2024 Chinese Drama List

You Are My Secret Episode 5 Recap

> You Are My Secret
> You Are My Secret Recap

Ji Yuheng, now in a position of great authority, faced a delay issue at his first meeting. Instead of showing anger, he used the meeting’s conclusion to deliver a subtle warning, demonstrating his leadership style of commanding respect without overt hostility. As night fell and he returned to the warmth of home, Ji Yuheng and Tu Xiaoning rekindled their sweet daily routine as a married couple.

Tu Xiaoning joked about the minor scares she had experienced in the office earlier, and they established a small understanding about dividing household chores. This not only strengthened their relationship but also cleverly avoided prying eyes from the outside. When Tu Xiaoning mentioned discomfort with her shoes, Ji Yuheng quietly adjusted them for her, showing his tender care.

While Tu Xiaoning was washing dishes in the kitchen, she struggled due to the height of the cabinets and had to stand on tiptoe. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng silently approached from behind and gently took over the task. Unexpectedly, Tu Xiaoning turned around suddenly, and their lips accidentally brushed together, creating a moment of awkwardness mixed with sweetness. They quickly separated, exchanged a smile, and chose to ignore the unexpected kiss, resuming their tasks.

The next day, Tu Xiaoning shared the incident with her friend Ling Weiyi, who encouraged her to seize the opportunity and advance their relationship. Meanwhile, Ji Yuheng issued a notice in the work group, requiring all members to attend a meeting at 1 p. m. sharp. At the meeting, he strictly demanded that each member set clear goals, specifically challenging Zhao Fanggang to add one new private enterprise each month.

Despite Zhao Fanggang’s inner dissatisfaction, he had no choice but to accept silently. For Tu Xiaoning, Ji Yuheng set a stricter requirement: to complete all probation assessments within three months. This was both a test for her and a reflection of his principle of treating everyone equally. Although Tu Xiaoning felt pressured, she understood it was a necessary path for growth.

An anxious man attempted to force his way into the loan department but was politely stopped by Ling Weiyi due to the lack of a direct contact person. Desperate, the man took advantage of a brief moment during the door card verification to barge into the office area and headed straight for the first expansion department. Out of control, he even brandished a sharp dagger, threatening everyone present. At that moment, Tu Xiaoning was hurrying from the restroom.

Confronted with this sudden crisis, she quickly adjusted her mindset and tried to calm the man’s agitation. The man tearfully accused himself of being in a predicament due to a loan taken for a matchmaking service. After transferring money to the woman introduced by the service, he had lost contact, and now the bank was pursuing him for repayment, leaving him with no way out.

Desperate, he held the knife to his neck, demanding the bank immediately cancel his loan account. Ji Yuheng witnessed this scene and calmly directed Tu Xiaoning to cooperate. As the man was entering his facial information, Ji Yuheng took decisive action and successfully disarmed him. However, the unstable man still tried to retaliate, and the dagger cut Ji Yuheng’s arm, blood quickly staining his sleeve. Tu Xiaoning was frantic and rushed Ji Yuheng to the hospital.

While anxiously waiting outside the hospital, she took advantage of the doctor's departure to sneak into the ward, only to unexpectedly run into Rao Jing and Zhao Fanggang who arrived shortly after. In a moment of urgency, she quickly hid behind Ji Yuheng, using the curtain as cover to avoid being seen. Afterward, Tu Xiaoning took Rao Jing's car back to the company. Along the way, Rao Jing reminded her again to stay safe.

Ji Yuheng, understanding the seriousness of the matter, assigned the investigation task to Zhao Fanggang. Initially hesitant, Zhao Fanggang realized the potential consequences if the headquarters learned of the situation, and thus, took the matter seriously. Meanwhile, Rao Jing also planned to address the matchmaking loan issue, aiming to make a good impression on the leadership. At the entrance of Qianli Yuan Company, Zhao Fanggang and Rao Jing unexpectedly met and found they had the same goal, quickly teaming up.

Upon entering the company, Tu Xiaoning cleverly avoided any awkward situations that might reveal her relationship with Ji Yuheng and took the opportunity to remove a photo mistakenly believed to be their "wedding photo," feeling a mix of emotions. After returning to the company, Ji Yuheng not only supported Zhao Fanggang’s work abilities but also valued his potential in the expansion department. Zhao Fanggang lived up to expectations, having obtained crucial evidence regarding the matchmaking loan and secretly taking photos.

Meanwhile, Rao Jing also smartly recorded key conversations. Both sides had their respective advantages and were evenly matched. Unexpectedly, Rao Jing had a “puppy” boyfriend, and after handling her official duties, she hurried off to enjoy some private time. Back at home, Tu Xiaoning immediately mentioned the photo incident at Qianli Yuan to Ji Yuheng, feeling slightly embarrassed. At this moment, Ji Yuheng, hindered by his hand injury, was unable to move freely.

Tu Xiaoning, although intending to help, mistakenly thought he had ulterior motives and quickly made an excuse to leave. Later, Tu Xiaoning arranged a workout with Ling Weiyi, who spoke highly of Ji Yuheng, leaving Tu Xiaoning with mixed feelings. As night fell, Tu Xiaoning encountered Ji Yuheng waiting at her doorstep. Concerned for her safety, he had stayed there, keeping watch. They walked together, and Tu Xiaoning reflected on the day's events.

In the evening, she shared her feelings of being protected on social media. Seeing this, Ji Yuheng couldn’t help but smile gently, and their relationship subtly drew closer.

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