2024 Chinese Drama List

You Are My Secret Episode 26 Recap

> You Are My Secret
> You Are My Secret Recap

Tu Xiaoning could not tolerate Tang Yuhui's public confession to Ji Yuheng and was about to react angrily when she unexpectedly overheard their argument. Tang Yuhui, relying on her resources, threatened Ji Yuheng, claiming that without her, he would not have achieved his current success. Ji Yuheng firmly refuted this, emphasizing that his achievements were all his own doing. Despite Tang Yuhui's demands and threats of resignation, Ji Yuheng remained resolute in his refusal.

Tang Yuhui was convinced that Ji Yuheng's gaze when he first met her revealed his sincerity, believing him to be her destined partner. However, Ji Yuheng was blunt, stating that he had never had any improper thoughts about her and advised her to move on. Unwilling to accept this, Tang Yuhui attempted to undermine Tu Xiaoning, trying to sway Ji Yuheng's feelings.

At this moment, Tu Xiaoning bravely stepped forward, and Ji Yuheng unhesitatingly took her hand, making their relationship public. Ji Yuheng lovingly told Tu Xiaoning that he had fallen for her at first sight, and his feelings had never changed. They left together, leaving Tang Yuhui heartbroken. Back in their room, Ji Yuheng celebrated Tu Xiaoning’s birthday again, and the romantic atmosphere deeply touched Tu Xiaoning.

She was amazed by Ji Yuheng’s first sight love and grateful for his willingness to hide his feelings to avoid rejection. In the flickering candlelight, Tu Xiaoning made a wish, and at the moment she closed her eyes, Ji Yuheng gently kissed her lips. They embraced tightly, immersed in each other's love. At this moment, they deeply experienced the sweetness and beauty of love and were even more determined to face the future together.

Zhao Fanggang was immersed in the joy of gathering with colleagues, with singing and the aroma of wine filling the night. Rao Jing waited patiently by the side, her eyes showing a hint of complexity. When Zhao Fanggang apologized, mistakenly thinking she was upset about the day’s events, Rao Jing merely shook her head gently, indicating he should rest. At this moment, Tang Yuhui’s sudden arrival broke the tranquility.

She tried to invite Rao Jing to drink with her but was declined. Tang Yuhui began to recount her first meeting with Ji Yuheng, her obsession flowing through her words. However, upon learning that Ji Yuheng’s heart was always with Tu Xiaoning, she felt as though she had been struck by a heavy blow, finally waking from her dream. Rao Jing looked at her with sympathy, offering comfort and believing that someone would cherish her goodness.

Meanwhile, the affection between Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning was tender. He gifted her an exquisite watch, and Tu Xiaoning returned the gesture with a watch of the same brand, their mutual understanding and sweetness were evident. Ji Yuheng’s bet agreement was successfully completed, while Tu Xiaoning’s still required effort. Although he offered to help, Tu Xiaoning chose to face the challenges independently. Tu Xiaoning was sent to work by Ji Yuheng, showcasing his meticulous care.

After much struggle, Tang Yuhui decided to resign, finally letting go of her obsession with Ji Yuheng and finding inner peace. It turned out that Ji Yuheng’s previous misunderstanding was due to mistaking Tang Yuhui for Tu Xiaoning. Rao Jing received unexpected news at the hospital—she was pregnant. This news brought both surprise and concern. She worried that Zhao Fanggang would become entangled if he found out and was anxious about how her decision might affect their future.

At the company, gossip about Ji Yuheng and a mysterious woman resurfaced. Although Tu Xiaoning felt awkward, she made an effort to remain calm, understanding the need for caution at critical moments. She decided to switch to the subway to avoid unnecessary trouble starting the next day. Ji Yuheng gently comforted her, advising her not to worry too much about others' opinions. Zhao Fanggang noticed Rao Jing’s unusual behavior and was filled with confusion and unease.

Despite Rao Jing’s repeated cold treatment, he continued to prepare meals for her, secretly hoping to be a good father. However, whenever he tried to get closer, Rao Jing became more irritable due to the gossip about Ji Yuheng’s fiancée. Tu Xiaoning witnessed a family drama at the company when General Manager Xing’s wife mistakenly took Rao Jing for a mistress, leading to a misunderstanding. Zhao Fanggang stepped forward to firmly defend Rao Jing, publicly acknowledging their relationship.

After learning about this, Ji Yuheng had a deep conversation with Zhao Fanggang, who decided to leave for Rao Jing’s future. During their farewell, Zhao Fanggang selflessly transferred all client resources to Rao Jing, demonstrating his deep affection and responsibility. Rao Jing finally gathered the courage to reveal her pregnancy to Zhao Fanggang. At this moment, their hearts were closely connected by love, ready to face future challenges together.

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