2025 Chinese Drama List

“Youth With You 3” Third Elimination Rankings

Youth With You season 3
  1. Tony Yu
  2. Luo Yizhou
  3. Lian Huaiwei
  4. Jojo Tang
  5. Kachine
  6. Neil
  7. Sun Yihang
  8. X(Duan Xingxing)C
  9. Chase Lee
  10. Waston
  11. Jerome.D
  12. Lun Liu
  13. Jacky
  14. Liang Sen
  15. Li Junhao
  16. Nemo
  17. Xu Ziwei
  18. He Derui
  19. Yang Haoming
  20. Krystian
  21. Crayon
  22. Jiang Jingzuo
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  1. I feel like this season voting or should I say ranking is not so realistic as it should be like, since this group will be the best group in this year because it’s a group that the people really wanted but I don’t agree with the ranking because in my opinion people should vote for someone who will really represent youth with you 3 not because his funny or wealthy but because his a total package and will be suitable in a group.I think the trainee that should debut are Tony, Yizhou, Huaiwei, Kachine, Sun Yihang, Neil, X , Lui Jun and Liang Sen because they are the total package in this season and I think they will be the best group this year in China ..compare to having JoJo and Jerome…

  2. I really want Neil and X to debut cos I have seen their potential and how far they can cross their limits hope they will be debuted

  3. Imagine AK from the Into1 group battling JoJo onstage. AK will probably “diss” him out of the stage! JoJo’s talents lie in variety shows and being the brains. He is not suited for idol life. I don’t hate him as a person, but him in the debut group actually drag the whole group down. The same with the other N trainees in the top 20. If waston, Jacky and Jerome debuts too based on votes alone, this group will be laughing stock.

    1. you just haven’t seen the potential in them but they are all amazing. do not compare both groups of the two programs ’cause they are not the same and does not have the same trainees. companies have sent trainees in both programs so, doesn’t matter on who will debut or continue auditioning on the shows cause they are all talented.

  4. Honestly, this season’s ranking is messed up..My pick for the final 9 is Tony (center), Yizhou, X, Neil, Kachine, Hwaiwei, Watson, Ziwei, and Haoming. Lots of them can sing really well but I feel they need a main vocalist and is weak in rap. I’m seriously so upset about how low Haoming is, he is literally one of the last good rappers left. And as for Ziwei, his vocals are the only potential I see as a main. The others like Tony and Neil are actually really good but I feel Ziwei will complete it. I’m sad Siyuan got eliminated, he caught my eye from the first episode with his rap 🙁 and Drrchen was an all-rounder, I can’t believe he got eliminated too. For Watson, he is a bit weaker as well as Jojo but I just wish he debuts with them.

  5. We cannot change the past, but we can change there future. I understand that people don’t like certain artists because of their talent and the rankings that they placed, but there is nothing we can’t do. Complaining about isn’t going to do anything, but we can try our best to vote for the people that we enjoy watching and listening to. There could be unexpected results. Nothing is certain until the end. By saying these negative comments, we are creating a form of bullying and it can really bring down the artists’ self-esteem. I know it is your own opinion, but try to be thoughtful about what the other perspectives. Some people may not be as talented, but the amount of effort they put in outweighs the talent they have. Would you rather have a person who is good, but has a terrible attitude, or someone who isn’t as good, but is a hard worker? I am not saying that these artists have a bad attitude, but I think that we should just be mindful. We can only vote for one person if we are a regular member, so let’s try our best and don’t give up easily.

    1. To answer your question, I’d rather have someone who is talented, has a good attitude and is a hard worker. That’s literally everyone else in top 35 compared to Jojo except for maybe Watson, Jacky and Jerome D. The question you’re asking doesn’t make sense in this situation because literally they’re all hardworking with good personalities. Jojo has been doing this for long? Compare it to Jiang Jingzuo who’s dedicated years to this and even had the courage to come back to a show he was eliminated from. Crayon who didn’t even bother talking about himself and thanking Lou Yizhou. Jojo was complaining about being #5 forever and how he’s so glad he’s #4 now while there are people sitting across from him getting their dreams canceled. You really call that a good attitude? I think there’s a time and place to say that kind of stuff and it’s not when people are getting eliminated.

