by Tang Yuhui’s ambiguous remarks, making the situation even more confusing.

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