  6. comparing this show to the first show Idol Producer in year 2018, this show has no standard of producing truly qualified Idol. Still remember episode 1, one of the reporters asked the candidate if this show standard is that low, that no talent also come to join. Not sure how Liang Sen and Jun Liu felt, probably regret joining a show with no proper quality process to choose their Idol. I am sure I will not watch IQiyi talent show next year.

    1. This show contestants with no skill has used Liu Jun as stepping stone to get to their place, do they ever felt they deserved it? or even if they debut after the show, they will ask Liu Jun lao si to teach him after debut !? Even surprise is those so called mentors also asked Liu Jun to contribute more for those contestants but Liu Jun is no different than them as contestant, right? I felt so pity for Liu Jun and I think Lay Zhang act better mentor than this term.

    2. I totally agree with you. The first show Idol Producer was all about talent. Some amazing trainees was selected.
      This show is all about popularity, and some of the ppl in the top 9 doesn’t have talent.
      Ppl might have think G.G was trolling when he told them that the people on the top 9 have no Talent. But it was the truth

  7. The moment I watched the Third Elimination and found out the result I feel like I don’t like it anymore 🙁 But good thing Lian is still there, he’s the main reason why I like this show.
    But I really hope Jun Liu, Liang Sen will debut. Pleaseeeeeeee.

  8. Anyone thinks Liu Jun and Liang Sen should be in the Top 9? Please vote for them. That’s what we can do for them. Each and every vote is important. Blinks, please vote for Liu Jun. He deserves it!!!

  9. top 9 has nth to do with vocal? i just don understand !! why people only have eyes on dance prof. how about vocalist? i mean jeremy, xu ziwei, and jason.k many other great vocals are not in debut line!! boygroup must have at least 1 main vocal common people vote for vocalist remaining !! though i love all of top 9 trainees…

    1. Tony is also a vocalist also Neil, how ever I’m agree that some of the tops don’t deserve their rankings

      1. trainees at the bottom are much more deserving than jojo who is at the top4

        1. exactly. he was so inconsiderate when he kept saying how happy he was he’s no longer #5, when there are many talented people getting eliminated. I’m so glad Zhang Siyuan said what he said. He’s right. A lot of them in top 20 can’t dance, sing, or rap. I won’t name names since I don’t want their fandom to come after me. I like most of them as people, I just think maybe save these for the kids with real talent. The show is a joke at this point.

  10. I stopped watching after they showed the result of the first ranking. Anyone from Class N don’t deserve to debut. I’m glad X got in this time. Maybe I’ll start watching again.

    1. I hear you. I think if you don’t make it out of N class by the theme song evaluation, you should be eliminated. N is just a nice way of saying F. If you get an F for your own season’s theme song, bye bye!

  11. I am not in favor of the rankings in this youth with you season 3. Many trainees deserve to be on top but rather they dropped out of rankings or getting eliminated.

  12. Other trainees deserve to get many votes too. People are being too biased. They should also appreciate those trainees who performs with mellow/slow genre. People are too focused on those performances that are explosive and upbeat. Even though some performances doesn’t require much dancing, they can still get a vote through their singing.

  13. Now that Liu Jun and Liang Sen is out, so am I with Youth with You 3. Good luck to the rest. I know Liu Jun and Liang Sen is better off else where as they can shine everywhere.

    1. I totally agree like what the heck I loved those two, they are so talented and likeable?

  14. Yea but why Jerome D is here and rank even higher. Very surprised. I’ll definitely miss Kingston, Drcchen, Jiang Jingzuo, Jeremy, Yuta and GG Siyuan.

    1. Yeah we feel the same about Jerome D. Drcchen and Jeremy deserve the spot huhuhuhu

  15. Everyone slept on good rappers this year. The most recent episode showed that drrchen had such incredible talent not just as a rapper but as a vocal (which he didn’t really get to show off until recently).

    1. Yes!! Like when he voiced why he believed he was doing well but not high in ranking I felt so bad. He was so talented too

    2. I was like Lisa.. I didn’t realize Drrchen was a vocal! He’s such a good rapper! I think his dancing is also at an acceptable level to debut. While we have some nice trainees but awful at singing, dancing, and rapping in top 20.

  16. I like Jojo because of his personality. But his talents not really! Why is the result like this?! Maybe because he’s famous? But I hope they will choose those who are more talented not just the physical look.

      1. Exactly idk what’s the purpose of their class N if the votes are just the same as for Class A, B, and C. There are some top trainees who aren’t deserving. I think G.G. was right when he said those who are on top aren’t deserving to be there.

  17. O.M.G I’m very happy that Lian finally got third place again. But at the same time sad because Jun Liu’s ranking really went down. It’s very unfair he’s very talented, why can’t they see that?

  18. Why do i feel like rankings are not fair in this season. I amreally disappointed with this season. I feel like chuang2021 is much better this year. Jojo doesnt deserve to be in top9 Liu Jun should in top rankings. I feel like Tony is good but many Trainees are better than him. Jiang Jingzuo and krystian also deserve good ranking. It is getting frustrating this year really.

    1. I agree with the idea of the ranking being weird. But I dont think liu jun should be in the top 9. on raw technique and talent when dancing he is the top. but he’s lacking in some other ways; relating to the audience. he seems like he doesn’t belong sometimes. Totally talented. but any time he dances with a group they seem more like background dancers

      1. Goes to show who Liu Jun is. I believe he makes a group look better than they are for example the bamboo group. So many weak trainees but he worked his magic and got a great performance out of them. Not even these top mentors could do what he does. I disagree, yes he is the best dancer I’ve probably seen in a long time but he tries his best to dumb down his abilities. He wants to be in a group he was in a group back in Malaysia.. he was always a front man but he really enjoyed being in a group.

  19. Jerome D. and Jojo hasn’t shown much or any improvement throughout their performances… I hope this ranking is not accurate. I’m sad to see Jun Liu and Liang Sen’s ranking drop

    1. Yeah I agree! Liu Jun and Liang Sen deserve to be in top 9. Jojo has a good personality, but when it comes to performance, he’s not that good as other people. I hope that Liu Jun and Liang Sen make it to top 9 ??

    2. Yes!! All the former N class haven’t improved much in my opinion. But here there are, with all their fanbases blindly voting for them. Jojo was really popular from a variety show even before this. Watson and Nemo were on tv shows. Jerome D. only caught attention because of his beauty. I actually quite like his personality. He seems cold and aloof, but actually very warm hearted.

  20. Damn. I want to switch out Jojo and Chase, and replace them with Jun Liu & Liang Sen. that’d be my top 9

    1. Yup! I agree, but to be honest, idk for Chase, cuz he’s pretty good. But I just want Liu Jun and Liang Sen to make it to top 9

    2. i agree with you on jojo but i think chase is okay to be in the top9, since he’s pretty great and also, there aren’t much rappers left sooo ;w;

  21. I think Jiang Jingzuo, Kingston, Crayon and BoogieFish deserved to be in the top 20 (TT^TT) they are very talented and a really hard-working people…
    Plus: Am I the only person who doesn’t want JoJo to be in the final group? Don’t get me worng, the guy is kinda good but he still has a lot to learn in my opinion, I don’t understand why N class trainees are in 9th, 10th and 11th place… unlike some other trainees (like Li Junghao), I don’t think Jojo, Waston or Jerome D. had made much improvement…

    1. No! You’re totally right! I’m sick and tired of hearing they improved so much. Of course you improved when you started out as the worst. All three of them are still not good enough to be in a boy band. If they went through the traditional route as being a trainee, they would never actually debut based on their skill set. I think Jojo should stick with variety shows, Watson can do dramas, and Jerome D can do modeling. I don’t want Jojo to debut but looks like I have to come to terms with it since he has such a strong fan base. There are much more talented trainees that have worked hard longer that could use this opportunity more. If all 3 of them debut, I would think this is a joke and I’d rather my faves not be in the group.

    2. IKR! I think Jojo doesn’t really deserve top 9 in my opinion. Although he’s pretty good, and his personality is great, I feel Ike other people are better then him. Like Crayon, BoogieFish, Liu Jun, liang Sen, Jiang JingZuo.

      1. You’re so nice, you actually said Jojo is pretty good lol. I think he’s average at best. His vocals are probably his strongest skill set and they’re not that good. His rap was amateur. It looked particularly amateur in Domesticator when Zhang Siyuan rapped right after him. His dancing still looks awkward and no energy. I think he should stick with variety shows. He’s super funny and has a sharp tongue. Im definitely not following them if he debuts. I cannot watch anymore of Jojo trying to do hard dances or rap like he’s cool.